I'll be watching the public live viewing of Rock In Japan Festival 2024 at Hitachi Seaside Park in Hitachinaka City, Ibaraki Prefecture which will be the final appearance of Southern All Stars who will be graduating from summer rock festivals this year at TOHO Cinemas Nagareyama-Otakanomori located on the 3rd floor of Nagareyama Otakanomori S.C. in Nagareyama City , Chiba Prefecture today .
It's been 5 years and 3 months since I last have watched the live at Daiwa House Premist Dome in Sapporo City , Hokkaido by Southern All Stars during their 2019 6 major dome stadiums tour , so I'm looking forward to watch their amazing live show at the cinema, just like on the final day of their Chigasaki concert on last year !
#サザンオールスターズ #RIJF2024 #最後の夏フェス #ひたちなか市 #茨城県 #国営ひたち海浜公園 #パブリックビューイング #ライブビューイング #MOVIX柏の葉 #ららぽーと柏の葉 #柏市 #TOHOシネマズ流山おおたかの森 #流山おおたかの森SC #流山市 #千葉県