
AHL Weekly House Expo Jul.9-Jul.10: 週刊新築ハウスレビュー


Hello. This is spinnage, the director of the House Music Lounge "Akihabara Housing, Ltd." This week, I will continue to introduce new-built house music from around the world from an air-conditioned room in Tokyo in the middle of summer.

All of the songs I will be featuring here are songs that I actually purchased as downloads. I chose these songs in a serious competition. Let's get started!

*この記事は、毎週末に新築ハウスミュージックを紹介している僕のblogシリーズ「New House Exhibition 新築ハウスレビュー」の一部です。/This post is one of a series of articles included in my blog, "New House Exhibition" where I introduce new-built house music every weekend.

1) Crackazat - Everybody Talks About It (Cody Currie Remix)

フランスのプロデューサー・Cody Currieによる、みんな大好きCrackazat「Everybody Talks About It」のリミックス。原曲をうまく活かしつつ、BPMを122に上げたフロア仕様です。最高!

A remix of everyone's favorite Crackazat "Everybody Talks About It" by French producer Cody Currie. It's a floor version with the BPM raised to 122, while making good use of the original song. Great!

2) Mike Lindup - Atlantia (Dave Lee's Extended Remix)

Level 42のメンバー、Mike Lindupの「Atlantia」を、Z Recordsを率いるDave Leeがリミックス。いい歌が過ぎます。

Level 42 member Mike Lindup's "Atlantia" remixed by Z Records head Dave Lee. The song is too good to be true.

3) Shur-I-Kan, Joakim - Beats, Strings & Nothing Gold

Joakim「Nothing Gold」からボーカルサンプリングして生まれたこの曲、手がけたのはロンドンのShur-I-Kanです。曲名通りにビートとストリングスが加わり、華やかな最高ディープハウスになりました。

This song was born from a vocal sampling from Joakim "Nothing Gold" and was created by Shur-I-Kan of London. As the song title suggests, the beat and strings are added to create a gorgeous deep house masterpiece.

4) N’Dinga Gaba feat. Sahffi – Summer Breeze (Fka Mash Re-glitch)

米ボルティモアのN’Dinga Gabaの「Summer Breeze」を、南アフリカ・ヨハネスブルクのFka Mashがリミックス。真夏の熱気に包まれた、夢みるようなサウンドです。

N'Dinga Gaba's "Summer Breeze" from Baltimore, USA, remixed by Fka Mash from Johannesburg, South Africa. It is a dreamy sound, filled with the heat of midsummer.

5) Twolegs - Irreversible

これ格好いい! ベルギー・アントワープのレーベルGents & Dandy'sのレーベルコンピに収録された、Twolegsの「Irreversible」。サウンドから溢れ出す緊張感が素晴らしい。

This is cool! "Irreversible" by Twolegs on a label compilation from Gents & Dandy's label in Antwerp, Belgium. The tension overflowing from the sound is wonderful.

6) Makèz - La Grande Folie

Dam Swindle率いるレーベルHEISTからリリースされた、アムステルダムの2人組・Makezの「La Grande Folie」。BPM135超えの高速トラックで、ひたすらスリリングで圧倒されます。

"La Grande Folie" by Amsterdam duo Makez, released on the Dam Swindle-led HEIST label, is a fast track at over 135 BPM that is simply thrilling and overwhelming.

7) Julian Emanuel - Kingdom In The Sky

NYのプロデューサー、Julian Emanuelの「Kingdom In The Sky」。地を這う蛇のような熱いベースラインが格好いい。

"Kingdom In The Sky" by NY producer Julian Emanuel. The bass line is hot like a snake crawling on the ground.

8) Audiojack - Stay Strong

イギリスのリーズからイビザに渡った2人組、Audiojackの「Stay Strong」。90年代風味のブレークビーツを使ったポップなトラック。盛り上がります!

Audiojack, a duo from Leeds, England to Ibiza, presents "Stay Strong," a poppy track with 90's flavored breakbeats. It's a lot of fun!

9) Alaia & Gallo x Tara McDonald - Rapture

イタリア・ナポリの2人組、Alaia & Galloの「Rapture」。ボーカルも良いし、4拍目前後に入る熱いスタブみたいなシンセ音が良いわー。

"Rapture" by Alaia & Gallo, a duo from Naples, Italy. The vocals are good, and I like the hot stab-like synth sound that goes in around the 4th beat.

10) Seamus Haji feat. Phebe Edwards - Better Come Again

ロンドンでBig Loveを率いるSeamus Hajiの「Better Come Again」。切なさと多幸感が同居する、これぞハウスという魅力に溢れたトラックです。最高!

"Better Come Again" by Seamus Haji, head of Big Love in London. The track is full of house music charm, with a combination of sadness and euphoria. Great!

【Track of the Week】Mike Lindup - Atlantia (Dave Lee's Extended Remix)

「今週の1曲」はこの曲を選びました。Mike Lindupが所属するLevel 42には80年代に「Something About You」という名曲があって、僕も大好きでした。そんな長命バンドに所属する彼が今もこうして音楽活動を続け、トップDJであるDave Leeのリミックスが出て、こんなにも素敵なボーカルハウスが生まれる。気分のいい話です。

I chose this song for "Track of the Week" because Mike Lindup's band, Level 42, had a great song called "Something About You" in the 80s, which I also loved. He is still in such a long-lived band and continues to make music like this, and top DJ Dave Lee's remix comes out and produces such great vocal house. It's a feel-good story.

Tracks are available on my DJ Chart!

Here's the new house music for 2022!


Here's the playlist that we'll be accumulating as recommends from "Akihabara Housing Ltd.", picking up new music for 2022. As of now, we've collected 241 songs. If you love house, please check out this playlist as well.



This past July 6, I released my third track, "Bouquet". I think the piano riffs make the song pleasant. Please support me!

Spinnage - Bouquet

Follow Now!

House Music Lounge
秋葉原住宅 (Akihabara Housing, Ltd. )
Twitter: @ahl-house

それではまた来週お会いしましょう。So I'll see you next week.
Let There Be House!

(Translation by DeepL)


寺本秀雄(spinnage / spinn)