Line breaks
I think is not good for writing English sentences. I don't know why, but I just feel it. The gap between paragraphs are huge, everytime I push the enter key, this editor automatically insert a big line break and I don't like it. I mean, who likes it? I am the kind of person who loves reading so many crowded, clattered sentences. Just don't need blanks, line breaks etc. I need more characters, more and more contens. Yes I get it why they insert so much gaps between lines, because that makes readers feel less intimidated on reading. For me more characters means better quality and better content. But for the most of people, that means the opposite. I think some may quit reading which worsen the performance of's advertisements. After all they need more people to see their advertisements to make money.
Okay this is the first line break and the last one. By the way, why am I writing this piece of shit? The reason is that I recently bought a new M1 macbook. And I just wanted to try the keyboard. Actually it is really good. I don't know exactly what it is, is that a butterfly keaboard or something? Whatever, this typing experience is so much better than the 2017 model's. Yeah basically that's the only reason why I am writing this. Also I think I wanted to try writing something in English. I mean, I think a half year has already passed since I wrote an article in English on the Internet. I don't think my ability has been degraded since I basically use English on a daily basis. In fact, right now I am writing this at 8.a.m morning and doesn't feel so hard to construct these amount of sentences. It seems to me reading books really helps me to engage with English. I've spent so much amount of time on reading books in my life included both in Japanese and English. As a matter of fact, lately I read more books in English than in Japanese which is by the way my mother tongue. So now I feel my English skill is enough for me in terms of my usage of this language. Of course If I want to pursue more career or something, I need to polish my English ability a little bit more, but right now I am pretty much satisfied. So, what I've been thinking right now is to learn other languages. Like Chinese or Korean. Since I am Japanese, I am already familir with kanjis and the grammer of Korean (Japanese and Korean grammer are mostly the same). That motivates me a lot, like a lot. And I love K-pops and Chinese foods you know. Currently I've been learning korean vocaburaly mostly by reading a word book and watching YouTube. I am so happy to be born with the Internet age. I can learn pretty much everything on the Internet. So many contents that I can't consume during my entire life are in front of my screen, that is insane. To be completly honest with you, I am surprised how it became easy for me to write English sentences. A while ago, writing this length of sentences in English is so exhausting for me that it took a few hours to finish, but now I think I wrote this for 30 minutes or so. That is a big enhancement, wow. So guys, if you want to get this ability, read AS MANY BOOKS AS YOU CAN.
This editor tells me how many characters I wrote in this article. Acording to note, this has about 3300 characters. If you read this, good job. I think if I inserted more line breaks, it looks more ... I don't know. Okay now, what I wanted to tell you in this post is that I want to go to the bathroom right now. GOOD BYE GUYS SEE YOU IN THE NEXT POST.