
Takram Life #14 Minoru Sakurai

Takramでは現在、WFH(Work From Home)をメインに働いています。Takramメンバーがどのように自身の働き方や暮らしをデザインしているのかをのぞいてみましょう。

At Takram, we are currently primarily working remotely. In this series, we take a look at how Takram's members are designing their work style and life.


Minoru Sakurai
ビッグデータの可視化から、UI/UXデザイン、サービスデザインまで幅広く取り組んでいる。2014年Takramに参加。2007年未踏ソフトウェア創造事業スーパークリエータ認定。2014年東京藝術大学美術研究科デザイン専攻博士後期課程修了。代表作に日本政府のビッグデータビジュアライゼーションシステムの「RESAS -地域経済分析システム-」のプロトタイピング、データサイエンス支援ツール「DataDiver」のUI設計・デザイン、隈研吾展ー新しい公共性をつくるためのネコの5原則「東京計画2020」、日本精工株式会社(NSK)のグローバルキャンペーン「__with Motion & Control」などがある。グッドデザイン金賞など受賞多数。

Minoru Sakurai works on a wide range of projects from big data visualization to UI/UX design and service design. Minoru was certified as Super Creator of the Unexplored Software Creation Project in 2007. After completing PhD in Design, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts in 2014, Minoru joined Takram. His representative works include prototyping of the Japanese government's big data visualization system "RESAS - Regional Economic Analysis System," UI design for a data science support tool "DataDiver" Kengo Kuma Exhibition, ”A Plan for Tokyo, 2020: Five Purr-fect Points for Feline Architecture,” and the global campaign "__with Motion & Control" for NSK Corporation (NSK). He has also received numerous awards, including the Good Design Gold Award.

Why did you go into Design?






RESAS Prototype (経済産業省のためのビッグデータビジュアライゼーションシステムのプロトタイピング)

Because of my parents' influence, I naturally decided to go to art university without much thought, so I started with art. I also started to learn programming when I was in university, but for a long time, I think technology and art have always been parallel in my mind.

Going back to my junior high school days, I was interested in railroad club. As you can imagine, the club activities consisted mainly of riding on and going to see trains. However, for the first time, I realized that I didn't really like trains. I love model trains running on jointed rails, not trains themselves.

In that period, there was a computer club room next to the railroad club, and this was where I had my first real experience with PCs. At that time, there was no internet connection, so I used several telephone lines for PC communications as a host . I enjoyed seeing so many people accessing the lines I had set up. I was so obsessed with my PC that my parents threw everything away while I was studying for my university entrance exams. However, I secretly enjoyed another PC hidden under my bed and that was one of my pleasant memories of those days. After that, I signed up for multiple fiber-optic internet access lines and I spent drawing pictures at a prep school during daytime as well as being dedicated to server operations and network administration during night-time. At this point in my life, technology and art were not yet intertwined. Rather, my interest in technology was probably stronger.

After entering university, my interest in technology continued to grow. With the advice of my professor, I started to learn programming, which I enjoyed immensely. Programming is invisible, but putting it in a simple way, programming allows the installation of complex branching rails on the backside, on which bits run at very high speed. As a pathways (rails) fetish, this was very exciting for me. (Laugh)

It was when the concept of big data was emerging and data visualization was attracting a lot of attention that art and technology really came together for me.

In the beginning, data visualization had many roles of making data visible at the stage where some research was completed, and there was a strong need for elements of visual presentation. On the other hand, data visualization was required to play a role not only as visual presentation but also as a tool. This was because the need for a complete picture of the data before analysis was created from the time when the need to handle huge amounts of data arose. Furthermore, with the spread of smartphones and web services, the general public had more opportunities to come into contact with data, and as a result, design began to be required in the digital environment. I think it was the period that the two areas, art and technology, began to be integrated in my mind. In a project with the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the project team and I visualized the Japanese economy. I remember that being able to visualize the flow of money across the country, which is essentially invisible to the eye, flying around on a map was the very essence of the project, and I really enjoyed it.

How do you design your working style?


In terms of changes in my working style before and after the start of remote work, I feel that I have transcended the limits of physically possible efficiency because I am no longer restricted by commuting or traveling. In the past, I was forced to cut back on my family time when I was busy at work, however, now I can work both in my personal and professional lives. That is a nice change and I am glad that the current situation does not make me choose between my work and my family.
Although I now mainly work remotely, I still live in the city center.
When I was a student, I lived in Yanaka, a downtown area in Tokyo, which is near my university. I like the environment where the hustle and bustle of the shopping street is close to my home, and where I can often hear the voice of "Hey, do you want to have a drink?” The experience of both hustle and bustle and quiet is very important to me.

What is your particular workspace?




Work From Anywhereという言葉も珍しくなくなった今、特別な空間を求めがちだけど、僕にとってはコロナになってオフィスに行くのがレジャー化しています。現在はみんな週1程度の出社なので、人口密度も低いし、表参道で日が降り注ぐ中で仕事ができる環境はかなり贅沢だなと思っています。

I have not made any special efforts to create a work space. However, I focused on my choice when looking for a home, so my current home is a very comfortable environment. In particular, the balcony is my favorite space.

Cherry trees are planted on the condominium premise, and I can enjoy the feeling of walking along the rows of cherry trees from my home. The view from the balcony is soothing not only during cherry blossom season, but also through all four seasons, including fresh greenery and snow. So just stepping out here during breaks is quite a refreshing change.

Occasionally, a few Takram members would come and together enjoy eating and drinking under the cherry blossom trees.

Now that the phrase "Work From Anywhere" is no longer a rarity, everybody seeks a special space. But for me, going to the office has become a leisure activity in COVID-19. Currently, other members come into the office about once a week, so the population density is low, and I consider it quite a luxury to be able to work in the sunny office in Omotesando.

What is a book you would recommend?

Takramでは、メンバーの学びを全面的にバックアップするために「Book Purchase」という制度があり、自由に書籍を購入することができます。他のメンバーがどんな本を買っているのかをSlackチャンネルで全員が見ることができ、その時の興味関心を垣間見ることができます。
At Takram, we have a "Book Purchase" system to fully support the learning of our members, allowing them to freely purchase books. All members can see what books other members are buying on our Slack channel and get a glimpse of their interests at the time.



It's not a book, but... as for me, the notebook left by my late uncle when he was a student, is my bible these days. My uncle was a researcher at SONY and contributed to various innovations. The notebook was filled with mathematical formulas, which clearly showed how seriously my uncle had devoted himself to learning.

I am also one of those who face innovation at Takram, and innovation requires "new combinations" and "overwhelming deepening. I keep a notebook in my workspace as a reminder to myself that the pieces of innovation will never be filled if that is the only way to cross borders and focus on new combinations.

What interests you now?




As I mentioned above, my work is based on fetishism, and to be honest, it is not something that I would proudly tell everyone here that it is my hobby. However, when I am busy working day after day, I have a sense that something is being left behind, and perhaps my hobby is a way to supplement such a sense.

As a hobby in this sense, I enjoy my favorite things, such as coffee, acoustics, tempura, vessels, and other tastes at my own pace. For example, I go to talk to lacquerware craftsmen about their work, and for coffee and cooking, I buy tools and study them on YouTube, to improve my skills. Frankly speaking, tempura would definitely taste better when cooked by a professional, but I am also enjoying the journey to improve my skills. In my opinion, discretionary foods and drinks, including my favorite things, are extremely inefficient. That is why if I don't make an effort to enjoy each inefficiency, I end up leaning toward efficiency.

However, my personality ultimately leads me to think about how to enjoy inefficient things efficiently, so now I enjoy things that are inherently inefficient by making them at least as efficient as possible. (Laugh)

For example, a high-quality audio set sounds great, but it is very tedious to set up every single sound source that can bring out its performance. I tend to say, "Alexa, put on some music," so I try to make the most of the high-quality sound environment without any hassle.

What do you like about Takram?


I originally wanted to be a university professor.
The reason was that I felt that as one gets older in life, there are fewer opportunities to experience and start new things… and I thought that being a professor who has contact with students would allow me to continue to explore new stimulation.
I found that I have been with Takram for about 10 years including my internship. I feel that there is always new stimulation here even if I do not become a university professor. Through projects, Takram members force me to have opportunities to step into new areas myself, in a good way. On the other hand, each of us is traditionally deepening our own expertise. I think the balance between the two is very good.


しばらくお休みしていたTakram Lifeですが、すこしづつ業務も落ち着いてきたので連載を再開しようと思っています。再開の1人目はSakuraiさんにお話をうかがいました。

まさに「Sakurai ワールド」全開!!私自身は全然ルートには興味はなかったのですが(笑)、Sakuraiさんの話は不思議なことに、ぐんぐんその世界と熱量に引きこまれてしまうんです。気がつくとSakuraiファンになってしまう、そんな取材でした。Sakuraiさんお忙しい中取材対応ありがとうございました。




それでは次回のTakram Lifeもお楽しみにー!
