◾️ジェフリー・サックス「米国とイスラエルがいかにしてシリアを破壊し、それを平和と呼んだか」 2024年12月12日
How the US and Israel Destroyed Syria and Called it Peace
By JEFFREY D. SACHS Dec 12, 2024
American interference, at the behest of Netanyahu’s far-right Israel, has left the Middle East in ruins, with over a million dead and open wars raging in Libya, Sudan, Somalia, Lebanon, Syria, and Palestine, and with Iran on the brink of a nuclear arsenal.
ローマの歴史家タキトゥスの有名な台詞に、「荒らし、虐殺し、偽りの称号で簒奪することを彼らは帝国と呼び、砂漠を作ることを彼らは平和と呼ぶ 」というものがある。
話は単純だ。 イスラエルのベンヤミン・ネタニヤフ首相とその閣僚たちは、国際法に著しく違反して、700万人のパレスチナ・アラブ人を支配する権利を主張している。 イスラエルによるパレスチナの土地の占領が過激派の抵抗につながると、イスラエルはその抵抗に「テロリズム」のレッテルを貼り、「テロリスト」を支持する中東の政府を転覆させるよう米国に要求する。 アメリカはイスラエルロビーの影響下にあり、イスラエルのために戦争を仕掛ける。
今週のシリア陥落は、ネタニヤフ首相が就任した1996年まで遡る、イスラエルとアメリカによる対シリアキャンペーンの集大成である。 イスラエルとアメリカの対シリア戦争は2011年と2012年にエスカレートし、バラク・オバマが「ティンバー・シカモア作戦」でCIAにシリア政府の転覆を密かに命じた。 2011年以来、シリア戦争で30万人以上が死亡した後、その努力は今週ついに「結実」した。
シリアの崩壊が急速に進んだのは、10年以上にわたる経済制裁、戦争による重荷、米国によるシリアの石油の接収、ウクライナ紛争に関するロシアの優先順位、そして何よりも、シリア政府の重要な軍事的後ろ盾であったヒズボラに対するイスラエルの攻撃が原因だった。 アサドがしばしば自らの手を誤り、深刻な内部不満に直面していたのは間違いないが、彼の政権は何十年もの間、アメリカとイスラエルによって崩壊の標的となっていた。
In the famous lines of Tacitus, Roman historian, “To ravage, to slaughter, to usurp under false titles, they call empire; and where they make a desert, they call it peace.”
In our age, it is Israel and the U.S. that make a desert and call it peace.
The story is simple. In stark violation of international law, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his ministers claim the right to rule over seven million Palestinian Arabs. When Israel’s occupation of Palestinian lands leads to militant resistance, Israel labels the resistance “terrorism” and calls on the U.S. to overthrow the Middle East governments that back the “terrorists.” The U.S., under the sway of the Israel Lobby, goes to war on Israel’s behalf.
The fall of Syria this week is the culmination of the Israel-U.S. campaign against Syria that goes back to 1996 with Netanyahu’s arrival to office as Prime Minister. The Israel-U.S. war on Syria escalated in 2011 and 2012, when Barack Obama covertly tasked the CIA with the overthrow of the Syrian Government in Operation Timber Sycamore. That effort finally came to “fruition” this week, after more than 300,000 deaths in the Syrian war since 2011.
Syria’s fall came swiftly because of more than a decade of crushing economic sanctions, the burdens of war, the U.S. seizure of Syria’s oil, Russia’s priorities regarding the conflict in Ukraine, and most immediately, Israel’s attacks on Hezbollah, which was the key military backstop to the Syrian Government. No doubt Assad often misplayed his own hand and faced severe internal discontent, but his regime was targeted for collapse for decades by the U.S. and Israel.
2011年にアサド打倒に向けた米・イスラエルのキャンペーンが本格化する前、シリアは中所得国として機能し、成長していた。 2009年1月、IMF理事会は次のように述べている:
《理事たちは、石油以外のGDPの急速な伸び、余裕のある外貨準備高、政府債務の低水準と減少に現れているように、近年のシリアの強力なマクロ経済パフォーマンスを歓迎した。 この実績は、堅調な地域需要と、より市場経済にシフトするための当局の改革努力の両方を反映している。》
政府崩壊直後の2日間で、イスラエルはシリア全土で約480回の空爆を行い、ラタキアのシリア艦隊を完全に破壊した。 拡張主義を追求するネタニヤフ首相は、ゴラン高原の非武装緩衝地帯の支配権を不法に主張し、ゴラン高原は "永遠に "イスラエルの一部になると宣言した。
約30年前から続く、戦争によってこの地域を変えようとするネタニヤフの野望が、私たちの目の前で繰り広げられている。 12月9日の記者会見で、イスラエル首相は「絶対的勝利」を誇り、ガザで続く大量虐殺と地域全体に拡大する暴力を正当化した:
《考えてみてほしい。もしわれわれが、「戦争は止めなければならない」と何度も何度もわれわれに言ってきた人たちの言うとおりにしていたら、ラファに入ることも、フィラデルフィア回廊を占領することも、シンワルを排除することも、大胆な作戦態勢でレバノンと全世界の敵を驚かせることも、ナスララを排除することも、ヒズボラの地下ネットワークを破壊することも、イランの弱点を露呈することもなかっただろう。 戦争が始まって以来、われわれが行ってきた作戦は、枢軸をレンガからレンガへと解体している》と。
Before the U.S.-Israel campaign to overthrow Assad began in earnest in 2011, Syria was a functioning, growing middle-income country. In January 2009, the IMF Executive Board had this to say:
Executive Directors welcomed Syria’s strong macroeconomic performance in recent years, as manifested in the rapid non-oil GDP growth, comfortable level of foreign reserves, and low and declining government debt. This performance reflected both robust regional demand and the authorities’ reform efforts to shift toward a more market- based economy.
Since 2011, the Israel-U.S. perpetual war on Syria, including bombing, jihadists, economic sanctions, U.S. seizure of Syria’s oil fields, and more, has sunk the Syrian people into misery.
In the immediate two days following the collapse of the government, Israel conducted about 480 strikes across Syria, and completely destroyed the Syrian fleet in Latakia. Pursuing his expansionist agenda, Prime Minister Netanyahu illegally claimed control over the demilitarized buffer zone in the Golan Heights and declared that the Golan Heights will be a part of the State of Israel “for eternity.”
Netanyahu’s ambition to transform the region through war, which dates back almost three decades, is playing out in front of our eyes. In a press conference on December 9th, the Israeli prime minister boasted of an “absolute victory,” justifying the on-going genocide in Gaza and escalating violence throughout the region:
I ask you, just think, if we had acceded to those who told us time and again: '"The war must be stopped"– we would not have entered Rafah, we would not have seized the Philadelphia Corridor, we would not have eliminated Sinwar, we would not have surprised our enemies in Lebanon and the entire world in a daring operation-stratagem, we would not have eliminated Nasrallah, we would not have destroyed Hezbollah's underground network, and we would not have exposed Iran's weakness. The operations that we have carried out since the beginning of the war are dismantling the axis brick by brick.
イスラエルの対シリア戦争は、1996年に米国とイスラエルの新保守主義者たちによって始まった。彼らは、ネタニヤフ首相が就任する際に、中東のための「クリーンブレイク」戦略を策定した。 クリーンブレイク戦略の核心は、イスラエル(とアメリカ)が「平和のための土地」を拒否すること、つまりイスラエルが和平と引き換えにパレスチナの占領地から撤退するという考えを拒否することだった。 その代わりに、イスラエルは占領されたパレスチナの土地を保持し、アパルトヘイト国家としてパレスチナの人々を支配し、段階的に民族浄化を進め、イスラエルの土地主張に抵抗する近隣諸国の政府を転覆させることによって、いわゆる「平和のための平和」を強制する。
クリーンブレイク戦略は、「われわれが2000年もの間、希望を抱いてしがみついてきたこの土地に対するわれわれの主張は正当であり、崇高なものである」と主張し、さらに「シリアはレバノン国内でイスラエルに挑戦している。 効果的なアプローチで、アメリカ人が共感できるのは、イスラエルがレバノンにおける侵略の主体であるヒズボラ、シリア、イランを巻き込むことによって、北方国境沿いの戦略的イニシアチブを握ることだろう......」と述べている。
ネタニヤフは1996年の著書『テロとの闘い』の中で、新たな戦略を打ち出した。 イスラエルはテロリストと戦うのではなく、テロリストを支援する国家と戦うのだ。 より正確には、米国にイスラエルの戦いを代行させるのだ。 彼が2001年に詳述したように:
《理解すべき最初の、そして最も重要なことはこれだ: 主権国家の支援なくして国際テロリズムは存在しない......この国家の支援をすべて取り除けば、国際テロリズムの足場はすべて粉々に崩れてしまう》と。
Israel’s war on Syria began with U.S. and Israeli neoconservatives in 1996, who fashioned a “Clean Break” strategy for the Middle East for Netanyahu as he came to office. The core of the “clean break” strategy called for the Israel (and the US) to reject “land for peace,” the idea that Israel would withdraw from the occupied Palestinian lands in return for peace. Instead, Israel would retain the occupied Palestinian lands, rule over the Palestinian people in an Apartheid state, step-by-step ethnically cleanse the state, and enforce so-called “peace for peace” by overthrowing neighboring governments that resisted Israel’s land claims.
The long history of Israel’s campaign to overthrow the Syrian Government is not widely understood, yet the documentary record is clear.
The Clean Break strategy asserts, “Our claim to the land—to which we have clung for hope for 2000 years—is legitimate and noble,” and goes on to state, “Syria challenges Israel on Lebanese soil. An effective approach, and one with which American can sympathize, would be if Israel seized the strategic initiative along its northern borders by engaging Hizballah, Syria, and Iran, as the principal agents of aggression in Lebanon…”
In his 1996 book Fighting Terrorism, Netanyahu set out the new strategy. Israel would not fight the terrorists; it would fight the states that support the terrorists. More accurately, it would get the US to do Israel’s fighting for it. As he elaborated in 2001:
The first and most crucial thing to understand is this: There is no international terrorism without the support of sovereign states.… Take away all this state support, and the entire scaffolding of international terrorism will collapse into dust.
ネタニヤフ首相の戦略は米国の外交政策と一体化していた。 シリアを排除することは常に計画の重要な一部だった。 これは9.11の後、ウェズリー・クラーク将軍に確認された。 まずイラクから始め、シリア、レバノン、リビア、ソマリア、スーダン、イランに移る。 イラクが最初で、次にシリア、そして残りとなる。 (ネタニヤフ首相のイラク戦争キャンペーンは、デニス・フリッツの新著『Deadly Betrayal』に詳しく書かれている。 イスラエル・ロビーの役割については、イラン・パッペの新著『Lobbying for Zionism on Both Sides of the Atlantic』に詳しい)。 イラクで米軍を襲った反乱は、5年間のスケジュールを後退させたが、基本戦略は変えなかった。
米国は現在までに、イラク(2003年の侵攻)、レバノン(米国はイスラエルに資金を提供し武装化)、リビア(2011年のNATOによる空爆)、シリア(2010年代のCIAによる作戦)、スーダン(2011年にスーダンを分裂させるために反政府勢力を支援)、ソマリア(2006年にエチオピアの侵攻を支援)に対する戦争を主導または後援してきた。 イスラエルが熱心に求めているイランとの戦争は、まだ未完である。
奇妙に思えるかもしれないが、CIAはこれらの戦争を戦うイスラム主義ジハード主義者を繰り返し支援してきたし、ジハード主義者はシリア政権を倒したばかりだ。 CIAは結局のところ、1970年代後半からアフガニスタンでムジャヒディーンを訓練し、武装させ、資金を提供することで、アルカイダを創設する手助けをしたのだ。 確かに、オサマ・ビンラディンは後に米国に反旗を翻したが、彼の運動はすべて米国が作り出したものである。 皮肉なことに、シーモア・ハーシュが確認しているように、「アルカイダによる米海軍第5艦隊司令部への爆弾攻撃が間近に迫っていることを米国に密告」したのはアサドの諜報活動だった。
Netanyahu’s strategy was integrated into U.S. foreign policy. Taking out Syria was always a key part of the plan. This was confirmed to General Wesley Clark after 9/11. He was told, during a visit at the Pentagon, that “we’re going to attack and destroy the governments in seven countries in five years—we’re going to start with Iraq, and then we’re going to move to Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran.” Iraq would be first, then Syria, and the rest. (Netanyahu’s campaign for the Iraq War is spelled out in detail in Dennis Fritz’s new book, Deadly Betrayal. The role of the Israel Lobby is spelled out in Ilan Pappé’s new book, Lobbying for Zionism on Both Sides of the Atlantic). The insurgency that hit U.S. troops in Iraq set back the five-year timeline, but did not change the basic strategy.
The U.S. has by now led or sponsored wars against Iraq (invasion in 2003), Lebanon (U.S. funding and arming Israel), Libya (NATO bombing in 2011), Syria (CIA operation during 2010’s), Sudan (supporting rebels to break Sudan apart in 2011), and Somalia (backing Ethiopia’s invasion in 2006). A prospective U.S. war with Iran, ardently sought by Israel, is still pending.
Strange as it might seem, the CIA has repeatedly backed Islamist Jihadists to fight these wars, and jihadists have just toppled the Syrian regime. The CIA, after all, helped to create al-Qaeda in the first place by training, arming, and financing the Mujahideen in Afghanistan from the late 1970s onward. Yes, Osama bin Laden later turned on the U.S., but his movement was a U.S. creation all the same. Ironically, as Seymour Hersh confirms, it was Assad’s intelligence that “tipped off the U.S. to an impending Al Qaeda bombing attack on the headquarters of the U.S. Navy’s Fifth Fleet.”
Operation Timber Sycamore was a billion-dollar CIA covert program launched by Obama to overthrow Bashar al-Assad. The CIA funded, trained, and provided intelligence to radical and extreme Islamist groups. The CIA effort also involved a “rat line” to run weapons from Libya (attacked by NATO in 2011) to the jihadists in Syria. In 2014, Seymour Hersh described the operation in his piece “The Red Line and the Rat Line”:
“A highly classified annex to the report, not made public, described a secret agreement reached in early 2012 between the Obama and Erdoğan administrations. It pertained to the rat line. By the terms of the agreement, funding came from Turkey, as well as Saudi Arabia and Qatar; the CIA, with the support of MI6, was responsible for getting arms from Gaddafi’s arsenals into Syria.”
Soon after the launch of Timber Sycamore, in March 2013, at a joint conference by President Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahu at the White House, Obama said: “With respect to Syria, the United States continues to work with allies and friends and the Syrian opposition to hasten the end of Assad’s rule.”
米・イスラエル・シオニストのメンタリティにとって、敵対国が交渉を求めるのは敵対国の弱さの表れと受け取られる。 相手側に交渉を求める者は、イスラエルや米国のスパイに殺害されて終わるのが普通だ。 私たちは最近、レバノンでこれを目の当たりにした。 レバノン外相は、ヒズボラのハッサン・ナスララ前書記長が暗殺される数日前にイスラエルとの停戦に合意していたことを確認した。 ヒズボラは、アラブ・イスラム世界が望む2国家解決に沿った和平合意を受け入れる意志を長年持っている。 同様に、イスラエルはガザでの戦争を終わらせるために交渉する代わりに、ハマスの政治責任者であるイスマイル・ハニヤをテヘランで暗殺した。
シリアでも同様で、アメリカは政治的解決を可能にする代わりに、和平プロセスに何度も反対した。 2012年、国連はシリアの和平協定を取り決めたが、和平協定の初日にアサドを辞めさせるよう要求したアメリカによって阻止された。 アメリカは和平ではなく、政権交代を望んでいたのだ。 2024年9月、ネタニヤフ首相は「祝福」と「呪い」に分かれた中東の地図を持って国連総会で演説し、レバノン、シリア、イラク、イランをネタニヤフ首相の呪いの一部とした。 本当の呪いとは、レバノンとシリアを巻き込んだイスラエルの騒乱と戦争の道であり、ネタニヤフ首相は米国をイランとの戦争にも引きずり込みたいと熱望している。
アメリカとイスラエルは、イスラエルの敵でありパレスチナの大義の擁護者である国を、またひとつ滅ぼすことに成功したと高をくくっており、ネタニヤフ首相は「歴史的プロセスを開始した功績」を主張している。 おそらくシリアは、これまでのアメリカ・イスラエルによる政権交代作戦で起きたように、多くの武装した主体による戦争が続くことになるだろう。
To the U.S.-Israeli Zionist mentality, a call for negotiation by an adversary is taken as a sign of weakness of the adversary. Those who call for negotiations on the other side typically end up dead—murdered by Israel or U.S. assets. We’ve seen this play out recently in Lebanon. The Lebanese Foreign Minister confirmed that Hassan Nasrallah, Former Secretary-General of Hezbollah had agreed to a ceasefire with Israel days before his assassination. Hezbollah’s willingness to accept a peace agreement according to the Arab-Islamic world’s wishes of a two-state solution is long-standing. Similarly, instead of negotiating to end the war in Gaza, Israel assassinated Hamas’ political chief, Ismail Haniyeh, in Tehran.
Similarly in Syria, instead of allowing for a political solution to emerge, the U.S. opposed the peace process multiple times. In 2012, the UN had negotiated a peace agreement in Syria that was blocked by the Americans, who demanded that Assad must go on the first day of the peace agreement. The U.S. wanted regime change, not peace. In September 2024, Netanyahu addressed the General Assembly with a map of the Middle East divided between “Blessing” and “Curse,” with Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Iran as part of Netanyahu’s curse. The real curse is Israel’s path of mayhem and war, which has now engulfed Lebanon and Syria, with Netayahu’s fervent hope to draw the U.S. into war with Iran as well.
The U.S. and Israel are high-fiving that they have successfully wrecked yet another adversary of Israel and defender of the Palestinian cause, with Netanyahu claiming “credit for starting the historic process.” Most likely Syria will now succumb to continued war among the many armed protagonists, as has happened in the previous U.S.-Israeli regime-change operations.
In short, American interference, at the behest of Netanyahu’s Israel, has left the Middle East in ruins, with over a million dead and open wars raging in Libya, Sudan, Somalia, Lebanon, Syria, and Palestine, and with Iran on the brink of a nuclear arsenal, being pushed against its own inclinations to this eventuality.
All this is in the service of a profoundly unjust cause: to deny Palestinians their political rights in the service of Zionist extremism based on the 7th century BCE Book of Joshua. Remarkably, according to that text—one relied on by Israel’s own religious zealots—the Israelites were not even the original inhabitants of the land. Rather, according the text, God instructs Joshua and his warriors to commit multiple genocides to conquer the land.
Against this backdrop, the Arab-Islamic nations and indeed almost all of the world have repeatedly united in the call for a two-state solution and peace between Israel and Palestine.
Instead of the two-state solution, Israel and the U.S. have made a desert and called it peace.
◾️ぺぺ・エスコバル「国家の死: 黒旗、虐殺、土地の強奪、ハゲタカがシリアの死骸を食い荒らす」
Death of a Nation: Black Flags, Massacres, Land Grabs as Vultures Feed on the Carcass of Syria
The iron axis of Straussian neocons, Zio-cons and Old Testament psychos in Tel Aviv is no-holds-barred obsessed on destroying the Axis of Resistance, using their transnational network of bloody killers to extend chaos and sectarian civil war all across West Asia. Throughout this ideal scenario they dream of mortally hitting the head of the snake: Iran.
Sultan Erdogan, playing the role of useful patsy, has proclaimed:
A “bright period” for Syria has begun.
Indeed. A bright period for Black Flag head-choppers and Tel Aviv bombers and land grabbers – feeding on the carcass of Syria.
The Old Testament psycho-pathological killers, via over 350 strikes, have totally destroyed all the military infrastructure of the former Syrian Arab Army (SAA); weapons factories, munitions, bases, fighter jets, including the Mezze air base in Damascus, Russian anti-ship systems, ships themselves (in Lattakia, close to the Russian naval base) and air defense positions.
In a nutshell: this is the NATO/Israel combo demilitarizing the former Syria – with not as much as a peep from anybody in the Arab world and the lands of Islam, starting with the Black Flag killers that have taken Damascus.
◾️マイケル・ハドソン「経済プランナーのクレジット 」
Credit the Economic Planner By MICHAEL HUDSON, January 18, 2024
To the United States, Israel is America’s Ukraine in the Near East. It’s the United States that is pushing Israel to goad first Lebanon and then Iran into doing something that will justify a huge American attack, trying to do to Iran what Hillary Clinton did to Libya, utterly destroying it and destroying the population. In the process, grabbing its gold supply, we don’t know what’s happened to that, installing ISIS as its foreign legion in as much of Libya as possible and grabbing the Libyan oil supply.
In the New York Times, in the Wall Street Journal and on TV, whenever they talk about Hamas or Hezbollah, they don’t say Hamas and Hezbollah. They say “Iran-backed Hamas”,
“Iran-backed Hezbollah”. They don’t talk about the Yemeni army, the Houthis. They say the
“Iranian-backed Houthis”. There is a huge public relations push to convince the American population that Iran is the big enemy and President Biden says again and again that Iran is the enemy. The army, Petraeus, and the neocons have said from the very beginning, Iraq and Syria are merely the dress rehearsal for where we really want to go, Iran.
Their hatred of Iran stems from the fact that they overthrew the Iranian government of Mosaddegh back in the 1950s, along with British help as usual. And they’re sure that, well, we’ve hurt you so much that we’re sure you must hate us. And since we know you hate us because of what we’ve done to you, we’ve got to attack you because we’ve made you an enemy by overthrowing your government when we grabbed your oil and put in the Shah that ran a murderous torture regime for a few decades in Iran. Well, that basically is the American policy that is goading it into a war that probably will be more disastrous for the United States than the war in Ukraine was.
◾️ ペペ・エスコバル「公然な政策としてのガザジェノサイド: マイケル・ハドソンはすべての名を名付ける」2024年4月15日
The Gaza Genocide as Explicit Policy: Michael Hudson Names All Names
……ハドソン教授は、主要な点を結び付ける。「私が理解する限り、米国がイスラエルに対して行っていることは、イランと南シナ海へ向かうためのリハーサルです。ご存知のとおり、米国の戦略にはプラン B がありません。それには十分な理由があります。プラン A を批判する人は、チームプレーヤーではない (あるいはプーチンの操り人形である) と見なされるため、批判者は昇進できないとわかると去らざるを得ません。だからこそ、米国の戦略家たちは立ち止まって自分たちの行動を再考しようとしないのです。」
Prof. Hudson then connects the major dots: “As I understand it, what the U.S. is doing with Israel is a dress rehearsal for it to move on to Iran and the South China Sea. As you know, there is no Plan B in American strategy for a very good reason: If anyone criticize Plan A, they’re considered not to be a team player (or even Putin’s Puppet), so critics have to leave when they see that they won’t be promoted. That’s why U.S. strategists won’t stop and re-think what they’re doing.”
Israel is the main U.S. client oligarchy in the Middle East. Mossad does most handling of ISIS in Syria and Iraq, and wherever else the U.S. may send ISIS terrorists. Terrorism and even the present genocide is central to U.S. geopolitics.
The key question remains: what will happen to Gaza and the Palestinians. Prof. Hudson’s judgement is ominously realistic: “As Alastair Crooke has explained, there now cannot be any two-state solution in Israel. It has to be either all Israeli or all Palestinian. And the way it looks now is all-Israeli – the dream from the outset in 1947 of a land without non-Jewish people.
Gaza will still be there geographically, along with its gas rights in the Mediterranean. But it will be emptied out, and occupied by the Israelis.”
On who would “help” to rebuild Gaza, there are a few solid takers already: “Turkish building companies, Saudi Arabia financing developments, UAE, American investors – maybe Blackstone. It will be foreign investment. If you look at the fact that the foreign investors of all these countries are looking for what they can get out of the genocide against Palestinians, you realize why there’s no opposition to the genocide.”
Prof. Hudson’s final verdict on “the great benefit to the U.S.” is that “no claims can be brought against the U.S. – and against any of the warfare and regime change that it is planning for Iran, China, Russia and for what has been done in Africa and Latin America.
Israel, Gaza and West Bank should be seen as an opening of the New Cold War. A plan for basically how to financialize genocide and destruction. Palestinians will either emigrate or be killed. That has been the announced policy for over a decade.”
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