「物議を醸す歌詞、優れた演奏力、そして目を見張るようなステージ・パフォーマンスによって、プリンスは今日のポップ・ミュージック界で最も興味深い存在の一人と言えます。最新作のワーナー・ブラザーズ・アルバム『Dirty Mind』はブラック・オリエンテッド・アルバム(BOS)チャートのトップ10入りを果たし、“Uptown”はBOSチャートで5位を獲得したほか、ディスコ界でもかなりの注目を集めました。
しかし、プリンスの魅力はダンスフロアだけにはとどまりません。Village Voice、Rolling Stone、Soho Weekly News、Real Paperといったメディアの批評家たちもこぞって彼を称賛しています。
驚くほど多彩な演奏能力(26種類の楽器を操る)を誇る彼ですが、今回特に注目を集めているのは『Dirty Mind』の歌詞です。
徴兵制に対する批判をテーマにした“Party Up”でも、露骨な性表現を含む“Head”でも、一貫しているのは
と言います。彼がワーナーから出している3枚のアルバム(『Dirty Mind』『Prince』『For You』)はいずれも、だいたい12日ほどで録音を終え、同じくらいの期間でミックスを終えるのが普通だといいます。そうした作業スタイルゆえに、自分ひとりで全楽器を演奏するほうがやりやすいのだとか。そしてその後、ツアー用に編成された5人編成のバンドのメンバーに、自分がスタジオで演奏したパートを教えていくのだそうです。
アルバム『Prince』からは、シングル“I Want To Be Your Lover”が100万枚を売り上げるヒットとなり、プリンスの名前を一気に広めました。
Record World
24 January 1981
The ‘real reality’ of Prince’s music
Nelson George
“With controversial lyrics, striking musical ability, and an eye-popping stage presentation, Prince is one of the most intriguing figures in pop music today. His latest Warner Bros. album, ‘Dirty Mind,’ cracked the Black Oriented Album top ten; the single “Uptown” reached #5 on the BOS chart, while also garnering considerable disco play.
“But Prince’s appeal doesn’t end on the dance floor. Critics from the Village Voice, Rolling Stone, the Soho Weekly News and the Real Paper have all praised him. A typical comment is that he is a mix of Smokey Robinson’s falsetto, Jimi Hendrix’s rock sensibility, and Sly Stone’s onstage outrageousness. Prince himself sees his music “as an expression of myself and my experiences. I always write truthfully about myself. Some don’t understand what I’m saying, but I find when I speak to people that I’m saying things they think, couldn’t say. It reflects what my generation is about, I think.”
“Despite his musical prowess (he plays 26 instruments), Prince’s lyrics, especially on ‘Dirty Mind’ have attracted the most attention – and sparked controversy. For example, “Sister, Sister” deals with incest, hardly an everyday topic for a pop songwriter. Prince says the song is “a plea to my sister to be my friend” and it is “only strange by weak people’s standards.” His position on all his material, be it the anti-draft “Party Up” or the sexually explicit “Head,” is that as long as it deals “with real reality and not some imaginary place” any song is right.
“Many of his lyrics are improvised in the studio. In fact his entire recording process is haphazard in comparison to many acts. “I just get a burst of energy and creativity and do it,” he says. His three Warners albums (‘Dirty Mind,’ ‘Prince,’ ‘For You’) were recorded in an average of 12 days and mixed in about the same time. Because of this approach, he says he finds it easier to play all the instruments on his albums. Later he teaches his five-piece touring band the parts.”
“Prince grew up in Minneapolis, Minnesota. His father was a musician and Prince experimented on the family piano. Songwriting came easy to him and he slowly began learning other instruments. Minnesota radio “was so slow we’d be six months behind the rest of the country,” so his musical taste became insular. “Today I really don’t listen to anyone special. It keeps me from being influenced by others.”
“At 18 he signed with Warners, becoming probably the youngest artist to ever produce his own album. His ‘Prince’ album spawned the million-selling single ‘I Want To Be Your Lover.’ Prince says he enjoys touring “but we still haven’t done enough. Touring is the difference between writing a letter and visiting someone in person.” When not on the road he lives in Minnesota. “I still don’t have my own place,” he says. “I live with various people, free loading, and staying inside most of the time”.