
チャクラと現代技術の狭間で Between Chakras and Modern Technology


I'm in Osaka this week.


When I travel after a long time, I'm enveloped by a unique sense of floating. When you have a home, you literally spend time with your feet on the ground, but when you're on the move again with just a backpack and a suitcase, you fall into a somewhat fluffy sensation.


This week, I had another strange experience. Since returning to Tokyo, I had been affected by invisible stress. I thought I was managing it well by going to the gym and exercising, but it seems the enemy came from a different angle this time. So, for the first time in a while, I decided to take time to meditate.


When I meditate, I focus on chakras, and usually, I feel energy in the third eye chakra. However, this time, as soon as I started meditating, I felt a tingling sensation around the root chakra.


Chakras are energy centers based on ancient Indian traditional thought, and it's believed that there are seven main chakras in the human body. These chakras are thought to be aligned along the spine from the crown of the head, each associated with specific functions and emotions.

  1. ルートチャクラ:安定性と基本的な生存本能

  2. 仙骨チャクラ:創造性と感情

  3. 太陽神経叢チャクラ:自信と個人の力

  4. ハートチャクラ:愛と思いやり

  5. スロートチャクラ:コミュニケーションと自己表現

  6. 第三の目チャクラ:直感と洞察力

  7. クラウンチャクラ:精神性と高次の意識

  • Root Chakra: Stability and basic survival instincts

  • Sacral Chakra: Creativity and emotions

  • Solar Plexus Chakra: Confidence and personal power

  • Heart Chakra: Love and compassion

  • Throat Chakra: Communication and self-expression

  • Third Eye Chakra: Intuition and insight

  • Crown Chakra: Spirituality and higher consciousness


The concept of chakras is widely used in modern yoga, meditation, and alternative medicine, with the belief that balancing the chakras can promote physical and mental health and overall well-being.


So, when I focused on this root chakra during meditation, perhaps due to accumulated negative energy, I started feeling nauseous and experienced a choking sensation. This was a first-time experience for me, and I wasn't sure what to do, but I concentrated on circulating the energy, and before I knew it, 30 minutes had passed.


I'm well aware that the concept of chakras is not scientifically proven and is just a traditional way of thinking, but experiencing it firsthand leads to a strange sensation. While there may not be a scientifically recognized "flow of energy," I felt very refreshed after the 30-minute meditation.


In this world where technology is advancing and generative AI is on the rise, what's always necessary is diversification. This applies to thoughts as well, and it may become increasingly important to keep an antenna out for ultra-scientific, anti-AI fields to some extent.

