
Takram Life #4 Rie Ano

Takramでは現在、WFH(Work From Home)をメインに働いています。Takramメンバーがどのように自身の働き方や暮らしをデザインしているのかをのぞいてみましょう。

At Takram, we are currently primarily working from home. In this series, we take a look at how Takram's members are designing their life and work style.



She joined Takram in 2010.
After graduating from Waseda University, he worked as a loan officer at a major city bank and in the planning department of a major staffing company before joining Takram.she is currently in charge of human resources, mainly in the education and talent development departments.

How do you design your working style?


Before the Pandemic, I used to work less than a full time day because I needed to pick up my kids from nursery school. I can now use the time I spend commuting to work as my work time, so I am now working full-time again. The change of working place from office to home, and my children seem to feel more relaxed knowing that their mother is at home after school, and I myself feel less worried than before.

What is your particular work space?

ライフスタイルの変化はよいことだけではなく、夫と会議が重なるとどちらかがベランダにでるなど、新たな課題もでてきました笑。なので、私の場合は子供の同じ学区内で広い家に引っ越しをしました。最近は、家族が起きる前に、ベランダで1人でコーヒーを飲むのがお気に入りの時間です。ワークスペースの工夫ではありませんが、Life Designの制度を使って掃除機ロボットを購入しました。時間の捻出は私にとっては必須なので、家事が短縮できるものは積極的に取りいれて、仕事の時間を確保する工夫をしています。

The lifestyle change was not only a good thing, but also had negative effects. For example, if my husband and I had a meeting at the same time, one of us would have to go on the balcony to have the meeting etc... So we moved to our house within the area that does not change our children's school. These days, my favorite time is to have a cup of coffee alone on the balcony before my family wakes up. For me, it's more important to find time for my work than to devise a direct workspace. I bought a cleaning robot using the Life Design system. I am actively involved in automating household chores and other activities to make more time.


What is a book you would recommend?

Takramでは、メンバーの学びを全面的にバックアップするために「Book Purchase」という制度があり、自由に書籍を購入することができます。他のメンバーがどんな本を買っているのかをSlackチャンネルで全員が見ることができ、その時の興味関心を垣間見ることができます。

At Takram, we have a "Book Purchase" system to fully support the learning of our members, allowing them to freely purchase books. All members can see what books other members are buying on our Slack channel and get a glimpse of their interests at the time.


I am using the system to read many kinds of business books. Also, I have always liked books that historical fiction and autobiographies of great people, such as "Ikikata" by Mr. Inamori, and "Ryoma ga yuku". In particular, Mr. Inamori's “Ikikata” left a strong impression on me, since I read it when I was going through a difficult time.

What do you like about Takram?


I like people in Takram, because I think many of the members of Takram have strong beliefs about their work and related society. I especially like the fact that they are always thinking sincerely about how to make their ideas a reality. Since I work as human resources, I feel that my motivation is largely influenced by my love and feelings for the members

What interests you now?


Most of my time is dominated by parenting and work.
On weekends these days, I often go to watch my eldest son's soccer game. It's a community where not only the kids but also the parents are close, So I enjoy not only giving soccer advice, but also telling them about the little things that are happening in their respective schools and homes. My younger daughter is getting stronger as she gets older, and the types of play are increasing, and I feel that she is growing. My daughter is addicted to overhead ladders these days, so I often go to parks with overhead ladders with my daughter.






それでは次回のTakram Lifeもお楽しみに〜
