今さら聞けないCSRD④ ~素朴な疑問に一つひとつ答えます~
欧州委員会は、CSRDの開示の具体的な要求事項を定めている「報告基準」であるESRS(European Sustainability Reporting Standards; 欧州サステナビリティ報告基準)について、国際的な持続可能性に関する開示基準であるGRI(Global Reporting Initiative)スタンダードや、国際会計基準(IFRS)財団による国際サステナビリティー基準審議会(ISSB)の基準と「高い水準での調整がされていると述べています。
また、ESRS草案の開発当初からGRIは「重要な参照点(important reference point)」として機能しており、ESRSの報告要件の多くはGRI基準に触発されて(were inspired by)いる、とも述べています。
The Commission has worked to ensure a very high level of alignment between ESRS and the standards of the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).
From the beginning of the development of draft ESRS by EFRAG, the GRI served as an important reference point, and many of the reporting requirements in ESRS were inspired by the GRI standards.
「Questions and Answers on the Adoption of European Sustainability Reporting Standards」
三菱UFJリサーチ&コンサルティングの2023年9月29日付レポートでは、TCFDとCSRDにおける気候変動に関するトピック別基準であるESRS E1について企業に求められる対応を比較しています。

The ESRS and the first two standards of the ISSB, which were published in June, have been developed in parallel. Intensive and constructive discussions between the Commission, EFRAG and the ISSB have ensured a very high degree of alignment where the two sets of standards overlap.
Companies that are required to report in accordance with ESRS on climate change will to a very large extent report the same information as companies that will use the ISSB standard on climate-related disclosures. Climate change disclosures under ESRS will provide additional information on impacts relevant for users other than investors such as business partners, trade unions, social partners, and academics.
The very high degree of alignment between ESRS and the two ISSB standards aim to prevent that companies required to report in accordance with ESRS and that wish to also comply with ISSB standards, would have to report separately under ISSB standards.
「Questions and Answers on the Adoption of European Sustainability Reporting Standards」
A:欧州委員会は、ESRSはISSB基準を「EUの法的枠組みに取り込んだ(integrating the ISSB standards into its own legal framework)」ものだと説明しています。また、このように「取り込む」ことは、IOSCO ( 証券監督者国際機構)の意向にも沿っているとのことです。
With the adoption of the ESRS, the EU goes further than any other major jurisdiction to date in terms of integrating the ISSB standards into its own legal framework. In doing so, the EU makes a major contribution towards the development of a coherent global framework and towards the global comparability of reported sustainability information. The approach of integrating ISSB disclosure requirements into ESRS is also fully in line with the ambition of the recent IOSCO decision to endorse ISSB sustainability-related disclosure standards.
In addition, and as required by the CSRD, ESRS explicitly require reporting on the company's impacts on people and the environment as well as reporting on how social and environmental issues create financial risks and opportunities for the company. The ISSB standards, in contrast, focus more exclusively on how social and environmental issues create financial risks and opportunities for the company.
「Questions and Answers on the Adoption of European Sustainability Reporting Standards」
以上、サステナビリティ分野のnote更新1000日連続への挑戦・50日目(Day50) でした。