There is five year old me in the mirror
There is another five year old me behind the 1st five year old me in the mirror
There is another five year old me behind the 2nd five year old me
There is another…
There are numerous five year old me in the mirror looking into five year old me
There is another mirror behind her
And there are endless five year old me facing back in that mirror
The two mirrors facing each other
Create endless illusion of me
Five year old me looking into the infinity
Endless series of me
She lifts her right arm
Endless me lift their left arm
She turned as quickly as she can
Endless me turned as quickly as she did
She was standing
Somewhere between now and then
Looking into herself
Felt like trapped in a loop of infinite self
Begun to lose her sense of self
Where is me?
Where is the end of me?
Is this arm really my arm?
Is this really me?
She looked into the mirror
There are countless me looking back
As puzzled as her face