#10 Time Through Metaphors Part2
In the last article, we looked at expressions like "time passes" or "the time comes," which use spatial metaphors. These included imagery of us walking along a path connecting the past to the future, or of river water flowing from upstream to downstream. Now, let's explore how time is expressed using metaphors that rely on different elements.
"とき(Toki)" and "時間(Jikan)"
"とき (toki)" and "時間 (jikan)" are both words that represent "time." While each has its own unique set of metaphorical expressions, this time, I’d like to focus on introducing expressions specifically using "時間 (jikan)."
Before we dive into metaphors that use the word "時間(jikan)", let's start with a question. What's the difference between "とき(toki)" and "時間(jikan)"? Even Japanese learners of the basic level encounter both terms early on, but their usage differs.
For example, to say "When I was a child," you would say "こどものとき", not "こどもの時間."
Similarly, we say "when I am happy" as "うれしいとき" but not "うれしい時間."
On the other hand, if you're talking about something like "It takes time to do homework," you use "時間(jikan)" , not "とき(toki)" , as in "宿題をするのに時間がかかる."
And if you're rushing a colleague who’s taking their time, you’d say "時間がない" , not "ときがない."
So, what's the difference?
First, "とき(toki)" is a native Japanese word (和語), while "時間(jikan)" is a borrowed word from China (漢語). This already gives us a clue. "とき(toki)" feels softer, more fluid, and less defined, while "時間(jikan)" refers to specific units of time, with clear boundaries. "時間(jikan)" has a more formal, structured sense of time.
We don’t usually think much about phrases like "こどものとき (when I was child)" or "うれしいとき (when I am happy)," but when we say "宿題をするのに時間がかかる (It takes time to do homework)" or "時間がない (there’s no time)," doesn't an image of a ticking clock suddenly pop into your head?
Now, what metaphors do we use that involve this more defined concept of "時間(jikan)"? Let’s explore that next!
If you're interested in learning more about the differences between native Japanese words and borrowed words, be sure to check out previous articles. It's closely related to today's discussion.
Various Expressions Related to Time
Now, let’s look at some examples of metaphorical expressions using "time" as a formal unit.
①時間を潰す(tsubusu, Killing Time)
It refers to filling empty time by doing something to pass it. This expression is similar to "filling a gap," as in filling a hole in the ground. In this case, time is compared to an empty space, and we "kill" time by filling it with some activity.
For example,
🔷Arriving too early
"I arrived 30 minutes early for the meeting, so I’ll kill some time in the bookstore."
🔷In a sports context
In sports, "killing time" is often used when a team is ahead and intentionally uses up the remaining time to secure the win.
"The team was leading by one goal, so they spent the last 10 minutes of the second half passing the ball to kill time."
②時間を守る(mamoru, Keep the time/ Be on time)
It refers to acting without being late for appointments or scheduled events, or following the agreed-upon time. This is something the Japanese are particularly known for! How about in your country?
Expressions like "守る mamoru" (to protect or keep) are used in phrases such as "仲間を守る" (protect your friends) or "約束を守る" (keep a promise). It's interesting to see how this usage has expanded from concrete ideas(like friends) to more abstract concepts(like a promise and time).
For example,
"He is always punctual, which is why he’s so trusted."
③時間がなくなる (Running out of Time)
This expression refers to when the available time is limited or running out.
It seems to draw on the metaphor of money, which is closely tied to our daily lives. The phrase "時間がない" (there's no time) works in the same way. If you already have no time, you say "時間がない." If you're about to run out of time, you say "時間がなくなる."
Similarly, when referring to money, if your salary or savings are already gone, you'd say "お金がない," and if they're about to run out, you'd say "お金がなくなる."
④時間を節約する (setsuyakusuru, Save Time)
It refers to reduce wasted time and using limited time more efficiently.
This is another example, like in point ③, where time is treated in the same way as valuable resources like money.
Here’s an example sentence
"Online shopping is convenient because it saves you the time of going to the shop."
⑤タイムパフォーマンス/ タイパ (Time-benefit Performance)
"タイムパフォーマンス" (often abbreviated as "タイパ, taipa" in Japanese) refers to the outcome or satisfaction gained in relation to the time invested.
The term stems from "コストパフォーマンス, cost performance" ("コスパ, kosupa"), but here time is treated with the same importance as money, reflecting a modern view that both are valuable resources. I think this phrase clearly mirrors the business mindset that values achieving the greatest results with minimal time and cost.
Common phrases include:
"タイムパフォーマンスが高い/低い (high/low time performance)"
"タイムパフォーマンスがいい/わるい (good/bad time performance)"
when evaluating how efficiently time is used.
Expressions Using Money as a Metaphor
Expressions like ③ to ⑤ clearly use metaphors of money or cost. When we consider various idioms, it becomes apparent that many compare time to money. In today’s world, where capitalism is the norm, people seem to place as much value on time as they do on money. I read in a book that while money-related metaphors existed in the past, their usage surged in modern times. It’s fascinating to think that our lifestyles and values are directly reflected in the metaphors we use!
How was that? This time, we focused on metaphorical expressions related to time, but metaphors are used everywhere in language. Metaphors are an excellent way to convey complex concepts by replacing them with things or phenomena we can directly perceive. It’s also fascinating to see how, over time, the meanings of words expand and evolve into multiple meanings through the accumulation of such expressions.
If any expressions caught your attention or you noticed interesting differences between metaphors in Japanese and your own language, I’d love to hear about them!
Thank you for reading!