なぜ事件が起きるのか。 #社会機能の低下が一因。 😉😵💫❤️
Good morning.
Yesterday I studied math. It’s Brilliant. It is important to keep learning to stay alive. 😊
Looking around the wide world, there are many incidents. From my perspective, many of the incidents are caused by the poor people who no longer can’t live their daily lives. 😉
My dream is to make Japan a more people-friendly country. Someday when I become rich, I'd like to donate to the poor. Right now I'm just trying to feed my family. 😅
Japan has a weak relationship with religion. I can’t blame them because I'm such a person too. For example, Islam seems to have a culture of giving alms to the poor. 💴
In the movie "The Pursuit of Happiness," there was a scene where a Christian church helps the poor. I feel that such social functions are declining in Japan. The spirit of neighborly love is important. ❤️
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