日本はすでに所得の半分以上を吸い上げられる重税国家で、これは、フランスの71.5%に次ぐ数字です。ちなみに、アメリカは40.7%、イギリスで49.7%、福祉国家として知られるスウェーデンでさえ56.4%と日本より下です。 岸田首相は、国民の負担を軽くするどころか、公約に示さなかった1兆円あまりの増税に踏み切るわけで、SNSには憤激の声があがっています」(週刊誌記者)
Although I didn't feel so much before, now
"Only the rich can afford to send their children to cram school.
I was in the era of "high economic growth" in my youth.
My youth was a time of "high economic growth," and when I entered the workforce, it was during the "bubble economy. Having lived through a time when Japan was filled with vitality, it is truly sad to see the decline of the past 30 years or so.
Why have we fallen so far?
It is strange that we are taxed more heavily than Sweden, even though we do not have a generous welfare policy like Sweden. I can only think that there is something wrong with the way our tax money is used. Even the most docile Japanese have their limits. One of these days, there may be a "revolt" = "riot" like in the Edo period.