11月3週 鉄鋼産業CN(脱炭素)ニュース
経済産業省は、グリーンイノベーション(GI)基金を活用した製鉄プロセスの脱炭素化技術開発で、電気溶融炉(メルター)を使った新たな脱炭素プロセスの開発プロジェクトに乗り出す方針。製鉄向けのGI基金ではすでに約4500億円の予算投入が内定しているが、このうち230億円をメルター関連の開発に投入し、2030年ごろをめどに実用化したい考えだ。 電気...
→ 11月20日の経産省産業構造審議会で審議(結果未公表 11/23現在)
以下 経産省資料
「第19回 産業構造審議会 グリーンイノベーションプロジェクト部会 エネルギー構造転換分野ワーキンググループ」
「資料3 「製鉄プロセスにおける水素活用」プロジェクトに関する研究開発・社会実装の方向性(PDF形式:1,671KB)」
「資料4 「製鉄プロセスにおける水素活用」プロジェクトに関する研究開発・社会実装計 画(改定案)(PDF形式:1,061KB)PDFファイル」
参考資料1 「グリーンイノベーション基金事業「製鉄プロセスにおける水素活用」プロジェクトに関する研究開発・社会実装計画(改定案)に対する意見公募」の結果について(PDF形式:502KB)PDFファイル
このページの How We Use Green Hydrogen の項
*(日刊産業新聞 2023年11月9日)リオティント、脱炭素化へ3施策 電気融解炉技術 バイオアイアン 鉱石不純物除去
*リオティントは、オーストラリアのブルースコープと共同開発中 詳細はわからないが
Rio Tinto and BlueScope to explore low carbon-steelmaking pathways
BlueScope and Rio Tinto sign MOU for low-emissions steelmaking at PKSW - October 2021
4.(1プロセス追加したとしても)システムとしての能率向上 → 転炉につなぐ
日鉄(波崎)? 波崎で電炉と還元鉄プロセスの一貫開発に追加?
JFE(千葉)? 千葉で電炉と還元鉄プロセスの一貫開発に追加?
*グリーンイノベーション(GI)基金 NEDO
■三菱製鋼 第2四半期決算説明会およびESG説明会
三菱製鋼(社長・山口淳氏)は17日、国内鋼材事業(三菱製鋼室蘭特殊鋼・室蘭製作所)におけるCO2排出量を13年度比約30%削減する方針を決め対応に着手したことや、広田製作所(福島県会津若松市)で製造する軟磁性金属粉末で24年度からマスバランス方式によるカーボンニュートラル製品を販売開始することを明らかにした。 室蘭では、従来はCO2排出原単...
3.(鉄鋼新聞)三菱製鋼の新中計 軽量化ばね市場投入 CN特殊合金粉末も
→ 三菱製鋼の資料(2023年11月17日付)は以下に
4.(Sustainable Japan)シュナイダーとミタル、再生エネ100%電炉生産の鋼板供給で協働
重電設備世界大手仏シュナイダーエレクトリックは11月15日、製鉄世界大手ルクセンブルクのアルセロール・ミタルが、100%再生可能エネルギー活用の電炉で生産した再生鋼板「XCarb RRP」の供給に関するパートナーシップを締結したと発表した。
→ Mittal のプレスリリース
Schneider Electric partners with ArcelorMittal on low-carbon steel to reduce the environmental impact of its products
Schneider Ele6ctric partners with ArcelorMittal on low-carbon steel to reduce the environmental impact of its products
ArcelorMittal, the world’s leading steel and mining company, and Schneider Electric, the leader in the digital transformation of energy management and automation, announced today a partnership whereby ArcelorMittal will supply Schneider Electric with XCarb® recycled and renewably produced steel for its electrical cabinets and enclosures.
Produced at ArcelorMittal’s site in Sestao, Spain, XCarb® recycled and renewably produced steel is made using a very high proportion of recycled steel in an electric arc furnace, powered with 100% renewable electricity. This results in CO₂ emissions which are close to 70% lower than the same product made without XCarb® recycled and renewably produced steel.
ArcelorMittal’s XCarb® recycled and renewably produced steel will be used by Schneider Electric to manufacture the new PanelSeT SFN floor-standing enclosures built to protect large electrical panels for industrial automation, power distribution and electronic applications. As these enclosures are built to withstand tough operating environments, the XCarb® recycled and renewably produced steel is also coated with Magnelis®, a metallic coating offering high corrosion protection.
The partnership is the result of several months of technical partnership and collaboration between ArcelorMittal Steel Services Centre Europe and Schneider Electric, to find the right grade of steel and coating for the project.
Earlier this year, Schneider Electric announced the opening of a new roll-forming workshop at its Sarel factory in Alsace, France to prepare the low-carbon emissions steel enclosure parts that are assembled at Schneider’s Capellades factory near Barcelona, Spain. The low-carbon emissions steel used in these plants is supplied by ArcelorMittal Steel Service Centres Europe from its distribution centre in Reims, France.
"At Schneider Electric, sustainability is at the core of our mission, driving us to innovate and create a more sustainable future. We call this Electricity 4.0, meaning the integration of digital technologies with electrification for sustainability. In this effort, we recognize the power of partnerships to make an even greater impact on our journey to net-zero,” said Rohan Kelkar, Schneider Electric's Executive Vice-President of Power Products Division.
Speaking about the partnership with Schneider Electric, Cédric Bouzar, CEO ArcelorMittal Downstream Solutions, said:
“We are proud to be a partner and supplier to Schneider Electric, especially given the company’s leadership on sustainability and the reduction of CO2 emissions in its value chain. Many people across ArcelorMittal have contributed to the success of this collaboration, which has resulted in XCarb® recycled and renewably produced steel being part of a new, low carbon-emissions product. We at ArcelorMittal Downstream Solutions look forward to working with Schneider Electric on more projects of this kind, in the future.”
According to its net-zero roadmap validated by the Science-based Targets initiative, Schneider Electric has committed to be “net-zero ready” across its operations with an absolute carbon reduction target of 25% across its entire value chain by 2030. The company has set specific targets to increase by 50% the volume of low carbon materials used in its products as part of the ongoing 2021-2025 Schneider Sustainability Impact program. Schneider Electric is also a member of the Responsible Steel initiative for responsibly sourced and produced steel.
ArcelorMittal Europe has a target to reduce CO2 emissions by 35% by 2030, and to reach carbon neutrality by 2050.
For more information about XCarb® recycled and renewably produced steel, visit https://europe.arcelormittal.com/repository2/Europe/XCarb_FlatProducts_brochure.pdf
More information on the environmental credentials of XCarb products:
Schneider Electric のプレスリリース
Schneider Electric partners with ArcelorMittal on low-carbon steel to reduce the environmental impact of its products
ArcelorMittal, the world’s leading steel and mining company, and Schneider Electric, the leader in the digital transformation of energy management and automation, announced today a partnership whereby ArcelorMittal will supply Schneider Electric with XCarb® recycled and renewably produced steel for its electrical cabinets and enclosures.
Produced at ArcelorMittal’s site in Sestao, Spain, XCarb® recycled and renewably produced steel is made using a very high proportion of recycled steel in an electric arc furnace, powered with 100% renewable electricity. This results in CO₂ emissions which are close to 70% lower than the same product made without XCarb® recycled and renewably produced steel.
ArcelorMittal’s XCarb® recycled and renewably produced steel will be used by Schneider Electric to manufacture the new PanelSeT SFN floor-standing enclosures built to protect large electrical panels for industrial automation, power distribution and electronic applications. As these enclosures are built to withstand tough operating environments, the XCarb® recycled and renewably produced steel is also coated with Magnelis®, a metallic coating offering high corrosion protection.
The partnership is the result of several months of technical partnership and collaboration between ArcelorMittal Steel Services Centre Europe and Schneider Electric, to find the right grade of steel and coating for the project. Earlier this year, Schneider Electric announced the opening of a new roll-forming workshop at its Sarel factory in Alsace, France to prepare the low-carbon emissions steel enclosure parts that are assembled at Schneider’s Capellades factory near Barcelona, Spain. The low-carbon emissions steel used in these plants is supplied by ArcelorMittal Steel Service Centres Europe from its distribution centre in Reims, France.
"At Schneider Electric, sustainability is at the core of our mission, driving us to innovate and create a more sustainable future. We call this Electricity 4.0, meaning the integration of digital technologies with electrification for sustainability. In this effort, we recognize the power of partnerships to make an even greater impact on our journey to net-zero,” said Rohan Kelkar, Schneider Electric's Executive Vice-President of Power Products Division.
Speaking about the partnership with Schneider Electric, Cédric Bouzar, CEO ArcelorMittal Downstream Solutions, said: “We are proud to be a partner and supplier to Schneider Electric, especially given the company’s leadership on sustainability and the reduction of CO2 emissions in its value chain. Many people across ArcelorMittal have contributed to the success of this collaboration, which has resulted in XCarb® recycled and renewably produced steel being part of a new, low carbon-emissions product. We at ArcelorMittal Downstream Solutions look forward to working with Schneider Electric on more projects of this kind, in the future.”
According to its net-zero commitment roadmap validated by the Science-based Targets initiative, Schneider Electric plans to be “net-zero ready” across its operations with an absolute carbon reduction target of 25% across its entire value chain by 2030. The company has set specific targets to increase to 50% the volume of green materials – including low-carbon steel – used in its products as part of the ongoing 2021-2025 Schneider Sustainability Impact program. Schneider Electric is also a member of the Responsible Steel initiative for responsibly sourced and produced steel.
ArcelorMittal Europe has a target to reduce CO2 emissions by 35% by 2030, and to reach carbon neutrality by 2050.
■JFE千葉向けステンレス溶解用電気炉 大同特殊鋼が受注
5.(日本経済新聞)大同特殊鋼、JFE向けに電気炉受注 千葉の製鉄所に導入
大同特殊鋼、JFE向けに電気炉受注 千葉の製鉄所に導入
大同特殊鋼は15日、JFEスチールから炉体旋回式電気炉(STARQ/スターク)を受注したと発表した。同社の東日本製鉄所・千葉地区の第4製鋼工場に導入される。ステンレス鋼の製造工程でCO2排出量の削減に貢献する。 JFEスチールは同所のステンレス鋼製造で、高炉からの溶銑と自所発生スクラップ、クロム鉱石やクロム含有ダストを主な原料とした製鋼プロ...
7.(日刊産業新聞)大同特殊鋼 JFE千葉から電炉受注 省エネ炉拡販 炉体旋回式 CO2削減性能が評価
*従来の溶銑からのステンレス製造に変え、ステンレススクラップを多用する電気炉法への転換。 スクラップ予熱もなく、AC炉。