2025年 #日本医学放射線学会 その4 放射線科の特殊性と採用と教育の問題 裏口入学や勝手口入学は100%悪なのか? Rethink the recruitment and education of radiology. Various radiologists make bigger society.

放射線科の特殊性と採用と教育の問題 裏口入学や勝手口入学は100%悪なのか?

Rethink the recruitment and education of radiology.
Various radiologists make bigger society.
Radiology is unique.
Various radiologists work various positions.
We should rethink the recruitment and education.
Of course, there are many restrictions, but making good radiologists is making good medical doctors of other departments.
Now we have many diagnostic imaging equipment at the almost all department.
In other words, we, all medical doctors are radiologists.
Once we should image better system with no prejudice for the future.
