











オーストラリアで起きていることを見ましたよね。まだ目が覚めていないとう人は、オーストラリアで何の罪のない一般市民への暴力がまかり通っていることをBitChuteやRumbleなどで検索してみてください。すぐにでも目を覚さなければ、オーストラリアは敗北するでしょう。もし私達が今すぐにでも目覚めなければ、私達の未来はありません。(Vaccine Choice Canada, Action 4 Canada, canadiancovidcarealliance.org)





つまり実際にCovid19に感染することよりもこのmRNA 注射の方が危険だということです。なぜならmRNA注射によりスパイクタンパク質を血中のどこでも作る体にしてしまうからです。スパイクタンパク質が血中に入れば、本来各細胞に備わっているDNA修復の機能が止まります。



I believe everyone I see in front of me here is already opening their eyes to what’s happening around them.

But I also want this message to go out to people who’ve taken the vaccine and people who might not have opened their eyes

Up to the reality that’s happening around them. So this is a little speech that I was working on just to help people open their eyes.

So if social distancing works, if wearing a mask over your face works, if taking an experimental mRNA injection works, then everyone can wake up tomorrow and life would be back to normal.

But if taking this experimental injection doesn’t work, and there is a 4th wave and 5th wave then maybe even the 6th wave like we’re starting to see in countries that are far ahead of us than Canada, countries that went up to the 70% and even 80% injection rate amongst their populations. They are sicker than ever.

So it’s a job of every thinking person, every person who values their freedom every person who values their life to start asking questions, “why didn’t the vaccine work?” “How long did they know that the injections would not work?” “How long did they know about the side effects that would happen when injecting RNA into cells?” “How long did they know about the problems that would happen from tripping your own body to making abnormal non -human proteins called the Spike Protein?” These are questions everyone should ask. These are questions everyone should ask if you value your life, if you value your freedom because if we don’t get to the bottom of these questions on why we’re still wearing masks a year and a half, over a year and a half later why we’re still fed to a lie that social distancing works even though there was a 4th wave.

People need to open their eyes to the world around them because if you don’t open your eyes to what’s happening around you, your freedoms will be taking away, and if you are a student history you’ll realize after your freedoms get taken away then its your life. And it’s not enough to say well this doesn’t affect me so I’m not gonna worry about it. If that affects neighbour next door, if it affects people in another country like Australia, it’s going to affect you.

So how do you defeat tyranny? Fear never defeats tyranny. And we are starting to see tranny world wide. We’ve seen what happens in Australia. For those of you who haven’t woken up yet, go look up BitChute and Rumble videos to see what is happening to Australia, the violence, the on citizens, on innocent people. If we don’t wake up soon, Australians will be lost, if we don’t wake up soon, WE will be lost. ‘Who do we talk to?’ There is a number of organizations in Canada. There’s Vaccine choice Canada, there’s Action 4 Canada. Please everyone, look up the information online. There’s a whole of science out there. And canadiancovidcarealliance.org

please visit those sites. Please review the scientific materials on these websites. These are primary scientific documents by researchers who are interested in finding out the reality of the world we are living.

Did people wanna hear me talk about the latest article that came to my attention? There was a scientific article published on October 13 so this is just a little bit less than a month ago. It was examining Spike proteins and the effected had on DNA repair. Now in the previous video that I did earlier this week on Saturday for Prince Edward Island, I was speaking about the theoretical risks of cancer when taking an mRNA injection.

This information that came to my attention the day before yesterday is far worse. It’s already been proven how Spike Proteins stop the body’s natural DNA repair.

So anytime you have Spike Protein circulating in your blood, it is stopping your body from doing the normal and natural and DNA repair that your body does every day. This is proven October 13th DNA damage from Spike Proteins has been proven.

now I don’t want anyone to get scared and somehow think that this makes covid 19 more dangerous because if you get a natural covid 19 infection, and that infection stays in the mucosa of your nose that’s a skin that lines your nose, and in the surface epithelium of the lungs that’s the layer of the lungs that is in contact with air. The parts of your body that are in contact with outside world, your body replaces those cells every 30 to 90days. So that means if the cells on the outside of you get DNA damage from a natural covid infection, it doesn’t matter. Those cells are one in less than 3 months. So we don’t have to worry about getting cancer from a natural viral infection. However, if Covid 19 or the mRNA Spike Protein goes into the blood, once something is in the blood it has access to the cells that you rely on that you live with for the rest of your life, these are your forever cells. These are cells that live 10 years, 20 years, 50 years. If you make it to a 100, some of these cells live 80 years. If you do DNA damage to one of the long live cells in your bodies so as your immune system, the neuron of your nerve system, the stem cells, the bone marrow, then the chances of cancer are extreme because these cells live for years.

And even if it’s just 1 small DNA mutation that goes unrepair then that can later turn into a cancer.

So worse than actually getting covid 19 is taking this mRNA injection because you are taking an mRNA injection that takes the body into making Spike Proteins everywhere in the blood. When Spikes Proteins are in your blood, they stop the DNA repair machinery that’s in every cell of your body.

I want people to not just take my word for it, I want people to look up the molecular biology and cellular biology. The articles are all there. Please educate yourself. Thank you very much.





