
3月最終週 鉄鋼産業CN(脱炭素)ニュース
今週は米国DOEのCNプロジェクトのニュースがあった。スウェーデン企業のSSABにも助成金を出す。 日本で外国企業に助成金を出すのはあまり考えられないが(熊本TSMCは別として)
それにしてもこのニュースリリースの題名が Biden-Harris Administration Announces $6 Billion to Transform America's Industrial Sector, Strengthen Domestic Manufacturing, and Slash Planet-Warming Emissions と Biden-Harris政権 と副大統領まではいるんですね(バイデンの指示)
*(2024/3/29 日本製鉄)冬木工業が手掛ける「(仮称)有坂中央学園高崎校3号館建替工事」向け鉄骨資材に日本製鉄のグリーンスチール「NSCarbolex Neutral」の採用が決定
日本製鉄株式会社(以下、日本製鉄)が提供するマスバランス方式を適用したグリーンスチール(以下、グリーンスチール*)「NSCarbolex® Neutral(エヌエスカーボレックス ニュートラル)」が、冬木工業株式会社(以下、冬木工業)が手掛ける、学校法人有坂中央学園の高崎校3号館建替工事の鉄骨向けH形鋼に採用
*(2024/3/29 日本製鉄)オイレス工業の軸受製品に日本製鉄のグリーンスチール「NSCarbolex Neutral」の採用が決定
日本製鉄株式会社(以下、日本製鉄)が提供するマスバランス方式を適用したグリーンスチール(以下、グリーンスチール *1)「NSCarbolex® Neutral(エヌエスカーボレックス ニュートラル)」が、軸受・構造・建築機器の製造メーカーであるオイレス工業株式会社(本社:神奈川県藤沢市 以下、オイレス工業)の軸受製品用の銅めっき鋼板「カッパータイト® *2」に採用されることが決定
*(2024/3/29 神戸製鋼所)バイオマス発電用熱交換器に低CO2高炉鋼材”Kobenable® Steel”が初採用
当社が提供する低CO2高炉鋼材 ”Kobenable® Steel”が、新たに中嶋産業株式会社の切板製品に採用されました。同切板製品は株式会社クロセにて製作されるバイオマス発電用のスパイラル熱交換器に使用されます。今回採用されたのは鋼材製造における CO2排出量をマスバランス方式により 100%削減した”Kobenable® Premier”です。
*(2024/3/25 山陽特殊製鋼)高清浄度軸受鋼の「エコリーフ」認証を取得
山陽特殊製鋼株式会社(代表取締役社長 宮本 勝弘、本社 兵庫県姫路市)は、ベアリングの疲労寿命向上を実現する高清浄度軸受鋼について、第三者機関によって検証された環境情報を定量的に開示する環境ラベル「エコリーフ」の認証を取得しました。
*(2024/3/29 山陽特殊製鋼)水力発電所由来の再エネ電力を活用開始 ~兵庫県内で購入可能な全量4,000万kWh/年~
なお、この電力の量は当社の年間使用電力の約5%に相当し、当社の事業所内で排出されるCO2排出量を約17,000 トン/年削減することが可能になります。
*(024/3/27 経済産業省)GXリーグに2024年度から新たに179者が参画し、合計747者となります
業界中の参加会社が占めるCO2排出量 ()内2023/12 GX実行会議時点
鉄鋼業 98%(97%)
化学工業 81%(77%)
石油製品・石炭製品製造業 91%(87%)
パルプ・紙・紙加工品製造業 95%(93%)
窯業・土石製品製造業 77%(71%)
電子部品・デバイス・電子回路製造業 56%(16%)
鉄道業 50%(47%)
航空運輸業 100%(0%) 以降略
*(2024/3/25 Cleveland-Cliffs)Cleveland-Cliffsは、産業の脱炭素化技術を加速する2つのプロジェクトに対して、米国DOEから5億7,500万ドルの投資~Middletown(DRIプラントと電気溶解炉;助成金最大5億ドル)、Butler の電気誘導式加熱炉(助成金最大7,500万ドル)
Cleveland-Cliffs Selected to Receive $575 Million in US Department of Energy Investments for Two Projects to Accelerate Industrial Decarbonization Technologies
Middletown Works DRI Plant and Electric Melting Furnaces (up to $500 million grant)
If awarded, the Company would replace its existing blast furnace at its Middletown Works Facility in Middletown, Ohio with a 2.5mtpa Hydrogen-Ready Direct Reduced Iron (DRI) Plant and two 120 MW Electric Melting Furnaces (EMF) to feed molten iron to the existing infrastructure already on site, including the BOF, Caster, Hot Strip Mill, and various finishing facilities. Middletown will maintain its existing raw steel production capacity of approximately 3 million net tons per year and will no longer use coke for iron production. The EMF technology is well established and, together with the injection of hydrogen in blast furnaces, is a preferred route for meaningful reduction in carbon emissions for integrated steelmakers worldwide
Butler Works Induction Reheat Furnaces (up to $75 million grant)
If awarded, Cliffs would also replace two of its existing natural-gas fired high-temperature slab reheat furnaces at Butler Works in Butler, Pennsylvania with four Electrified Induction Slab Reheat Furnaces, to bring optimum efficiency to its production of electrical steels, a critical component of the electrification of America and the greening of the electrical grid.
Major corporations engaged in a unique research collaboration to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions.
*(2024/3/25 SSAB)SSAB米国でグリーン製鉄の可能性を追求するプロジェクトに採択 5億ドルの助成金
SSAB selected by U.S Department of Energy to explore possibilities for production of fossil-free steel in the U.S.
SSAB has been selected for awards negotiations for up to 500 MUSD in funding from the U.S. Department of Energy for a potential construction of a HYBRIT[®] manufacturing facility, capable of producing fossil free iron by using green hydrogen instead of fossil fuels. The project will also explore the possibility to expand capacity and capability at SSAB’s steel manufacturing operations in Montpelier, Iowa, including increased use of renewable energy.
*(2024/3/25 DOE)Industrial Demonstrations Program Selections for Award Negotiations: Iron and Steel

1)Hydrogen-Fueled Zero Emissions Steel Making
Location: Perry County, Mississippi and Montpelier, Iowa
Federal Cost Share: Up to $500 million
Selectee: SSAB
2)Hydrogen-Ready Direct Reduced Iron Plant and Electric Melting Furnace Installation
Location: Middletown, Ohio
Federal Cost Share: Up to $500 million
Selectee: Cleveland-Cliffs Steel Corporation
3)Induction Melting Upgrade
Location: Birmingham, Alabama
Federal Cost Share: Up to $75 million
Selectee: AMERICAN Cast Iron Pipe Company
4)Iron Electric Induction Conversion
Location: Bessemer, Alabama
Federal Cost Share: Up to $75.5 million
Selectee: United States Pipe and Foundry Company
5)Low-Emissions, Cold-Agglomerated Iron Ore Briquette Production
Location: U.S. Gulf Coast
Federal Cost Share: Up to $282.9 million
Selectee: Vale USA
6)Steel Slab Electrified Induction Reheat Furnace Upgrade
Location: Lyndora, Pennsylvania
Federal Cost Share: Up to $75 million
Selectee: Cleveland-Cliffs Steel Corporation
●<海外・製品>Voestalpineの低CO2鋼材(Reduced Premium Steel)採用増加
*(2024/3/25 Voestalpine)More and more customers are opting for voestalpine’s CO2-reduced premium steel
With greentec steel, voestalpine has a clear plan for decarbonizing steel production. voestalpine is not alone in its mission to reduce greenhouse gas emissions: more and more customers also want to reduce their carbon footprint by using high-quality CO2-reduced premium steel. The steel and technology Group is already providing 35 companies from various industries with superior steel products in the greentec steel Edition. Designer furniture, wind turbines, and cranes are just a few examples of products that can be manufactured more sustainably through an optimized production process. voestalpine itself recently used the green steel to build a new belt conveyor, which will also supply the planned electric arc furnace (EAF) in Linz with raw materials in the future.
*(2024/3/21 SSAB)Major corporations engaged in a unique research collaboration to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions
Together with several large Swedish companies and universities, SSAB has joined a new research collaboration aimed at identifying technologies and solutions that eliminate greenhouse gas emissions. In addition to SSAB, Boliden, Borgstena, Lindholmen Science Park, Polestar, Sekab, SKF, Stora Enso, Volvo Cars, and multiple universities are part of the initiative called Mission 0 House.
*(2024/3/28 SteelZero)Korean business leaders, policymakers, and SteelZero members convene in Seoul ahead of the Climate Group Asia Action Summit
On 19 March, SteelZero presented at “The Era of Carbon Neutrality – Challenges and Strategies for South Korea’s Industries” forum with over 80 in-person attendees and 100 more joining online, co-hosted by the Korean Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) and Solutions for Our Climate (SFOC).
Speakers including SteelZero members Polestar and Ørsted, the Korean Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy and others presented their progress and the opportunities to achieve a net zero steel industry in South Korea.
The event mobilised discussions on practical next steps for decarbonising steelmaking in Korea, ahead of the Climate Group Asia Action Summit in Seoul on 21 May 2024.