Takram Life#10 Minoru Ito
Takramでは現在、WFH(Work From Home)をメインに働いています。Takramメンバーがどのように自身の働き方や暮らしをデザインしているのかをのぞいてみましょう。
At Takram, we are currently primarily working remotely. In this series, we take a look at how Takram's members are designing their work style and life.
Minoru Ito(デザインエンジニア / ディレクター)
公立はこだて未来大学卒業後、GK TECHにてR&Dプロジェクトやミュージアムの展示物制作を通じてインタラクションデザインの経験を積む。2014年にビジュアルプログラミングツール vvvv の書籍「vvvvook」を共著で出版。Takramに参加して以降はアプリのUX/UIデザインや新規事業開発、ブランディングなどものづくりの領域を広げながら活動している。
Design Engineer / Director. After graduating from Future University Hakodate, he gained experience in interaction design through R&D projects at GK TECH and creating museum exhibits. In 2014, he co-authored the book "vvvvook" on the visual programming tool vvvv. Since joining Takram, he has been working on app UX/UI design, new business development, and branding, while expanding the scope of his creative activities.
What led you into design?
I have loved to draw since I was a child. I remember spending hours drawing doodles on textbooks and making New Year's cards to send to my friends. The following picture which I drew when I was an elementary school student won a prize, and I went to the exhibition hall with my family to see it.
In high school, I chose a science course and vaguely thought I would go into engineering. However, I think what I learned about information design and human-centered design in my university classes led me to choose a career in the world today. I had never received any specialized education in design before university, but it was around then that I realized what I liked and what I had learned were connected and felt "I want to work in design!”
What interests you now?
It's off-season now, but I continue to play amature baseball with a team that started with a colleague from my previous job. As we use baseball grounds scattered throughout Tokyo, we enjoy playing in pleasant environments, such as parks with cherry blossoms in full bloom and night games at grounds with a view of TOKYO SKYTREE.
How do you design your working style?
COVID-19 changed daily lives not only for myself, but also for my family. For example, it used to be that I would work at the office and come home late at night to be greeted by my children in their pajamas. However, now it has become a daily routine for me to greet my children when they come home from school. Another change in my life that the new way of working has brought about is that I am now able to have meals with my family more often. At the same time, I realized that I had been leaving so much of the housework to my wife.
Working at home is efficient, but I think there are some limitations in the process of manufacturing hardware that prevent me from working at home. I would like to continue my trial and error to see how I can reduce the limitations that arise depending on the type of work.
In addition to Takram members, I try to communicate with clients offline. I feel that conversing in the same place while looking at the same things helps us to solve problems and make decisions, which in turn helps the project to proceed smoothly when I work remotely.
What is your particular work space?
I am a type of person who can work without separating work and private, or can work from anywhere, so I don't put much effort into improving my home environment compared to other members. As mentioned earlier, since my family is also in the midst of change, I try not to pursue my own comfort too much and keep a good balance with them.
I don't devise any special solutions with the hardware, but I do pay attention to how I use my time. In particular, I try to take my lunch break more regularly than I used to so as not to lose my rhythm.
What is a book you would recommend?
Takramでは、メンバーの学びを全面的にバックアップするために「Book Purchase」という制度があり、自由に書籍を購入することができます。他のメンバーがどんな本を買っているのかをSlackチャンネルで全員が見ることができ、その時の興味関心を垣間見ることができます。
At Takram, we have a "Book Purchase" system to fully support the learning of our members, allowing them to freely purchase books. All members can see what books other members are buying on our Slack channel and get a glimpse of their interests at the time.
I was greatly influenced by designer Shunji Yamanaka's “Future Style”, which I read when I was in university. I like the beautiful sketches in the book and the comments that show a glimpse of Yamanaka's playfulness. As I feel that it has formed the basis of my thinking about technology and design, I flip through the pages from time to time.
What do you like about Takram?
The reason I decided to join Takram was because I felt that there were many people who were more talented than me. From the time I joined, I wanted to work while exerting efforts and struggling in a positive sense, and that hasn't changed. It is always stimulating to work with members who are good at things that I would never do myself, and that is one of the reasons I like Takram.
The other reason is that Takram is constantly changing. The scope of the work that Takram receives and the work that I am involved in is expanding, and the approach continues to change day by day. I like Takram because the place where we work, the people I work with, and the way we work are constantly changing.
次回のTakram LifeはロンドンメンバーのUshigomeさんです。