


Follow your heart, but check it with your head.  (Steve Jobs)





 この業界には変人が多くて、観察しているだけでも面白い。それは、ジョブズの言う heart の声だから従うしかない。受験に向かう生徒たちも自分の heart の声に従っている。

 しかし、それだけでは「合格」できない。head を使って作戦やノルマをチェックしないと単なる願いで終わってしまうからだ。

 I am often asked,

 "Why do you keep thinking about the same subject for so long?"
 They say it is unusual that I have been pursuing the same theme for more than 40 years since I chose to study education in high school.

 It is true that it may be unusual for me to be writing essays about "examinations" and giving exam guidance every day even though I am nearly 60 years old. But no other subject is so interesting to me. English and mathematics themselves are interesting, working with people is interesting, and learning about people's evaluation criteria is interesting.

 There are so many oddballs in this industry that it is interesting just to observe them. It is the voice of the heart, as Job says, so we have to follow it. Students who are preparing for exams also follow the voice of their own heart.

 But that is not enough to "pass" the exam, because without using the HEAD to check the strategy and quota, it will end up as a mere wish.


