
#33 京都葵祭りがいよいよ開催!


The three biggest festival in Kyoto is The Aoi festival, Gion Festival and The Festival of Ages, Jidai Matsuri. 
The Aoi Festival is held on May 15. The procession "Roto no Gi " will be held for the first time in four years due to the coronavirus pandemic. I heard the news that the woman, main character of this procession, was chosen from the general public for this year's procession. 
The procession makes its way from Kyoto Imperial Palace to Shimogamo Shrine and Kamigamo Shrine. About 500 people participate in this one-kilometer procession. It will be started at 10 30 am. At each location, Kamigamo or Shimogamo shrine, the arrival time of the head of the procession is estimated.  It will take about an hour for the entire location to pass a single location. About 500 people participate in this one-kilometer procession. 


This procession "Roto no Gi" was originated in messengers the emperor sent. The procession  includes 511 people, 36 horses, 4 oxen and 2 Gissha (carriages). It looks like an aristocratic ancient Japanese painting on a beautiful scroll. 


In ancient Japanese history,  the Emperor decided to appoint one of his daughters as a holly maiden who commited herself to the service of the deity.
Such princesses were called “Saio”. The system of the “Saio” had lasted for almost 400 years until the middle of the 13th century. She is called “Saio-Dai” now. Saio-Dai is seated in a carriage carried on men’s shoulders. She is followed by suites, warriors, court ladies, carriages for high ranked court ladies and so on.


In the middle of the 6th century, harvests were poor due to storms and flooding. It was found out by divination ancient people used as message from gods. It said the deities of Kamo were angry because they were not getting enough worship. The emperor sent a messenger on a horse with hollyhocks, Aoi, and a bell to appease the anger of the deities. As a result, people were able to reap bountiful harvests. 
