
Art is Nature is Love

And Love is what we do here on this beautiful living planet. Or certainly one of the most valuable expressions radiating naturally from our unique one-of-a-kind almost-anything-can-happen-and-it-usually-does human living consciousness.

Oh! And freedom is somewhere in there too.

So here I am, writing my first note, totally excited to be doing this, reaching out to you, perhaps making some kind of connection, just going for it with no huge agenda or plan. And I'm thinking of risk and adventure and Art, and all the experiences that have led up to this moment. A beautiful open moment. With great mystery. And uncertainty. And a care and warmth that is, well, quite natural to me. Much like contemplating the stars or feeling the warmth Of the Sun resting actively on my cheeks. And yet this for me is like art. Embracing. Unknowing. Being Alive. Pure raw experience. Much like Nature. Sublime. Timeless. Sweet. Free.

So yes, I'm just going for it. Taking the plunge. Risk! And why not? Who am I as an artist if I'm not taking a risk? Taking a chance. And trusting myself.

Just me and these pixels. These clean characters and beautiful clean space. Just me. And you. And I feel like a raw uncut diamond floating in space. Perhaps we all are?

Well, so glad you made it through in my first note. Did I write about art?


I'll keep trusting myself.

I encourage you to keep trusting yourself too.

Note: Here's my not-so-secret secret for today: I've got a Freedom Gene. Do you have a Freedom Gene? How's your Freedom Gene doing today? Let me know what it looks or feels like. Or anything else you would There's more to share there. Or better yet, take a walk in Nature.

Very truly yours, Supernormaled

* Image: Photo taken by me of a group show of new artworks I curated and launched within one week at an alternative space in Bushwick, New York. This attendee kissing the art was a total highlight in my curatorial practice, as it captures the energy spontaneity joy that I am going for when I deliver fresh new art to engage new audiences.
