
『新釈・クレムナの予言 タラビッチが見た2025年』英訳本を出版

 この間、引き続きDeepLを使って『新釈・クレムナの予言 タラビッチが見た2025年』の英訳に取り組んでいた。



『God Grows』で練習したので、今回はDeepLが誤訳しやすいケースもあらかじめ分かっていた。いちばん多いのは主語の取り違え。これは訳文の主語を変更するだけでいい場合と、意味がちがっている場合は元の日本語を変更して、英訳しやすくしてやる対応などをした。
 固有名詞の追従も見事で、能見正比古をMasahiko Nomi、大村智をSatoshi Omuraときちんと読むし、セルビア語の人名もかなり正確に綴る。おそらく、翻訳エンジンを積んだマザーコンピュータに、どんどん新しいデータを蓄積しているのだろう。



↑お、早い! もう発売された。これはアメリカのAmazonのページ

Miloš Tarabić, a farmer who lived in the small Serbian farming village of Kremna in the 19th century, and his nephew, Mitar Tarabić. The two Tarabićs left behind a number of prophecies that were incomprehensible to the people of their time.
Their surrogate father (the guardian of Serbian Orthodox Church), the priest Zaharije Zaharić, passed down the contents of their "prophecies" and they became widely known.
In 1915, during World War I, Radovan Kazimirović, who was stationed in Kremna as a troop adjutant in the Serbian army, met with Priest Zaharić in person and recorded the contents of the prophecies, which were later compiled and published in a book entitled "The Kremna Prophecies."
Their prophecies about the turbulent regime strife in Serbia and the numerous wars and conflicts involving Serbia came true one after another, down to the smallest detail, and the name of the soothsayer Taravićs became known even outside of the country.
"The Kremna Prophecy" has been translated into many languages around the world and has been the subject of controversy, but many translations have been based on a small portion of the text and have been misinterpreted and misrepresented.
This book is a commentary on the "Kremna Prophecy," translated from the Serbian text and carefully deconstructed to reveal the deeper meaning of the prophecies.
When carefully read, some of the prophecies remind us of the new coronae outbreak and vaccine infodemics in 2020 and beyond.
It also focuses on issues facing people today, such as the collapse of the U.S.-led economic world dominated by finance, the shift to a BRICS-centered world backed by substantial national power in terms of resources and population, and the impending threat of the "world's final war," which is currently before our eyes.
The world's final war may have already begun in the form of "cognitive warfare" and "biological warfare."
Let us take the message from the 19th century to modern man.

『新釈・クレムナの予言 タラビッチが見た2025年』

最後はプーチンやヌーランドも登場する? 19世紀から現代人へのメッセージ 「世界最終戦争はすでに始まっている」


(まえがき より)

