


 森川氏によると“マンガいじめ”は約60年前から存在するという。 「手塚治虫さんのマンガが学校の校庭で燃やされた事件があった。なぜ、不健全図書がマンガのみなのか。調べたところ、都の職員の人6名が毎月ランダムに100冊のマンガを本屋さんに行って買ってくる。その中から選んでいる。他のマンガは買っていない」




 Only six public officials decide what is an "unsound book. Whether or not Osamu Tezuka's manga is wholesome is decided by people with a narrower vision than Mr. Tezuka, who are greedy for power. Because of this decision, the general public is forced to read them under information control because they are designated as "unsound books. I am surprised that this is what a democratic nation does.

 It seems that those in power want to secure their right to command and intimidate the public. If you disobey me, I will designate your book as an unhealthy book, or even a harmful book! They can't abandon this line in order to strengthen their power. In today's Internet society, regulations are meaningless. What kind of anachronistic argument is he making when you can find any number of illegal and harmful books on the Internet?

 I also believe that teaching licenses are meaningless. The prep school and cram school industries do not need a teaching license. Please look at the reality. Do students support school teachers or cram school and prep school instructors? A teaching license does not guarantee the improvement or maintenance of the quality of instructors. With or without a teacher's license, the public decides whether a teacher is good or bad, not a government official.


