let's give praise.
I have been to the Cotswolds in England.
コッツウォルズ (Cotswolds) は、イングランド中央部に広がる丘陵地帯で、特別自然美観地域に指定されたところです。
The Cotswolds are a hilly region in central England that has been designated an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.(google 翻訳)
"Good morning"
"Good morning"
”Your garden is beautiful.”
”Thank you”
When you praise them, they smile back.
express approval of (好意的な感情を表す)
The parents praised their children for their academic performance.
It is said that children should be raised by praising them. I'm happy to be an adult. Also, it's nice to receive praise even after becoming a professional.(google 翻訳)
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