In conversation with Marianela Nuñez(6)
Genesia [Rosato, principal character artist with The Royal Ballet for over a decade] once told me that as the Queen in The Sleeping Beauty, sitting on the throne before Aurora’s entrance, she sees the ballerina in the wings. She said you were the only one who looked excited, as though you couldn’t wait to get on stage.
Well, I do get really nervous and the older I get, the earlier the nerves start… probably three or four days before a performance. I get more nervous now, but at the same time, seriously, I really want to go on that stage and do it. It’s so weird, and I can’t explain it, but there are other nerves that say, oh my God, let me get out there. But if you put The Sleeping Beauty music on now, I’ll really feel like I want to be there. It’s unbelievable. So, I do get nervous, but at the same time, my body wants to do it. I get most nervous before Swan Lake. With Swan Lake, it’s the whole four weeks of rehearsal that I’m nervous thinking, oh my God I have the performance, I have the performance! But then you hear the music [she sings], and you see the Prince, and I feel as though my heart is going to break. It’s the best feeling in the world.
You positively use that emotion and don’t let it destroy your performance. Others could crumble under the stress of that responsibility.
Yeah, It could definitely go the other way! But I was born loving pressure and pressure makes me kind of push more and get in the zone. It just drives me. I’m not going to lie: now that I’m older, there are moments where I have to tell myself, come on Nela, you’ve worked hard, you’ve done this before, you’ve rehearsed. So yes, the nerves are very strong but so is the passion and that counterbalance is fantastic.
Your career has been relatively injury-free.
Well, in 22 years I’ve never missed a season. I did have a couple of minor things. I pulled the TFL muscle, which stabilises the hip, so it’s kind of an important muscle and its super painful. The first time I did it, I didn’t stop. Like all dancers, I never want to miss anything and we were doing amazing ballets like Ballo della Regina, which I’d never danced before, and we were getting ready for The Prince of the Pagodas. I thought that there was no way I was going to miss that, and I carried on. Then six months later, I did it again.
The second time, I had only three weeks until my debut in Onegin. I had waited all my life to dance in that ballet and I was like, OK I’ll do it with one leg, I don’t care. But I seriously couldn’t walk because the pain was so strong and so I was crawling. It was before Christmas, so I said, OK, I can rest over the Christmas break and then come back, I don’t care what it costs, I’ll do it. I did, and so I didn’t miss that debut. Phew! I also had something in my foot early on, and I needed to have a little injection. It’s probably the only injection that I have had in my whole career. I’ve had nothing major for a long time, so I’m lucky.
足はどう?つま先はひどそうだけど。And your feet? Those pointe shoes can be cruel.
(見ながら)バレエの足よ!Look at them [she holds up her feet to the camera]Ballet feet!
They are taped because I was doing pointe work just now – but you know, I never had a problem in my metatarsal, and I do a lot of jumping… a lot! I don’t have bunions either, which is unbelievable for the amount of work I do. My toes are the only thing that probably are not great because they have a shape from being so much on pointe. So my feet are all right – they’re not pretty, but they’re all right.
They’re healthy.
きれいではないけど健康よ。They’re healthy. They’re not pretty but they’re healthy.
ロックダウンでなければ、ほかに身体を健康に保つために何をする?When you’re not in lockdown, what other things do you do to keep your body healthy?
We are super lucky at the Opera House because we have an amazing team of physiotherapists and it’s like a clinic on the fourth floor. We’re constantly looked after, so I make sure I have treatment all the time. I get massages during the weekends. I look after my body at all times, and the first thing when I go guesting is to find a masseur – I’m very conscious about that. Exercises and recovery treatment are essential.
いつマッサージを受けるの。舞台のすぐあと?When do you do a massage – immediately after a show?
It’s changed over the years. When I was younger, I would have a massage before the show. People were like, are you mad? [laughs] I’ve got such a strong body that I sometimes feel better when I feel more relaxed. I don’t like soft massages but really strong ones. Now, I will probably do it the day following a performance, just to recover.