







 This dish tastes poor. しかし、これは評価されない。なぜなら、英語として正しくてもマナー違反。英検英語なら否定文にして、This dish isn't good. これでマナーは改善された。

 しかし、ネイティブなら I don't like this dish. と言うだろう。本当に不味い場合は、Yuck! と叫ぶ。そういう違いだ。





5. Conclusion

 The measures to get over 80% in English at Kyoto University, which can be derived from the above results, are all about defining and learning what "native English" is.


 For example, if you want to write an English composition that says "This dish tastes poor," the most common response among students preparing for the exam is

 This dish tastes poor. However, this is not appreciated, because even if it is correct in English, it is bad manners. In Eiken English, the negative sentence would be, "This dish isn't good.

 However, native English speakers would say, "I don't like this dish. If the dish is really bad, they will shout "Yuck! That's the difference.

 The problem is the fact that "the syntax and expressions covered in reference books and problem books for entrance examinations are different from those used in real life. The teachers and instructors who are teaching them have never lived abroad and are unaware of the expressions used 50 years ago. This is why students fail even if they score high or achieve a high ranking in school tests or mock exams.
