AHL Weekly House Expo Apr.6-Apr.7: 週刊新築ハウスレビュー
Hello everyone. I'm Spinnage, the director of the house music lounge Akihabara Housing Ltd., and I'm spending the weekend in Tokyo, where the cherry blossoms are in full bloom.
Now, as usual, this week I'm going to introduce you to some new-built house music from around the world. All of the songs I will be featuring here are songs that I actually purchased as downloads. I chose these songs in a serious competition. Let's get started!
1) Jimpster - The Passion (feat. KingCrowney) Original Mix
英エセックスでFreerange Recordsを率いるJimpsterの「The Passion」。エレガントでスペイシーな、まさにJimpsterの面目躍如という感じの仕上がり。最高最高最高!!
'The Passion' by Jimpster, who heads Freerange Records in Essex, UK. Elegant and spacy, it's a real Jimpster standout. The best, the best, the best!
2) Jimpster - The Passion (feat. KingCrowney) (Atjazz Remix)
そのJimpster「The Passion」を、ロンドンのディープハウスマイスター・Atjazzがリミックス。原曲のエレガントさはそのままに、良い音のシンセベースが響く。こちらのバージョンも最高ですね…。
The Jimpster 'The Passion' was remixed by London deep house meisters Atjazz. It retains the elegance of the original, but with a good sounding synth bass. This version is also great...
3) Adove feat. Elsa Raven - Delete (Opolopo Mix)
'Delete' by Adove, remixed by Stockholm wizard Opolopo. A dramatic break in a track full of thick funkiness. It's a strong track that instantly turns the floor into Opolopo's colour.
4) Peacey - Find A Way
英エディンバラのPeaceyのアルバムから「Find A Way」。Sabrina Chyldの冴えた歌声の足下で、細かくステップを踏むシンセベース。スリリングなトラックです。
'Find A Way' from Peacey's album in Edinburgh, UK, with finely-stepped synth bass under the feet of Sabrina Chyld's brilliant voice. A thrilling track.
5) Folkness - Set It Off
ポーランド西部の街・ポズナンの2人組、Folknessの「Set It Off」。固いスネアの音が印象的なパワフルなトラックです。
'Set It Off' by Folkness, a duo from the western Polish city of Poznan. It is a powerful track with a hard snare sound.
6) Sean McCabe - Music For My Sun (Sean McCabe Remix)
ロンドンのハウス系レーベルFoliageのコンピに収録されていたSean McCabeの「Music For My Sun」。2013年リリースの曲だけど、Taliwaのボーカルも明快で最高です。
Sean McCabe's 'Music For My Sun' from the London house label Foliage's compilation, originally released in 2013, is a great song with clear vocals by Taliwa. The best.
7) Manuel Kane - Your Love
ギリシャ・テッサロニキのプロデューサー、Manuel Kaneの「Your Love」。クリアで涼しげなEオルガンのリフが印象的。
'Your Love' by Greek Thessaloniki producer Manuel Kane. Clear, cool E-organ riff is impressive.
8) Ryan Sadorus - Highway to the Stars
米デトロイトのプロデューサー、Ryan Sadorusの「Highway to the Stars」。ディレイで重ねられるシンセトーンのタペストリーが優雅。気に入りました。
'Highway to the Stars' by US Detroit producer Ryan Sadorus. Elegant tapestry of synth tones layered with delay. Liked.
9) Rob Redford - Lifetime 2 Lifetime (Wave Factory Mix)
JimpsterのDJチャートに入ってた、Rob Redfordの「Lifetime 2 Lifetime」。Wave Factory Remixでは、ゴリゴリしたベースラインにMona Bodeの声が乗り、ブレークではシンセパッドがエレガントにハーモニーを奏でる。素敵。
Rob Redford's 'Lifetime 2 Lifetime', which was in Jimpster's DJ chart, with a Wave Factory Remix, with Mona Bode's voice over a gurgling bassline and synth pads harmonising elegantly on the break. Lovely.
10) HiFi Sean, Severino, FERAL is KINKY - London
これは面白いな。Radio SlaveのDJチャートに入ってたのは、HiFi Sean, Severino, FERAL is KINKYの「London」。パンクの街ロンドンの面白さ、そしてハウスの雑食性と猥雑さを体現したようなトラック。最高です。
This one's interesting - it was in Radio Slave's DJ chart, 'London' by HiFi Sean, Severino and FERAL is KINKY. This track embodies the fun of London as the city of punk, and the omnivore and obscenity of house. Best for.
【Track of the Week】Jimpster - The Passion (feat. KingCrowney) Original Mix
今週の「Track of the Week」にはこの曲を選びました。イントロの柔らかなピアノから完全に名曲の雰囲気が漂ってるんですよね…。これから未来に向かって長い間プレイできそうな曲です。
I have chosen this song for this week's Track of the Week. From the soft piano in the intro, it has the feel of a complete classic... This is a song that could be played for a long time into the future.
Tracks are available on my DJ Chart!
今週セレクトした10曲でBeatportのDJ Chartを作りました。ぜひ活用してくださいね!
I have created a Beatport DJ Chart with the 10 tracks I selected this week. Please make use of it!
Monthly DJ charts are now available on Traxsource!
As well as Beatport, I have also started publishing DJ charts on Traxsource, where I would like to publish my lists monthly rather than weekly, so Traxsource users are encouraged to take advantage of this!
来る4/12(金)に、スペインのDeep Clicksレーベルから僕Spinnageの新譜「Seconds In Love」がリリースされます。Deep Clicksのレーベルカラーにあわせて、ちょっとエレクトロニカ寄り・ミニマル寄りのトラックに仕上げたので、ぜひ聴いてみてください!
On Friday 12 April, the Spanish label Deep Clicks will release the new Spinnage EP 'Seconds In Love', a slightly more electronic/minimalist track to match the Deep Clicks label's colours. Please give it a listen!
Pre-orders are now available on Beatport and Traxsource!
そしてそして、その翌週の4/19にもOHMELYA Musicレーベルから「Only One EP」がリリースされます。春らしい艶やかな2曲が入ったEPですので、ぜひチェックよろしくお願いします!
And the following week, on 19 April, the OHMELYA Music label will also release the 'Only One EP'. The EP contains two spring-like glossy songs, so please check it out!
Here's the new house music for 2024!
Here is a playlist that picks up and accumulates the new releases of 2024 that I recommend as "Akihabara Housing. Ltd". At the moment there are 124 tracks gathered. House lovers, please continue to check this playlist if you like.
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それではまた来週お会いしましょう。So I'll see you next week.
Let There Be House!