Taipei Mandarin Center/台北語学センター/타이페이 언어중심 - TMC
Hello there (If there is no demand, don't reply)
Do you want to start the Jan1月~Dec12月 courses?
I will plan a new course (2 people can start class)
I need to know your plan
When do you want to start?
Want to weekday? Weekend? Morning? Afternoon? Evening?
Your Level?
Level1=HSK1~3│Level2=HSK4│Level3=HSK5│Level4=HSK6│Level5~6=C1~C2How many hours?
Group course (2-6people)
1wk3h_4wk3000 $/12wk8000 $
1wk4h_4wk4000 $/12wk11000 $
1wk6h_4wk6000 $/12wk15000 $
1wk8h_4wk8000 $/12wk21000 $
1wk10h_4wk10000 $/12wk25000 $
1on1 (Can follow your needs and schedule (1h / 600 $
1on2 (Can follow your needs and schedule (1h / 750 $
Make a class with 3-7 friends (Can follow your needs and schedule
Taipei Mandarin Center/台北語学センター/타이페이 언어중심 - TMC
#台湾留学 #台湾ワーホリ #台湾大好き #台北 #Taipei #東京 #大阪 #Tokyo #Osaka #語学 #日本 #Japan #台灣 #台湾 #Taiwan #台湾好きな人と繋がりたい #台湾旅行 #Mandarin #日本語 #台湾駐在 #台湾生活 #中文 #中国語 #日本人 #Fukuoka #Chinese #新北市 #桃園 #新竹 #留学