岸信介元首相は曽祖父、佐藤栄作元首相は曽祖叔父、安倍晋太郎元外相は祖父、安倍晋三元首相は伯父――。 父親の岸信夫・前防衛相を受け継いで4月の衆院山口2区補選への出馬を表明した岸信千世氏(31)。華麗なる政治家一族の御曹司は初っ端から、ご自慢の「家系」でつまずいた。公式サイトに岸家・安倍家の「家系図」を掲載したところ世襲への批判がネット上で噴出し、「家系図削除」に追い込まれたのだ。
I don't know this Nobutomo Kishi, but I know he is stupid. She used to work for a TV station, but I suspect that she was connected to the TV station. The fact that his ancestors were intelligent has nothing to do with the fact that he himself is intelligent. In fact, it is like admitting to yourself that you have nothing to be proud of except that your ancestors were brilliant.
In this respect, the entrance examination is a very fair and good system. While there are many cases of suspected backdoor entry at private universities, Todai and Kyoto University are supposed to be fair in their selection process (so the son of the Emperor should not apply to Todai, because the Emperor's son is not a good candidate). (The authority of the Emperor's family will fall to the ground if they are suspected of being gopher).