You aim to overthrow the tendency of the psychotherapy to cover-up the reasons for the psychic ailments with your professional and political activities. Why do you see this as necessary?
心理学がこの方向に進んだ理由は、私たちの社会全体がこの方向に進んだ理由とまったく同じです。過去 30 年間の新自由主義イデオロギーの支配は、私たちが完全にそれに同一化してしまった。現代の危機は警鐘として機能するかもしれません。少なくとも私はそう願っています。
Our contemporary psychology has taken sides with the neoliberal ideology. A painful example concerns a dominant paradigm about stress-related problems. The treatment focuses on the patient’s perception of stress, and aims at changing that perception. The meaning is clear: stress is YOUR problem; it has nothing to do with your working environment.
The reason psychology has taken this turn is the very same reason our whole society has taken this turn: the dominance of the neoliberal ideology for the past thirty years is such that we have fully identified with it. The contemporary crisis may function as a wake-up call; at least that is my hope.
In his work, Michel Foucault explains how the proclaimed self-liberation also opens up a way for self-discipline in modern society. Why do you think the idea "to control myself is to liberate myself" is accepted so well?
現代の自己解放は幻想です。私たちは自由であると言われていますが、今日ほど無力なことはありません。私たちはほとんどどこでもいつでも非常に長く働きすぎています(労働時間と余暇、職場と家庭の境界は消えています)。私たちは成功しなければならず、経済的利益を唯一の基準として他のすべての人と競争しなければなりません。いわゆる「自己」の規律は、幼いころから存在する極めて疎外的な言説に基づいており、その中で私たちは、懸命に働き、あらゆる機会をつかめば勝ち組の側に、そうでなければ恥じるべき負け組の側に、と教え込まれます。ヴァルター・ベンヤミンは、1921年にすでに『宗教としての資本主義(Kapitalismus als religion)』というテキストの中で、資本主義が罪悪感を伴う新たな宗教となり、そこから逃れられないというこの進化を予見していました。
We should not be afraid of the idea of self-discipline or self-control. Foucault demonstrates how these ideas are present since the classic Greeks onwards. The important question concerns the aim. For Foucault, this aim was ‘epimeleia’, the care that one takes of oneself (body and soul), with the underlying idea that such care will be beneficial for the society as well. Today, the aim is reversed and changed: self-discipline favours economy and not society, care of oneself is a lure.
Contemporary self-liberation is an illusion. We are told that we are free, and we have never been so powerless as today. We work far too long, virtually everywhere and every time (the boundaries between working hours and leisure, between working place and home, have disappeared), we have to be successful, and we have to compete with all others, with economic gain as/being the only criterion. The so-called ‘self’ discipline is based on the extremely alienating discourse that is present from an early age onwards, in which we are told that we will belong either to the winners, by working hard and taking every possible opportunity, or to the losers, who should be ashamed of themselves. Already in 1921 in his text Kapitalismus als religion, Walter Benjamin foresaw this evolution where capitalism became the new religion with a sense of guilt from which there is no escape.
新自由主義のイデオロギーは、幸福は(職業的、経済的)成功にかかっており、成功とは最善を尽くし、懸命に働き、正しい選択をし、正しいプログラムに従うことだと私たちに信じ込ませてきました。完璧は誰もが達成できるものであり、私たちは完璧な体、完璧な関係、素晴らしいセックス、完璧な子供たち、そしてもちろん、大金を稼ぐ大成功したキャリア。そうあるべきだというのです。そうでない場合は、それはあなたのせいであり、あなたが十分に努力しなかった、正しい選択をしなかったなどです。もしその挫折の時点で、どこかの偉い人が、あなたや子供たちの挫折はあなたの努力不足のせいではなく、「障害」と呼ばれる、通常は科学的な響きを持つ頭字語で示される何かのせいだと教えてくれたら、ホッとするでしょう。 私に罪はない、私のミスではない、私は「障害」に苦しんでいるのだ! そのための薬さえある。私は生き方を変えたり、他の選択をしたりする必要はない。いいえ、薬が効きます(効くことは決してありません)。この議論全体が科学的に正しく、証明されているかのように提示されていますが、実際はそうではありません。その逆です。
The neoliberal ideology has convinced us that happiness depends on (professional – financial) success, and that success is just a matter of doing your best, working hard, making the right choices, following the right program. Perfection can be achieved by each and every one, we can and should have the perfect body, the perfect relationship, great sex and perfect children, and – of course – a very successful career, earning lots of money. If this is not the case, it is your fault, you did not work hard enough, did not make the right choices etcetera. If at that point of failure, some master figure tells you that your failure or the failure of your children is not due to your lack of effort, but is caused by something called a “disorder,” usually indicated by a scientific sounding acronym, then this comes as a relief. I am not guilty; it is not my mistake, I am suffering from a ‘disorder'! They even have pills for it; I do not have to change my way of life or make other choices; no, the pills will do the trick (they never do). The whole discourse is presented as scientifically sound and proven – which is not the case; on the contrary.
At the end of the day, everybody is ‘happy': the patient does not have to feel guilty any longer; the pharmaceutical industry keeps selling its stuff and business continues as usual. The only drawback is that so many people are suffering from the combination of burn-out and depression, that their number is becoming a serious threat for the economy.
いわゆる自由市場の言説の最も危険な影響だと私が考えるのは、それが私たちの「現実」になっていることです。つまり、私たちはこれを通常の状況だと考えています。私たちのほとんどは、特に当事者は、もはやそれを疑問視しません。それは私たちが呼吸する空気になっています(実際、汚染された空気です)。この状況をハンナ・アーレントの観点から考えると、私たちは思考停止を誘発するシステム(匿名でデジタル)の中で暮らしています。考えることは時代遅れになり、過去のものになりました。「考えすぎてはいけません、それはあなたにとって良くありません、心配するのはやめましょう!」という具合です。「考えないで、行動し、いつものように、いつものように行動しよう」、と。ハンナ・アーレントによると、これが根源的な悪の陳腐さにつながるものです。根源的悪はシステム自体に包含されています。なぜなら、システムでは他のすべての人を潜在的な競争相手、したがって潜在的な敵と宣言しているからです。悪は凡庸です。なぜなら、それは恐ろしい人々によって犯されたものではないからです。普通の人々、つまり親たち自身も普通の生活を送っている人々は、自分自身と子供たちの将来を破壊しているという事実を意識せずに、日々の決断を下すからです。そして今回も、彼らの弁明は「私たちは何も知らなかったんだ(Wir haben es nicht gewusst)」でしょう。
What I consider to be the most dangerous effect of the so-called free market discourse, is that it has become our “reality;” i.e. we consider this to be a normal state of affairs; most of us do not question it any longer, especially not the people in charge. It has become the air we breathe (polluted air, for that matter). If you consider this state of affairs from the perspective of Hannah Arendt, then we are living in a system (anonymous and digital) that has induced thoughtlessness. Thinking has become obsolete; something of the past. You should not think too much, that is bad for you, stop worrying! Don’t think; act; do as usual; business as usual. According to Hannah Arendt this is what leads to the banality of radical evil. The radical evil is included in the system itself, because it declares every other as a potential competitor and hence a potential enemy. The evil is banal, because it is not committed by monstrous people. Normal people, who are parents themselves, who lead a normal life, take every day decisions without being consciously aware of the fact that they are destroying their own future and that of their children. And this time also, their defense will be “Wir haben es nicht gewusst”.
If we consider the consequences of neoliberalism on one's mentality, it is not too far fetched to say that neoliberalism has been turning us into competitive and egoistic individualists. If you combine that with an economic meritocracy, you create a system of winners and losers, on an individual level. The step towards loneliness, anxiety, and depression is very small in such a binary system.
Generally speaking, such a system makes us unhappy because we are social animals, we need one another, and we thrive in groups. This economic system is in direct contradiction to this crucial aspect.
Concerning ‘depression,' it is important to note that the meaning of the word has changed. Traditionally, depression was compared to mourning. Today, it is considered to be a malfunction in the brain (the neurotransmitter hypothesis), that requires pharmaceutical treatment. To be clear: there is NO convincing evidence for the neurotransmitter hypothesis. On the other hand, there is more than enough clinical evidence that many people who are diagnosed with depression, are instead suffering from a burn out, often in combination with a loss of self appreciation (‘I am a loser').
However these so-called disorders exist even among people of higher social standing. Studies that survey appearance of the pathological personality among managers are shown regularly in the media; the talk is mainly about narcissism. Is it useful to be kind of a psychopath when hunting for a "better" job?
今日、キャリアを築くために必要とされる理想的な特性があります。 第一は明瞭さであり、できるだけ多くの人を魅了することです。 接し方は表面的なものでも構わない。現代ではほとんどの人間関係がこれに当てはまるので、あまり気づかれることはないでしょう。 多くの人を知っている、豊富な経験を積んでいる、最近大きなプロジェクトを完了したなど、自分の能力をできるだけ誇張して語れることが重要です。
There are certain ideal characteristics needed to make a career today. The first is articulateness; the aim being to win over as many people as possible. Contact can be superficial, but since this applies to most human interaction nowadays, this won't really be noticed. It's important to be able to talk up your own capacities as much as you can – you know a lot of people, you've got plenty of experience under your belt and you recently completed a major project. Later, people will find out that this was mostly hot air, but the fact that they were initially fooled is down to another personality trait: you can lie convincingly and feel little guilt. That's why you never take responsibility for your own behaviour. On top of all this, you are flexible and impulsive, always on the lookout for new stimuli and challenges. In practice, this leads to risky behaviour, but never mind, it won't be you who has to pick up the pieces.
And now the cold shower: the source of inspiration for this list is the psychopathy checklist by Robert Hare, the best-known specialist on psychopathy today.