3月1週 鉄鋼産業CN(脱炭素)ニュース
*(2024/3/1 日本冶金)経済産業省の「GXリーグ」に参画しました
→ 鉄鋼関連では14社目 ステンレスでは初
高炉 日本製鉄、JFEスチール、神戸製鋼所
特殊鋼 大同特殊鋼、山陽特殊製鋼、愛知製鋼、プロテリアル
普通鋼 合同製鐵、中山製鋼所、JFE条鋼、トピー工業、中部鋼板
合金鉄 新日本電工
●<国内・設備>ダニエリのQ-ONE(電気炉用電源装置;トランス代替)採用進む -CNとは関係ないが
*(2024/3/5 日刊産業新聞)伊ダニエリ、次世代型電炉電源装置を日本で拡販 国内電炉で複数採用
*経産省 令和4年度「先進的省エネルギー投資促進支援事業費補助金」での紹介 SII;(一社)環境共創イニシアチブ
*東鉄/九州 炉外製錬炉
*新関西製鉄 60トン電炉
*JFE条鋼 姫路150トン電炉(ECOARC)
JFE条鋼株式会社は、省エネルギー事業として次世代型製鋼用電源システム「Q-ONE」を姫路製造所(兵庫県姫路市)に導入する契約を締結することとなり、10月17日にJFE条鋼本社(東京都港区)で渡辺 敦社長、ダニエリオートメーションのアントネロ・モルデグリア会長、ダニエリ・エンジニアリング・ジャパン 泉 直樹社長のほか関係者が出席し、契約書へのサインを行いました。
*(2024/3/5 The Climate Group)An interview with MK Daily: Korea's steelmakers must prepare for the EU's carbon tariffs
Our CEO, Helen Clarkson sat down with South Korean news outlet, MK Daily, to discuss the big questions such as, how will trade restrictions such as the EU's CBAM will impact South Korea's important steel exports? What are the key steel decarbonisation trends for 2024? What are the benefits of SteelZero membership to businesses? Find the answers and more below.
OutokumpuとQ Powerがフィンランドのトルニオで合成メタン生産を模索し、ステンレス鋼の脱炭素化を加速
*(2024/3/4 Outokumpu)Outokumpu and Q Power to explore synthetic methane production in Tornio, Finland to accelerate decarbonization in stainless steel
Outokumpu and Q Power to explore synthetic methane production in Tornio, Finland to accelerate decarbonization in stainless steel
Outokumpu, the leading producer of sustainable, 100% recyclable stainless steel, is committed to a circular economy model and is constantly looking for ways to reduce its waste and its carbon footprint. The next step on this journey is to explore the potential of carbon capture utilization (CCU) technology as means to utilize the company’s emissions as raw materials to produce new products such as e-fuels. As part of these efforts, Outokumpu has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Q Power, a Finnish Power-to-X technology provider, to explore the production of synthetic methane* at Outokumpu’s largest site in Tornio, Finland.
OutokumpuとLangh Shipは、2024年末までに短海定期船の運航による二酸化炭素排出量を少なくとも25%削減することを目指す
*(2024/3/5 Outokumpu)Outokumpu and Langh Ship aim to reduce carbon emissions from short sea liner operation by at least 25% by the end of 2024
Outokumpu and Langh Ship aim to reduce carbon emissions from short sea liner operation by at least 25% by the end of 2024
Outokumpu, the global leader in sustainable stainless steel, is deepening its long-term transport collaboration with Finnish shipping company Langh Ship, by taking into use new energy-efficient and low-emission vessels during 2024. The first multipurpose vessel, Lovisa, has started its liner service for Outokumpu between Finland and the Netherlands. Outokumpu aims to have six vessels in use from Langh Ship during the year with a target to reduce Outokumpu’s annual carbon emissions from short sea shipping by at least 25% by the end of 2024. The collaboration presents a positive outcome from the opportunity aligned with tightening environmental regulations from both the EU and the International Maritime Organization (IMO)* – allowing Outokumpu and Langh Ship to navigate the evolving regulatory landscape while pursuing sustainability targets.
*(2024/3/4 JSL)JSL’s green hydrogen project gels with India’s vision for sustainable future
JSL’s green hydrogen project gels with India’s vision for sustainable future
The company inaugurated India’s first green hydrogen stainless steel plant on Monday
Jindal Stainless has two manufacturing facilities in India–one at Jajpur in Odisha and the other at Hisar.
Jindal Stainless Steel's green hydrogen project aligns with the government's vision for a cleaner and more sustainable future, and will be an inspiration for other industry players to embrace clean technologies, said Jyotiraditya Scindia, Union minister for aviation and steel, on Monday.
He was speaking at the inauguration of India's first green hydrogen plant in the stainless-steel sector by Jindal Stainless Steel.
●<海外・調達>IG Merbitz Solar GmbHがザルツギッターグループに太陽光発電を供給
*(2024/3/7)IG Merbitz Solar GmbH to supply solar power for Salzgitter Group
Long-term power purchase agreement (PPA) for ground-mounted photovoltaic system
Around 71 GWh/a of green electricity generated for green steel production
The Salzgitter Group is engaged in close cooperation with customers and partners to achieve its climate aims and objectives,
and is now partnering with Energiesysteme Groß GmbH & Co. KG and Agrarbetrieb Gut Merbitz GbR on their PV project in Wettin-Löbejün. S
alzgitter Flachstahl GmbH and IG Merbitz Solar GmbH, the project company for the PV power plant in Merbitz, have now concluded a green electricity supply agreement (PPA).
The electricity will be generated by a ground-mounted photovoltaic system currently under construction at the Merbitz site in Saxony-Anhalt.
"The electricity supply agreement now concluded between our two companies underlines the importance of renewable energies for the energy transition in Germany and for the Salzgitter site – where virtually CO2-free steel will be produced from 2026 onwards",
as Ralph Schaper, Head of Energy Management, Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH stated.
*(2024/3/7 steelwatch)石炭生産拡大を支援する世界の銀行上位5行のうち4行を日本の銀行が独占
*(2024/3/6 Primetals)プライメタルズ テクノロジーズ(Primetals Technologies)と、インドの大手鉄鋼メーカー、スチール オーソリティー オブ インディア(Steel Authority of India Limited 以下、SAIL)は、インド、オディシャ州ルールケーラーにある同社製鉄所において、脱炭素に関連するプロジェクトと技術で緊密に協力するための覚書(MOU)
*(2024/3/7 Citizen)REPORT: Europe leads U.S. with 35% higher subsidies for green steel
U.S. DOE to announce demonstration project grants this month; additional funding is needed
A new white paper from Industrious Labs and Public Citizen released today reveals a significant disparity in grant subsidies between the United States and Europe for green steel investments. While Europe has awarded $5.5 billion in public subsidies across six major green steel projects, with a median subsidy of approximately $385 per tonne of iron capacity, the U.S. lags with no green iron facilities announced.