【SWEAT ELITEワークアウト動画🇯🇵その4】駿河台大学駅伝部:全日本大学駅伝関東選考会10000mに向けた5000mテンポ走
Sweat EliteのYouTubeチャンネルの日本人選手 or 日本のチームの第4弾は埼玉県飯能市を拠点とする駿河台大学駅伝部。創部10年目にして初の箱根駅伝出場を果たし、次は全日本大学駅伝への出場を目指している。昨年は関東選考会で惜しくも8位とあと一歩に終わったが、今年のチームは過去最高の戦力が揃っているという。
【Surugadai University Ekiden Team / 駿河台大学駅伝部 - 5000m tempo run】
5000mテンポ走 埼玉県にて。全日本大学駅伝関東選考会1ヶ月前
Surugadai University ran Hakone Ekiden for the first time in 2022, which was a long standing goal for them.There are currently 80 men athletes in the team.
Hakone Ekiden is one of the biggest sporting events in Japan. It's like the Super Bowl in the U.S. Hakone Ekiden has been around for a long time in Japan and it still keeps becoming more popular. 71 Japanese athletes ran sub-2:10 over the 15 months from January 2021. 60 out of 71 athletes (85%) ran Hakone Ekiden.
National University Ekiden is also one of the three major University Ekiden races IN Japan, and Surugadai University will be competing in the Kanto Regional Qualifier on 19th June, 2022.
The workout: 5000m tempo run in Saitama, Japan.
A month before '22 National University Ekiden Kanto Regional Qualifier.
関東インカレ1部10000mでうまく走れなかったが、そこから気持ちを切り替えている町田康誠(4年 / 左)。
Q. 80人のチームをどのように指導しているのか?
Q. 今のチーム状況はどうか?
インタビューの英訳(Summary of the Interview)
Q. How do you lead a team of 80 athletes?
Tokumoto (Head Coach):If they do not improve their ability to analyze themselves, they will not be able to train (well) in such a large group. They also have to think and learn. I think it is important for them to be able to come up with their own training plans, rather than just following the menu given by the coaches. We often have them think for themselves individually.
Tokumoto:We have the capacity to control the organization. Either we need to reduce the headcount or add new coaches. We are lacking in hardware as well, so rather than downsizing, the next stage is to focus on players and create an environment where we can coach them well.
Tokumoto:The race where results are required is in June, and that is where the Ekiden team is headed. From this point on, the selection process will be in full swing, and this time only eight out of the 80 runners will be allowed to participate. In order to select those 8 people properly, I am tired at this time of the year because there are more and more situations where I have to make objective judgments.
Q. What is the current team situation?
Tokumoto:We have the best team ever and the level of training is rising. However, we feel that other universities are also raising their level. The team is getting stronger now, and although we were able to participate in the Hakone Ekiden, there is still no guarantee that we will be able to pass the qualifying round next time. We need to analyze the data of the other teams carefully and work on what our team lacks and what abilities we need to improve.