

In a convenience store where I used to work, I always focus on understanding what customers think when they enter into there and pay for merchandise. For example, if some customers look like cold in winter when they enter into a convenience store, I should ask other staff opinions and turn on air conditioners. Likewise, when customers ask me a bag to put products in, but they are having many bags looking heavy, I should ask them like can I prepare for much bigger bag for them to put all products in there. In my opinions, Not only reading customers' feelings and ask them but also reaching out how to solve issues are true hospitality. That is what I focus on when I work at hospitality jobs.
The origin of my hospitality comes from the experience that I have helped out my family business like serving food and drinks, and preparation of dishes since I was an elementary school student. Speaking of placing plates and cutleries, I devised positions of them that customers can take easily, and directions of plates and chopsticks that customers can think their surfaces as beautiful art crafts. The hospitality became one of my strengths that I can use as a cabin crew of Emirates.

・What did you do in your previous job?/where did you work?
I used to work as a tutor, cashier of a convenience store, and waiter in my father's restaurant. Speaking of tutoring, I was in charge of junior high schoolers. The job was really difficult. Tutoring for a hour with students in person is fun rather than feeling hard because I can talk alot with them and support their careers in their lives. Whereas the situation, hard point is to inspire them to study what they do not want to do. Students of 14 or 15 years old are during the period when both mentality and physicality are changing. Then, they tend to dislike everything that they do not want to do. Also, in Japan, they do not say out what they do not want to do as voice, but they just keep their complaints in their minds. For this reason, even if I tried to teach them kindly, they did sleep or play with something during classes. I was in charge of students of the age, so it was very hard to teach them well. But Thru my memory that I was in the hard period like them, I did my best to communicate with them delicately.

・How would your friends or coworkers describe you?

My friends or coworkers describe me as the person who brightens up the atmosphere while socialising with people or working jobs. In my opinion, when I talk to people, I try to find common topics or interests between us to develop our relationships. So themes that I talk to each person are different. I think its flexibility is a hint to brighten up the atmosphere and build strong bonds.

・Tell me about a time when you helped someone
When I was a high school student, I could not speak English well, but I wanted to improve English and have opportunity to speak English. So I used to help foreign people at a station spontaneously.  Like, "Hi do you need help?" "Where do you want to go?" I could only use simple English words then, but I helped many people who came from other countries, and improved my English skills too. Now, I think I can provide hospitality to spend the best trip for them. And, the reward or feeling made me stand here to be a cabin crew.

・What is your dream jobs
My dream job is to be a cabin crew of Emirates. That is why I am here. I came here from Japan for this interview.

・Tell me about yourself
My name is Masami Takaoka. I am good at reading customers' wants and offering great hospitality based on experiences more than 15 years. I like to interact with other people who have different backgrounds and cultures, so I have international experience that I have stayed in Scotland for a month when I was a high school student and the US for a year as an exchange student of an American university. I would like to expand out my view and possibility for my career with hospitality, so I am doing my best right now to be an Emirates cabin crew.

・Describe your character in 3 words
First is cooperativeness. I prefer working together to working alone because after I get off work with my co-workers, we can feel rewarding and share the sense of accomplishment together.
Second is curiosity. I often explore new world that I have never experienced before. In my mentality, curiosity or excitement is more prevalent than fear to step into new zones.
Third is consideration. I consider what consumers and friends are thinking about while talking with them because I take some actions that they feel more comfortable next time they communicate with me.

・When you were on the volleyball team, what were you trying to do?
When I was a captain of a volleyball team, I cared about team members' conditions, for example is no one feeling bad today or he may have some complaints about our practice or teamworks like that. And then I asked the person what you are thinking about that. Especially Volleyball needs harmony or sympathy to be better teamwork compared with other sports because one person can touch a ball only one time per an attack. So, even while I practice volleyball with team members, to be integrate our passions and feelings into one is very important for this sport.

・What was the most uncomfortable situation, and how did you manage it?
・Did you have to ask someone for help? Tell me about it
・Did you have any experience that you could not manage by yourself?
・Tell me about a challenge at work you faced and overcame recently
・Tell me about a time you resolved a conflict
Of course, I have. It often happens not in workplaces, but new circumstances after I get out of comfortable zones. The most difficult experience is when I studied abroad to the US. I had many culture shocks and snuggled with adapting American culture when I started to stay in an American dorm. I spent uncomfortable and hard time so much to understand English of university classes and conversations btwn natives. But I tried to catch up with them but mentally I felt socially isolated, and could not manage it by myself. Then I met French people and shared the frustrating  feeling together. They also were in a same boat with me and struggling to communicate with natives in a second language. We spent most time together and communicated in English and  socialized American groups many times together. Therefore, I am here right now. The challenge could not be achieved by myself, but I could make it with the French friends.

・Which nationalities do you think you will have the most difficulty dealing with?
I will have to care Malaysian people to carry out service because Malaysia has the most Muslims in the world, which means that I have to care about their religious restriction, for example Ramadan, providing of alcohol and pork food. It does not exist in Japan even though Japan and Malaysia are relatively close in Asia.

・What do you know about Dubai?
Dubai is a part of UAE, so it is not a country but a city. More than half in the territory is dessert. National language is Arabic, but because of the fact that more than 80% are foreigners in Dubai, English is used mainly to live in. There are various transportations like Tram, metro, and bus. Usually Dubai is an Islamic country, so people have to care about outfits when they go out. Also, care about some restrictions like alcohol and pork, and fasting period.

・What do you know about Emirates Airlines?
Emirates Airlines have main 2 kinds of planes, one is A380, and the other is Boeing 777. In the first class of A 380, there is a shower spa and lounge to eat light meal and beverages. A 380 is composed of

・why do you wanna work for our airline?
・What are your strengths?
・Why should I hire you?

I have extensive hospitality experience based on my family business, so I am good at thinking about how to deliver safety and comfort to customers. Also, with the skill that I am able to develop teamwork easily regardless of nationalities through my studying abroad experience, I can build relationship mutually inspiring between workers, and I can provide the best customer service as a cabin crew. These are reasons that you should hire me.

・What is the kind of person you refuse to work with?
I am not good at working with person who does not respect each other and listen to opinions from others. Most jobs under corporations are composed of teamworks. Under the situation, people who do not listen to other opinions lead to disturb of the whole work. Also, I cannot enjoy working with them, and it is impossible to provide good customer service. For this reason, I am not good at working with person who does not listen to opinions from others.

・Would you say that you can easily deal with high pressure situations?
I would not say it is easy but I can deal with high pressure situations. In my case, getting high pressure is evidence that I have prepared for high pressure situations so far. That is why I get nervous then like right now lol. However, The effort that I have prepared must be paid off in the situations. For this reason, it is not difficult to deal with them but nor easily.

・What do you expect from a supervisor?
I expect that supervisors are friendly and easy to be around for employees, but during work time, they should be strict to train us well. For this reason, I expect that I can always respect supervisor in work time and even private time!

・What motivates you to do the best on the job?
Development and building new friendships motivate me to work better. I can enjoy work time and leisure time as long as I can build new relationships through my work. I can work with new people having different backgrounds as an emirates cabin crew, so it is one of the best points that I am excited. Also, my motivation to work a emirates cabin crew, I can arrive in various destinations and I can spend new life in Dubai.

・How will you be able to cope with working such long shifts?
In my case, The way to deal with working long shifts is to take a break well. For example, when I have flights for 12-14 hours, while I am working, I always provide the best service, and when I take a break, having time to take a nap or rest my body is the best way to deal with long working.

・How long do you expect to work for us if hired?
It depends on where flights are heading to.
I expect about 15 hours if I get on a long flight including a break time.

・What did you do to prepare for this interview?

First of all, I researched a lot information and knowledge from YouTube and my friends. Afterwards, I summarised all of the information into a note, and did brainstorming to be able to prepare for this interview. Until 3 days ago, I reviewed them so much, but yesterday, I did not do that to calm my brain down and enjoyed watching YouTube of Emirates.

・What if more than one airline offers you the job?
・Why do you wanna work for Emirates, not Qatar or Etihad?

I definitely am going to work at Emirates. Emirates is called the best job in the world, and while I go all over the world, I can spend precious time with other cabin crews who came from different countries.
Emirates is an eco-friendly corporation. For example, these days, Emirates introduced digital flight tickets on devices, not paper one to reduce waste of paper and offer speedy and  convenient check-in. Also, Emirates has eco-friendly program to reduce unnecessary fuel. When aircrafts are on the ground, they use ground power units and switching two engines off. For these 2 reasons.

・What are your weaknesses?
My weakness is to have bravery. It looks like a strength, but it sometimes becomes weakness. For example, when I went a trip to Mexico by myself. I entered into a dangerous area to take a beautiful landscape. Therefore, I was chased by a homeless person having a knife. Of course, I had searched a lot about the safety before I went there, but I was confident then. If risk offends only my body, sometimes, I might a risk. This is my weakness. Of course there are things that I cannot manage by myself. In addition to the fact that working with many people is more efficient, they can support my weakness that I cannot manage by myself, and overcome it.

・Do you work better in a team or alone?
I work better in a team because I spent much time in Japan that values collectivism and grouptism. Acutually, I obtained the importance of teamworks through school lives, volleyball club, and even part time job. While I was a captain of a volleyball team, I focused on not only organising my team, but also respecting opinions from team members, and making harmonies. For this reason, I am better at working in a team.


・Give me an example where you had to utilize the best customer service skills in order to complete a task or make a customer happy. How did the customer feel? How did you feel? What did you say exactly?

・What do you think being a cabin crew is like?

Being a cabin crew is always standing by customers with a team members of other crews. Based on comfort and safety on a plane, cabin crews  have to provide the best customer service. I used to dislike using planes to go on a trip because it is uncomfortable to keep sitting for a long time without using my phone due to out of service. But when I used emirates airlines first, I could feel excitement then because monitor on TV and customer services are great, and emirates cabin crews were gorgeous  and had aura. That made me excited and felt safety and comfort from their confidences. Since then, I would love to be a cabin crew who is like the crews that I saw, and standing by customers always like they did when I used Emirates Airlines.

・Have you considered the fact that you are going to live away from your family?
Yes, I have. I lived apart from my parents for two years when I was an university student. I lived in Kyoto prefecture for a year and the US for a year. And now I am doing my best in Australia apart from my family. So even if I live in Dubai, my family and I have no problem with it.

・How would you feel knowing that you won't see them for at least 6 months?
Honestly, I miss my family and mother's cooking. However, I have been studying a lot in the US and Japan apart from my family, so I have a decision to success my life, and support my family finally.

I came to Australia with working holiday visa a month ago. The purpose is to make money to live and support my family and go to this open day.

・How have you overcome difficulties? How have you changed as a result?

When I get in trouble, I analyse the cause. For example, when I belonged volleyball club as a captain, there were times when everyone's motivation went down, and we often lost in competitions. Then I realised that team members' passions to each practise were declining, and practicing volleyball by my myself is not efficient to make team better. So, as a team, we had to make effort to win competitions. Since then, I organised my team again, and finally I could overcome the difficulty. The experience of volleyball for 10 years became the sense of the value that I should tackle into difficulties as a team, not individuals to make advancement.

・Difficulties in working with foreigners

One of the difficult points id that each common sense varies because foreign people come from various places having different cultures. The criteria is different , so it is difficult to distinguish between "What is right" and "What is wrong" when I work with foreign workers.

・What if my colleagues don't agree with me?

I ask why you cannot agree with me rather than I push my opinions more. It meant that I respect the person, and I can think my thought objectivity again. After that, I would like to discuss one more which opinion is the best for this case. Even if we cannot agree each other, I would ask other people, and get more wide view to get the best solution.

・Would you pay attention if a co-worker acted wrongly? How would you feel then?

Warning team members improves the quality of the whole workplace including teamworks. I would like to not only warn team members, but also present to make them think about ideas to solve issues. I think that this is a good way to improve teamworks too.

・Improvements made in the work environment as a result of my opinion

When I was working at a seven eleven, there was a time when our sales kept decreasing during covid. Also, even when the social situation got better and better, sales did not go up well. Then, I made a strategy that I targeted tourists coming from other countries to purchase souvenirs with explanations written in English. Afterwards, because of that for the situation that foreign people have been coming more and more, our sales got increased gradually.

What I care about when I communicate with foreign people is not to force them to adapt my culture or value. Like a proverb, When in Rome、do as the Romans do, I try to respect people who have their own cultures and I learn new things from them without any stereotype. This is actually what I have done in the US and Scotland during studying abroad.

・Tell me a time when you had a conflict with your co-worker
When I worked at a convenience store of 7-11 in Japan, I had a conflict with my co-worker about the places to put merchandise on. My co-worker put products on any space even if it can be too high for customers because it looks organised and better like they can have many choices to buy. However, in my opinion, we should put products on spaces that customers can reach them easily because they have no risk to struggle with getting products being on a top shelf. Also, people tend to buy products that they are close to their eyes. For these reasons, I did not want to put merchandise on high spaces. So I proposed to ask other employers to think about it more objectively, and we agreed not to put products on high spaces.

・What is the most difficult customer service you faced?
I used to work as a tutor, cashier of a convenience store, and waiter in my father's restaurant. Speaking of tutoring, I was in charge of junior high schoolers. The job was really difficult. Tutoring for a hour with students in person is fun rather than feeling hard because I can talk alot with them and support their careers in their lives. Whereas the situation, hard point is to inspire them to study what they do not want to do. Students of 14 or 15 years old are during the period when both mentality and physicality are changing. Then, they tend to dislike everything that they do not want to do. Also, in Japan, they do not say out what they do not want to do as voice, but they just keep their complaints in their minds. For this reason, even if I tried to teach them kindly, they did sleep or play with something during classes. I was in charge of students of the age, so it was very hard to teach them well. But Thru my memory that I was in the hard period like them, I did my best to communicate with them delicately.
Convenience Store.
When I worked at a convenience store of 7-11 in Japan, it was the most difficult to deal with people who complained our merchandise. Speaking of one of my experiences, there was a person who complained about a cigaret box that he bought, but, It was not what he wanted. All employees had to confirm whether a cigaret is correct or not for customers. So we did. But, he got a wrong one, so he got a refund. However, he returned our store and got mad and complained about that he did not get a refund on credit card yet. When Refund process with credit card takes 3 days to return the deposit, but he could not agree with it then. But, there was no way, but waiting for 3 days. So we tried doing our best to provide him the understanding of the system and calm down. Eventually, we apologised many times and we listened to what he said carefully to get down his emotion. This is the most difficult customer service of a convenience store. What I focused on is to support and stand by him while claiming about everything because there was no way anymore. We have to care about how importantly we think about the customer. That is the best solution for the situation and him as well.







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