
#19 武士に学ぶリーダーシップ


For Japanese people, cherry blossoms are more than just flowers. They have a deeper meaning. The life of a cherry blossom is short. It lasts only a week. But one of the reason Japanese people love cherry blossoms is that they bloom and fall gracefully in a short period of time. This gracefulness leaves us with the samurai spirit. Samurai always tried to do their best and because they did so, they were never afraid of death. This samurai’s fearless spirit might be the same as cherry blossoms.


Samurai followed a set of rules that came to be known as “bushido”. “BUSHIDO The soul of Japan” was written by Inazo Nitobe and it made the bestseller list. Even today many people read this book.

武士道、というと古い考え方のように聞こえるかもしれませんが、現代にも通じるものがあります。「武士は犬ともいへ、畜生ともいへ、勝つことが本にて候」という朝倉宗滴の言葉にもあるように、卑怯といわれても戦いにかつことといった処世訓を書いたものもありました。一方新渡戸稲造の武士道はnoblesse oblige(高き身分の者にともなう義務)を伝えています。上に立つ者に求められる責任、国家を支える人々に求められる“公の精神”であり「フェアプレイの精神(正義を貫く心)」でした。これぞリーダーシップですよね。戦いに最善をつくし、死を覚悟せよ、という厳しさが武士、つまりトップにいる人たちに課された使命だったといえます。

Nitobe Inazo said in his book that Bushi has noblesse oblige. A top leader and people in high rank have their responsibility to support their nation based on fairness and justice. They have to do their best in fighting and to “brace oneself for death”. This is the responsibility top leaders have.


Bushido didn’t talk about death and it wanted to tell how important lives are. We can learn how much we can proud of our life from Bushido.
