2020年東大入試問題・英語1(A) 解答解説和訳速報
1(A) 以下の英文は, 高齢者にやさしい(age-friendly)町づくりを促進するため の世界的な取り組みについて論じたものである。この文章の内容を70~80 字の日本語で要約せよ。句読点も字数に含める。
The age-friendly community movement has emerged as a powerful response to the rapidly growing aging population. Although definitions of “age-friendly community" vary, reflecting multiple approaches and methods, many models highlight the importance of strengthening social ties and promote a vision that takes into account all ages. For example, Kofi Annan, who served as the seventh Secretary-General of the United Nation, declared in the opening speech at the UN International Conference on Aging in 1999, “A Society for All Ages embraces every generation. It is not fragmented, with youths, adults, and older persons going their separate ways. Rather, it is age-inclusive, with different generations recognizing and acting upon their common interests.”
The World Health Organization and other international organizations further articulate this premise by defining aging as a lifelong process: "We are all aging at any moment in our life and we should all have the opportunity to do so in a healthy and active way. To safeguard the highest possible quality of life in older age, WHO endorses the approach of investing in factors which influence health throughout the life course.”
In practice, however, the age-friendly community movement has focused primarily upon the needs and interests of older adults and their caregivers and service providers. In doing so, it has failed to gather enough data from youth and families about what produces good living conditions in a city or about opportunities for and barriers against working together with older adults.
What accounts for this gap between vision and practice? One answer may lie in the common assumption of the age-friendly community movement that what is good for older adults is good for everyone. In other words, if the age-friendly movement succeeds in making communities suitable for older adults,those communities will then be suitable for all generations. While there are many shared interests among different generations, recent studies in the United States and Europe indicate that young adults and older adults differ in their voting patterns and attitudes more than at any time since the 1970s. These studies suggest that in order to fully understand what constitutes a city that is friendly to people at different stages of the aging process, it is critical to gather data from multiple generations about what makes a city good for both growing up and growing older.
これは、リード文にもあるようにThe age-friendly community movement「高齢者にやさしいコミュニティ運動」=「高齢者にやさしいコミュニティを促進するための世界的な取り組み」について書かれた文章である。
もちろん、こういった前提知識は必要ないが、「高齢化社会」というのは英文の頻出テーマの一つであり、どのような切り口から論じられていても対応するだけの経験値は欲しいところである。といっても、“age-friendly community"という語句自体、あまり聞き慣れないと思うので、1パラや2パラから、その定義を読み取り、それをまとめたくなるかもしれないが、1パラ第2文目にdefinitions of “age-friendly community" vary「『高齢者にやさしいコミュニティ』の定義は様々である」とあり、簡潔にまとめることは難しいだろう。むしろ、この取り組みに関して、どのような問題点が指摘されており、どのような改善点が提言されているのかがこの設問で求められていることだと判断できると良い。
その際、注目したいのは、3パラ1文目のIn practice, however,「しかし、実際には」である。これによって、この「高齢者にやさしい町づくり」の現実的問題が示されることが分かる。また、What accounts for this gap between vision and practice?「この目標と現実のギャップを説明するものは何だろうか?」によって、この後に現実的問題と目標を埋めるための解決策が提示されることが分かる。
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