
Exploring the "Beauty" Hidden in the Depths of the Heart

– Photographer Takaaki Sano Reflects on His Work "Hidden" and the Thoughts Behind It

The exhibition "Hidden" by artist Takaaki Sano offered a rare opportunity to rediscover the "beauty" concealed within one's inner self. Set in the unexpected venue of a hair salon, Sano’s work transcended the boundaries of the space, conveying a profound message through his art. In this interview, we delve into the concepts behind the exhibit, Sano’s creative process, and even explore a more personal side of the artist.

The Meaning Behind the "Hidden" Beauty

Q: What meaning does the title "Hidden" hold?
Things that are truly important are often hidden from view. In our daily lives, we tend to focus on what we can immediately see, but I wanted this work to serve as a prompt to look at what lies beneath the surface.
Q: Why did you choose to focus on "hidden beauty"?
In my younger years, I went through a period where I felt distanced from society. Around that time, I encountered a band called "Yoghurt Pooh" at a small festival in Hibiya. They were a trio of somewhat plain-looking men in thick black-rimmed glasses. But once the music began, it felt like the world transformed in an instant. It was a moment where "the power within" captivated people. This experience has profoundly influenced my approach to art.

The Challenges of Creation and the Artist's Convictions

Q: What criteria did you use to select the photographs for this exhibition?
Displaying my work in a salon came with a lot of limitations compared to a gallery. However, for me, the priority is that my art makes a positive impact on viewers by conveying my inner expression. I held fast to this criterion and refused to compromise in my selection.
Q: How did you feel about presenting the exhibit in a salon?
Honestly, it was like playing baseball in a soccer stadium—a little mismatched. Even so, I put all my energy into making it an enjoyable experience for visitors. By the end of the final day of installation, I was so exhausted that I collapsed. But it was a rewarding challenge.
Q: Was there anything specific you wanted to communicate through this exhibition?
Above all, I feel deep gratitude for everyone who came. I appreciate the time they dedicated to visiting, and even those who supported the exhibit from afar—I am truly thankful to all.

The Foundation of the Artist and a Glimpse into His Personal Life

Here, we shift focus to Sano’s personal life, delving into his roots and everyday lifestyle. As we continue, his inner world and the messages he wishes to convey through his art begin to come into view.
Q: I understand there was a period when you were a recluse. Can you tell us about that experience?
For a long time, I avoided contact with people. But perhaps it’s precisely because of that period that I came to understand the importance of what lies within. I believe that experience drives my commitment to express the "invisible beauty" within myself through my art.
Q: What is your current lifestyle like?
I recently wrapped up a ten-year teaching career and am now focused primarily on photography. Though my days are busy with preparing exhibitions and creating new work, I make time for walks in nature and museum visits to reset my senses.
Q: How do you refresh your mind?
Listening to music is my main way to recharge. Recently, I’ve started painting as well, something I picked up during a hospital stay. And if I’m in the mood, I’ll go for a walk too.
Q: What keeps you grounded?
My faith, along with my friends and colleagues. Many people have helped with exhibitions and events, and I owe them a lot for supporting me this far.
Q: What challenges do you hope to take on as a photographer?
I want to develop sustainable projects overseas. I’m grateful for the encouragement I’ve received from international followers and supporters. Now, I want to bring my work to more people and places as a way of giving back.
Q: What does photography mean to you?
Photography is a bridge between myself and others, as well as a way to express the form of life itself. Through the camera, I feel the connections between lives and a sense of connection with others.

A Message from Sano

Q: Do you have a message for your fans and followers?
I am deeply thankful to everyone who supports me. I feel especially grateful for the encouragement from my international followers, even though we don’t often have the chance to meet face-to-face. Going forward, I want to use photography to foster dialogue and connect with more people. I look forward to your continued support.

Through his work, artist Takaaki Sano continues to explore and challenge the concept of hidden beauty. This exhibition, "Hidden," is part of that journey, offering viewers a fresh perspective on the unseen aspects of life. Keep an eye on his future projects and the new challenges that await him.
Takaaki Sano Official Website
