
不思議の国のアリス|翻訳08(第4章 うさぎは小さなビルを送りこむ②)



Chapter IV
the rabbit sends in a little bill(うさぎは小さなビルを送りこむ②)

She waited for some time without hearing anything more: at last came a rumbling of little cart-wheels, and the sound of a good many voices all talking together: she made out the words:


• cart(手押し車)
• rumbling(ガラガラ、ゴロゴロ、ブツブツ文句を言うこと、不平、不満)
• a good many(かなりたくさんの)※manyの強調。さらに強調する場合は「a great many」

・コロン【colon( : )】文章や単語を詳しく説明する言葉を列挙するときや、説明、定義、引用をするときに使われる。「それは、つまり、すなわち」などの意味合い。コロンの前に挿入できるのは完全な文だけ。
・セミコロン【semicolon( ; )】文同士を接続詞として繋ぐ。前後の文が完全文でなくてはならない。

“Where’s the other ladder?—Why, I hadn’t to bring but one. Bill's got the other—Bill! Fetch it here, lad!—Here, put ’em up at this corner—No, tie ’em together first—they don't reach half high enough yet—Oh! they’ll do well enough. Don’t be particular—Here, Bill! catch hold of this rope—Will the roof bear?—Mind that loose slate—Oh, it’s coming down! Heads below!” (a loud crash)—“Now, who did that?—It was Bill, I fancy—Who’s to go down the chimney?—Nay, I shan’t! You do it!—That I won’t, then!—Bill’s got to go down—Here, Bill! The master says you’ve got to go down the chimney!”


• 前置詞としてのbut(~を除いて)
• lad(若者、少年)
• ’em=them
• particularパーティキュラー(特別の、特別な、特定の、特有の、独特の、特殊な、一種独特の)
• bearベア(持ち運ぶ、運ぶ、(特徴などを)持っている、振る舞う、(重さなどを)支える、(責任などを)引き受ける、耐える、持ちこたえる、生む、生じる)
• Mind(心、精神、気にする、嫌がる、介す、構う)
• looseルース(ゆるい、がたがた・ぐらぐらの、緩い、こぼれた、弛い)
• slateスレート(予定する、石板、スレート、粘板岩)
• loudロウド(音が大きい、うるさい、騒々しい)
• Nayネイ(否、いや、反対、それどころか)

“Oh! So Bill’s got to come down the chimney, has he?' said Alice to herself. “Why, they seem to put everything upon Bill! I wouldn't be in Bill’s place for a good deal: this fireplace is narrow, to be sure; but I think I can kick a little!”


• place(場所、立場、境遇、身の上)
• a good deal(非常に大きい程度や範囲まで)
• fireplaceファイアプレイス(暖炉)

She drew her foot as far down the chimney as she could, and waited till she heard a little animal (she couldn’t guess of what sort it was) scratching and scrambling about in the chimney close above her: then, saying to herself “This is Bill”, she gave one sharp kick, and waited to see what would happen next.


• scratchスクラッチ(引っかく、書きなぐる、抹消する)
• scrambeスクランボウ(はい登る、よじ登る、ごちゃまぜ)

The first thing she heard was a general chorus of “There goes Bill!” then the Rabbit’s voice alone—“Catch him, you by the hedge!” then silence, and then another confusion of voices—“Hold up his head—Brandy now—Don’t choke him--How was it, old fellow? What happened to you? Tell us all about it!”


• general(総合的な、一般的な、全般的な、普遍的な)
• fellow(人、若者、仲間、野郎、やつ、同僚、同業者、同志、同輩)

Last came a little feeble, squeaking voice (“That's Bill,” thought Alice), “Well, I hardly know—No more, thank ye; I’m better now—but I’m a deal too flustered to tell you—all I know is, something comes at me like a Jack-in-the-box, and up I goes like a sky-rocket!”
“So you did, old fellow!” said the others.
“We must burn the house down!” said the Rabbit’s voice; and Alice called out as loud as she could, “If you do. I’ll set Dinah at you!”


• hardly(ほとんど~ない)
• feebleフィーブル(微弱な、弱い、薄弱な、微かな)
• squeakスクィーク(キーキー、キューキュー、チューチューした音)
• flusterフラスター(動揺して、うろたえて、慌てて)
• Jack-in-the-box(ビックリ箱)

There was a dead silence instantly, and Alice thought to herself, “I wonder what they will do next! If they had any sense, they’d take the roof off.” After a minute or two, they began moving about again, and Alice heard the Rabbit say, “A barrowful will do, to begin with.”


• instantly(瞬時に、即座に)
• sense(感覚、知恵、センス、感覚、意味、良識、官能、意識、言意、知覚、五感、常識)
• barrowfulバロフル(手押し車1台分の荷物)
• will do(了解、オッケー、そうするよ、やってみるね、やってみます)
• to begin with(手始めに、始めに、まずは、第一に)

“A barrowful of what?” thought Alice. But she had not long to doubt, for the next moment a shower of little pebbles came rattling in at the window, and some of them hit her in the face. “I’ll put a stop to this,” she said to herself, and shouted out, “You'd better not do that again!” which produced another dead silence.


• doubtダウト(疑い、疑問、疑惑)
• pebblesペブルス(丸い小石、玉石、ザラザラした表面)
• rattlingラディング(ガタガタする、がたつく、ばたつく、本当に、たっぷり、大して)
• produced(作る、生じさせる、生む、生じる、生産する、生み出す、製造する、引き起こす、制作する、作り出す、もたらす、作出す)

Alice noticed, with some surprise, that the pebbles were all turning into little cakes as they lay on the floor, and a bright idea came into her head. “If I eat one of these cakes,” she thought, “it’s sure to make some change in my size; and, as it ca’n’t possibly make me larger, it must make me smaller, I suppose.”


So she swallowed one of the cakes, and was delighted to find that she began shrinking directly. As soon as she was small enough to get through the door, she ran out of the house, and found quite a crowd of little animals and birds waiting outside.



The poor little Lizard, Bill, was in the middle, being held up by two guinea-pigs, who were giving it something out of a bottle. They all made a rush at Alice the moment she appeared; but she ran off as hard as she could, and soon found herself safe in a thick wood.


• guinea-pigギニーピッグ(モルモット、実験台)
• rush(大急ぎで、突進、急襲、突撃、押し寄せる)
• appear(~のようだ、~らしい、現れる、思われる、見える、出る、思える)
• thick( 濃い、太い、厚い、肉厚の、分厚い、濃厚な、広い)

“The first thing I’ve got to do,” said Alice to herself, as she wandered about in the wood, “is to grow to my right size again; and the second thing is to find my way into that lovely garden. I think that will be the best plan.”


It sounded an excellent plan, no doubt, and very neatly and simply arranged: the only difficulty was, that she had not the smallest idea how to set about it; and, while she was peering about anxiously among the trees, a little sharp bark just over her head made her look up in a great hurry.


• neatly(きちんと、きりっと、こざっぱり)※何度も出てくるのに覚えられない。
• arrangeアレンジ(手配する、きちんと並べる、整える、整理する、準備する、取計らう)
• peer(能力が同等の人、じっと見る、凝視する、太陽などが徐々に出てくる)

the only difficulty was, that she had not the smallest idea how to set about it
◆ she had not the smallest idea = I don't have the slightest idea

An enormous puppy was looking down at her with large round eyes, and feebly stretching out one paw, trying to touch her. “Poor little thing!” said Alice, in a coaxing tone, and she tried hard to whistle to it; but she was terribly frightened all the time at the thought that it might be hungry, in which case it would be very likely to eat her up in spite of all her coaxing.


• enormousイノーマス(非常に大きい、巨大な、莫大な、膨大な、大きい、凄まじい、はなはだしい、甚大な)
• puppyパピィ(子犬、小犬)
• feeblyフィーブリー(弱々しく、力なく、かすかに)
• stretching(伸ばす、ぴんと張る、引き伸ばす、拡大解釈する、能力の限界まで働かせる、(期間が)続く、伸びる)
• coaxing(甘言を用いること、なだめすかすような)
• whistleホウィッスル(口笛を吹く、笛)
• terriblyテレブリィ(恐ろしく、ひどく、とんでもなく)
• in spite of it(それにも関わらず。spiteは悪意という意味。)

Hardly knowing what she did, she picked up a little bit of stick, and held it out to the puppy; whereupon the puppy jumped into the air off all its feet at once, with a yelp of delight, and rushed at the stick, and made believe to worry it; then Alice dodged behind a great thistle, to keep herself from being run over; and the moment she appeared on the other side, the puppy made another rush at the stick, and tumbled head over heels in its hurry to get hold of it:


• hold out(差し出す、伸ばす、提供する、約束する、抵抗する、立ち向かう、踏ん張る)
• whereuponウェアポン(そうすると、すると(すぐ))
• yelpヤープ(キャンキャン吠える)
• made believe(~と見せかける、ふりをする)
• thistleディセル(アザミ)
• run over(この場合子犬に踏みつぶされること。)
• appeared(現れる、~のようだ)
• head over heels(真っ逆さまに、深くはまりこんで、すっかり、完全に、一時の衝動に駆られて、衝動的に)

then Alice, thinking it was very like having a game of play with a cart-horse, and expecting every moment to be trampled under its feet, ran round the thistle again: then the puppy began a series of short charges at the stick, running a very little way forwards each time and a long way back, and barking hoarsely all the while, till at last it sat down a good way off, panting, with its tongue hanging out of its mouth, and its great eyes half shut.


• cart-horse(馬車馬→馬車をひく馬が、両側は見えないように目のわきに覆いをされて走るように、他の事は考えずがむしゃらにすることのたとえ。)
• trampleトゥラムプル(踏みつける、踏みつぶす、踏み潰す、踏み散らす、踏み荒す)
• series(連続、シリーズ、続き物)
• charge(満たす、積む、課す、請求する、告発する、非難する、突撃する、充電する、命じる)
• each time(~するたびに、毎回)
• hoarselyホースティ(しわがれた声、かすれた声)
• a good way off(a good(かなりの)way(距離)off(離れて))

This seemed to Alice a good opportunity for making her escape: so she set off at once, and ran till she was quite tired and out of breath, and till the puppy’s bark sounded quite faint in the distance.


• faintフェイント(ぼんやりした、弱々しい、かすかな、曖眛な)

“And yet what a dear little puppy it was!” said Alice, as she leant against a buttercup to rest herself, and fanned herself with one of the leaves. “I should have liked teaching it tricks very much, if—if I’d only been the right size to do it! Oh dear! I’d nearly forgotten that I’ve got to grow up again! Let me see—how is it to be managed? I suppose I ought to eat or drink something or other; but the great question is, ‘What?’”


• And yet(それなのに、それにもかかわらず、なおかつ)
• lean(よりかかる、もたれる、かたむく)
• buttercupバターカップ(キンポウゲ)
• fanned(fanの過去形・過去分詞。風を送る、風にあおられる)

The great question certainly was “What?”. Alice looked all round her at the flowers and the blades of grass, but she did not see anything that looked like the right thing to eat or drink under the circumstances. There was a large mushroom growing near her, about the same height as herself; and, when she had looked under it, and on both sides of it, and behind it, it occurred to her that she might as well look and see what was on the top of it.


• certainly(確かに、必ず)
• blades of grass(草葉、草の葉)
• circumstanceサーカムスタンス(運、儀式ばったこと、(複数形で)状況、周囲の事情、環境、境遇)
•under the circumstances(この条件の下に、こんな[このような・そういう]事情[状態・状況下]で[ならば・なので]、事情が事情だから、現場では)
• might as well(~したほうがよさそうだ)

She stretched herself up on tiptoe, and peeped over the edge of the mushroom, and her eyes immediately met those of a large blue caterpillar, that was sitting on the top, with its arms folded, quietly smoking a long hookah, and taking not the smallest notice of her or of anything else.


• tiptoeチップトゥ(つま先で歩く、こっそり、用心して)
• immediatelyイミディアリィ(すぐに)
• caterpillarキャタピラ(いもむし、毛虫)
• folded(fold。折る、たたむ)
• hookahフカ(水ギセル、水タバコ、水パイプ)

◆taking not the smallest notice of = take no notice of(気にも留めない)


