実業家のひろゆき(西村博之)さんが21日、自身のツイッターを更新。議論が続く大学無償化問題に対して、「日本の大学卒業率は55%ですが、フランスは40%、ドイツは31%です。日本は勉強もせずにただ卒業しただけという人を量産していますよね。でも、フランスやドイツは、大卒ではない人でも充実した生活を送っていたり、稼いでいるロールモデルがいくつもあるんです」と主張した。 ひろゆきさんは高等教育の完全無償化に反対しており、「日本の場合、高等教育を無償にすると、全く勉強しなくても卒業出来るFランク大学に税金を投入しまくることになります」とツイートして話題になった。
Many people get offended when I mention this, so I only blog about it and don't say it in person. If I say to someone who is slow, "You're not cut out to be an athlete," or to someone who is tone deaf, "You can't be a singer," few people will get angry. But when I say, "You won't understand this," they say, "You're making fun of me! or "Don't discriminate! and "Don't discriminate!
Why is that?
Isn't it the same with "you are slow," "you are a bad singer," or "you can't study? People have different aptitudes. Accepting and acknowledging that is what "acknowledging diversity" means, right? Anyone who has ever come into a classroom and taught should not be able to deny the reality that some children will never understand derivatives and integrals.
If you speak honestly about it, they will say, "You are denying me an education!" and if you are outraged, come to my classroom and teach me and you will see. How can you teach derivatives and integrals to a child who cannot understand how to add fractions? What is impossible is impossible no matter who tries. That's fine. So, if you push those kids into college, college will become a leisure land.