Isabella Gasparini 2019(2)
Isabella auditioned for the Royal, Northern and English National Ballet. She took a contract with Northern Ballet as David Nixon was a Canadian which was how she heard of Northern Ballet. She really enjoyed being part of the company which at the time had about 40 dancers. They were in a very old, quite intimate building but coming out was a bit scary as it was difficult being on her own, taking care of herself and everything. Sometimes it felt like being at school as she was doing certain exercises every day. After a couple of years, they moved to a new building in the city centre which was a nice transition. They did long tours all over the country, would return to rehearse and then go away for eight weeks which she found quite tiring.
Isabella’s first ballet was Midsummer Night’s Dream but they also did Dracula, Hamlet, Peter Pan and Wuthering Heights amongst other works. Asked if it was different from what she’d done in Canada, as Northern is known for its dramatic pieces, Isabella said she’d never been part of the company in Canada though she’d done Sylphide and Swan Lake. She really wanted to do the big classical ballets which she missed at Northern where they didn’t invite other choreographers, performing mostly David’s works, so it became quite repetitive. She liked the dramatic side of his work and it taught her how to act. She danced Cecile in Dangerous Liaisons and did a Don Q pas de deux in a triple bill on a raked stage which wasn’t easy. Finally, she was with the company for almost six years. She had ambition and wanted to get to her goal of doing classical work with the Royal.
She auditioned a second time for Monica Mason and didn’t get in so asked at ENB but they didn’t have any contracts. However, they were preparing Swan Lake in-the-round and needed extra dancers so she did it, hoping to be given a full contract in the end. It was a great experience, and she had to learn so fast as she took every swan position. Working with Derek Deane was a bit scary but OK. She then auditioned for English Ballet Theatre and got a contract for three months. The company didn’t have a proper studio or facilities but it was fun and they did a gala in the Linbury. She emailed Monica again to ask her to watch the Linbury performance! She doesn’t know who actually saw her but hearing nothing she went home to Brazil.
From there she contacted Tamara Rojo again as she’d heard they had a lot of injuries and Tamara hired her for Nutcracker. A week later Isabella received an email from the Royal offering her a three-month contract to do Sleeping Beauty and Giselle. That was the season where they had only two friends and the Lilac Fairy was also one of the friends for some performances! Kevin suggested she join them after she’d done Sleeping Beauty and that was what happened.
About Isabella’s first experiences of being in the Company she said it’s really intense with the work load, the amount of shows and changing rep rather than doing the same thing for eight weeks which she was used to. The theatre is magical, on stage it is something else, but she feels they could enjoy it more if they weren’t so tired! She’s worked in so many places and there are always unexpected things you have to get used to and you do adapt. Her first named role in the Company was Clara (Nutcracker) which was a dream come true.
他のバレエ団にいたことが有利なことはある? -ほかではどのようにやっているか知らない人もいるけれど、完璧な場所はないからどこにいても気持ちをオープンにしておくことが大事だと思う。作品に集中しているときこそ、違う世界の一員であることも認識するようにしている。特にフリーだったときには生きているてことを感じるようにしていた。家族や友達と過ごすことも貴重な経験になるから。
Is it an advantage having been in other companies? She appreciates things here whereas some people might not know what it is like elsewhere. No-where’s perfect, so you need to be open minded. Sometimes when you are so focussed on work, she likes to remember she’s been part of another world particularly when she was freelancing and knows how it feels to be alive, being able to do different things, spend time with family and friends and this is a very good thing to have experienced.
If she gets upset at work she can think of this and knows there’s life outside her dance career. There are so many Royal Ballet highlights but hers are probably Clara, Patineurs and Crystal Pite. Romany did Patineursat school but not in the Company. For Isabella it was a challenge but it was good. She’s always nervous about fouettés so doing them by herself on stage was her biggest obstacle but once you’ve done it you feel you’ve overcome a big hurdle. Apart from that, the ballet is so enjoyable to do so she tries not to think about the things which make her nervous and just go with the music.
As for Clara, Isabella said she enjoys being a kid on stage and it comes naturally to her. For some dancers it’s hard work to be so alive all the time but she enjoys exploring the child’s world. It’s a role with two very different parts, first the acting and then the dancing. It’s a long first act but you learn how to pace yourself and she tries to bring acting into the dancing as well so the story continues seamlessly.
舞台上でどうやって笑わないようにしているの? -物語性のあるバレエであればシリアスになるようにしていた。モニカ・メイソンはあまり歯を出して笑わないようにと言ってたわ
Questions for Isabella: how do you manage not to smile on stage? She struggles if it is a story ballet as has to think if she needs to be serious. Monica Mason has said not to smile so much with her teeth but it is how she feels.
ブラジルに戻って踊る予定はありますか? -踊るために戻るのではないけれど年に2回帰省している。ブラジルで相手役のケガのためティアゴと踊る機会があった。
Has she been back to dance in Brazil? Not actually to dance but she does go home twice a year. She did dance there with Thiago as someone got injured and luckily she was able to stand in.
Isabella doesn’t know what’s coming up but everything will be quite new and she hopes there’ll be a bit less work not being on every night so she can rest and recover. She doesn’t expect much fas it is only her first year as a soloist, but hopes things pick up in future. If she really wants something and is a cover it might happen as it did in Rhapsody which she loved.