[読書] Big potential

携帯を整理していたら、数年前に会社の先輩のおすすめで読んでいたBig Potential: How Transforming the Pursuit of Success Raises Our Achievement, Happiness, and Well-Being (Shawn Achor, English Edition)と言う本に関するノートを見つけたので、ふりかえながらnoteしてみます。

Working to become better together

We are taught that to achieve our potential, we must best each other in cutthroat competition, first at school and then in the workplace. But once we understand how success is interconnected, suddenly another, better path begins to emerge. Big Potential isn’t about trying to go faster alone. It’s about working to become better together.

the sharing of research across academic silos, national borders, and language barriers. In truth, no great innovations occur in isolation .

If those individual attributes don’t predict success and potential, what does? The answer is clear:It is all bout the ecosystem around you.

Project Aristotle

found that if the individuals on the team had
(1) high “social sensitivity"
(2) if the team had cultivated an environment where each person spoke just about equally and everyone felt safe sharing their ideas, the team hit their highest levels of performance over and over and over(心理的安定性).

A virtuous cycle is an upward spiral of potential whereby with each success, you garner more resources, which in turn, allow you to achieve greater and greater successes.

The height of your potential is predicted by the people who surround you. So the key to creating a super bounce for your potential is to SURROUND yourself with people who will lift you up rather than drag you down.

The researchers concluded that the “general collective intelligence factor that explains the group’s performance on a wide variety of tasks” was “a property of the group itself, not just the individuals in it.”

I thought I could do everything by myself. That is, until I realized that not only was this midget the root of my depression, it was also actually placing an invisible ceiling on my future success.
The turning point for me was when I changed my mindset from “I can do it all by myself” to “I need others.” Depression taught me that to really achieve my Big Potential, I needed to surround myself with a stronger system. And that in order to make friends I had to be one first. So I picked up the phone. I reached out. I reconnected with people I cared about, and I went out of my way to listen to their problems-even if I myself was hurting.
But at the same time I had to be open about my challenges. All this time I had been trying to project an image of success, I had been too scared and ashamed to admit I need help.

True connection is a two-way street 
“One-way friendships” make the system weaker and less resilient.

Constellation of starts

The Short History of Nearly Everything - Bill Bryson
Strategy #1: Tap into the power of positive peer pressure.
Strategy #2: Create balance through variety.
Strategy #3: Create reciprocal bonds.

I think there’s a corollary: You are reading this book because someone helped you learn to read.

Diverse of ecosystem

The more diverse your ecosystem, the stronger and more resilient it is. By letting in influences that previously were missing, much like the wolves who were introduced into Yellowstone, we can better protect ourselves against threats.

Having too many similar people in your network means you’re leaving all kinds of doors unopened and all kinds of opportunities unutilized.

She was not only slowly dismantling her social ecosystem,, she was creating her own private hell.

for channeling that collective energy in the direction of your goals:
Strategy #1: Generate more positive energy by creating Tours of Meaning.
Strategy #2: Use Vivid Direction to generate a path for that energy to flow.
Strategy #3: Accelerate the momentum you have created through the power of celebration.

Protege effect

We learn better when we teach others rather than study simply for the sake of individual knowledge.

You can shift the mood of the entire classroom for good or bad.
