Savoring Apple Juice with All Five Senses
The other day, I drank 100% apple juice and was deeply moved.
The moment I took a sip, sweetness spread across the tip of my tongue, and a gentle tartness flowed from the sides. I felt like I was experiencing the full range of apple's sweetness and acidity with my entire tongue.
Come to think of it, the concept of a "taste map"—where sweetness is perceived at the tip of the tongue and bitterness at the back—has been widely believed based on a paper published in 1901. However, recent research has revealed that this theory is incorrect.
In reality, the perception of taste seems to involve not just taste buds but a multi-sensory approach, engaging the sense of smell, sight, touch, and hearing.
The apple juice I drank the other day truly stimulated all my senses. The sweet aroma of apples tickled my nose, the cold liquid soothed my throat, and combined with the atmosphere and surrounding nature, I was able to savor it with my whole being.
I felt that rather than focusing on localized factors like taste buds or tongue regions, we should pay attention to the overall factors involving all five senses.
I realized anew that eating is not just about tasting with the tongue but enjoying with all our senses.
오감으로 맛보는 사과 주스
(Ogam-euro mat-bo-neun sa-gwa ju-seu)
얼마 전, 저는 사과 100% 주스를 마시고 깊은 감동을 받았습니다。
입에 머금는 순간, 혀끝에서 단맛이 퍼지고 혀 옆면에서 산미가 서서히 전해졌습니다。 혀 전체로 사과의 단맛과 산미를 충분히 느낄 수 있었습니다。
생각해 보면, 1901년에 발표된 논문을 바탕으로 "단맛은 혀의 앞쪽에서", "쓴맛은 혀의 뒤쪽에서" 느낀다는 "미각 지도" 개념이 오랫동안 믿어져 왔습니다。 그러나 최근 연구에서 이 이론이 잘못되었음이 밝혀졌습니다。
실제로 맛의 인지는 미각뿐만 아니라 향기 등의 후각, 시각, 촉각, 청각 등 오감을 총동원하여 이루어지는 것 같습니다。
얼마 전 마신 사과 주스는 정말로 오감을 자극하는 것이었습니다。 사과의 달콤한 향기가 코를 간지럽히고 차가운 액체가 목을 적시며, 그 자리의 공기나 주변의 자연도 더해져 온몸으로 맛볼 수 있었습니다。
저는 미각이나 혀의 위치와 같은 국소적인 요인보다 오감이라는 전체적인 요인에 주목해야 한다고 느꼈습니다。
식사는 단순히 혀로 맛을 느끼는 것이 아니라 오감 모두로 즐기는 것임을 새삼 깨달았습니다。
(Yòng wǔgǎn pǐnwèi píngguǒ zhī)
Mit allen fünf Sinnen Apfelsaft genießen
(Mit allen fünf Sin-nen Ap-fel-saft ge-nie-ßen)
Neulich trank ich 100%igen Apfelsaft und war tief bewegt.
In dem Moment, als ich einen Schluck nahm, verbreitete sich Süße an der Zungenspitze, und eine sanfte Säure floss von den Seiten ein。 Ich hatte das Gefühl, mit meiner gesamten Zunge die Süße und Säure des Apfels voll zu erleben。
Wenn ich darüber nachdenke, wurde basierend auf einer 1901 veröffentlichten Studie lange Zeit das Konzept der "Geschmackskarte" geglaubt, wonach Süße an der Zungenspitze und Bitterkeit am Zungengrund wahrgenommen wird。 Doch neuere Forschungen haben gezeigt, dass diese Theorie falsch ist。
In Wirklichkeit scheint die Wahrnehmung von Geschmack nicht nur die Geschmacksknospen, sondern einen multisensorischen Ansatz zu beinhalten, der Geruchssinn, Sehen, Tasten und Hören umfasst。
Der Apfelsaft, den ich neulich trank, stimulierte wirklich alle meine Sinne。 Der süße Duft der Äpfel kitzelte meine Nase, die kalte Flüssigkeit erfrischte meine Kehle, und zusammen mit der Atmosphäre und der umgebenden Natur konnte ich ihn mit meinem ganzen Wesen genießen。
Ich fühlte, dass wir statt uns auf lokale Faktoren wie Geschmacksknospen oder Zungenregionen zu konzentrieren, auf die ganzheitlichen Faktoren aller fünf Sinne achten sollten。
Ich erkannte erneut, dass Essen nicht nur bedeutet, mit der Zunge zu schmecken, sondern mit allen Sinnen zu genießen。
K (Keep: Positive Aspects)
Effectively depicts the importance of the five senses: The detailed description of experiencing the apple juice through multiple senses (taste, smell, touch, sight, hearing) successfully conveys your deep impression to the reader.
Incorporates scientific knowledge: By mentioning the history of the "taste map" and recent research, the essay gains depth and intellectual appeal.
Shares personal insights: Your realization about focusing on holistic sensory experiences over localized taste provides readers with a relatable and thought-provoking perspective.
P (Problem: Areas for Improvement)
Explanation of the taste map is somewhat brief: Offering more details about the 1901 paper and the misconceptions surrounding the "taste map" could enhance reader understanding.
Sensory descriptions are skewed towards taste and smell: There is limited depiction of sight, touch, and hearing, which may make the exploration of all five senses feel unbalanced.
Flow of the essay is somewhat fragmented: Weak transitions between paragraphs can make it challenging for readers to follow the progression of ideas.
T (Try: Suggestions for Next Time)
Add detailed explanations about the taste map: Including specific information or examples about the inaccuracies of the taste map and recent scientific findings can engage readers more deeply.
Equally describe all five sensory experiences: Enhance descriptions of sight (color and clarity of the juice), touch (coldness of the glass), and hearing (sound of pouring or sipping) to balance the sensory imagery.
Improve the essay's structure: Strengthen transitions between paragraphs and review the overall organization to ensure a smooth and coherent flow from introduction to conclusion.