
AHL New House Exhibition - 今週の新築ハウス紹介 Jan.16-Jan.17


Hi there. I'm spinn.teramoto, the mastermind behind the house music lounge Akihabara Housing, Ltd.(AHL). I'll be reviewing this week's new-built house music from Tokyo, where it suddenly became as warm as April on Saturday, but on Sunday it's very cold as winter.


I'm going to show you all the songs that I've actually downloaded and purchased. These songs were chosen in a serious competition. Let's take a look at it right away!

1. Demarkus Lewis - Learn To Know (Ricky kk Remix)

2020年設立のイタリアの新興レーベル、HOUPHからリリースされたのはダラスの鉄人Demarkus Lewisの「Learn to Know」。81年生まれのイタリアのDJ・Ricky KKのリミックスが素敵なディープさです。

HOUPH, a new Italian label founded in 2020, released "Learn to Know" by Dallas iron man Demarkus Lewis, remixed by Ricky KK, an Italian DJ born in 1981. It's very nice and deep.

2. Steven Stone - Sometimes (Opolopo Remix)

これは心躍る曲! ストックホルムのスーパーテクニシャンOpolopo による華麗なリミックスワークです。2021年もOpolopoは絶好調な感じですね。頼もしい!

This is a mind-blowing song! This is a brilliant remix work by Stockholm super-technician Opolopo. He seems to be on a roll in 2021. We can count on him!

3. Zetbee - Walking Over Me


This is an elegant and flowing track from Zetbee, based in Brno, Czech Republic. It's not flashy, but it's a gorgeous track that definitely injects a sexy scent into the air of the floor. I love it.

4. Nikitch - 46 Rue Du Fort (Sivey Remix)

英ブライトンのレコードショップでありレーベルのTru Thoughtsからリリースされた、マンチェスターのアーティストSiveyによる素敵なブロークンビーツのリミックスワーク。途中から7/8拍子で進んでいくスリリングな展開に心奪われます。

A lovely Brokenbeats remix work by Manchester artist Sivey, released on Tru Thoughts, a record store and label in Brighton, UK. I was fascinated by the thrilling development of the song, which progressed in 7/8 time from the middle.

5. Zetbee - I Can

(3)でも紹介したチェコのアーティスト、Zetbeeが先週リリースした「I Can」。チェックしてたつもりが見逃してました。keyによるエレガントなリフレインが気持ちいいトラックです。

”I Can" was released last week by Czech artist Zetbee, who was also introduced in (3). I thought I had checked it out, but I missed it; it's a nice track with an elegant key refrain.

6. Laydee V - Piemo

ロンドンを拠点にしている女性アーティストLaydee Vの「Piemo」。リリースはイタリアのミニマル/テックハウス系レーベルBoh。抑えたトーンの奥できらめく妖しい光に引き込まれます。格好いい!

"Piemo" by London-based female artist Laydee V, released by Italian minimal/tech house label Boh. The song draws you in with its magical tone and shimmering light. Very cool!

7. Miname - Without You (Original Mix)

これもいいテックディープです。イングランドの街レスターのアーティストMinameの「Without You」は、きょうの東京のような冬の曇り空にぴったりの、仄暗い色彩でフロアの空気を染め上げます。

It's also good tech deep. "Without You" by Miname, an artist from the English city of Leicester, dyes the atmosphere with a hint of color that is perfect for the cloudy winter skies of Tokyo today.

8.  Lotrax & Jennings. - Everything


This is interesting. "Everything" by Glasgow, UK artists Lotrax and Jennigs. is a deep composition that has a classic house appearance, but the sound it wears is sparkling and up-to-date. Nice and deep.

9. AFFKT - Hoydelight


This is "Hoydelight" by AFFKT, an artist from Valencia, Spain, which was released exactly one year ago. The bewitching bends of the sound distort the space and shake your vision. Fun!


【Track of the Week】Nikitch - 46 Rue Du Fort (Sivey Remix)


The basics of house are "four to the floor" beats, and that's why these strange broken beats sound more thrilling. I'd like to try DJing with this song, which reverts to four to the floor in the outro, as a spice. It was such an exciting song.

Special Offer
Fly with Akihabara Housing, Ltd.


Enjoy this 6-hour flight around the world with house music!

Here's the new house music for 2021!


Here's the playlist I've been accumulating by picking up this year's new songs in the name of Akihabara Housing, Ltd. At the moment, we have collected 12 songs. If you're a house lover, be sure to check out this playlist as well.

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House Music Lounge
秋葉原住宅 (Akihabara Housing, Ltd. )
Twitter: @ahl-house

それではまた来週お会いしましょう。So I'll see you next week.
Let There Be House!

(Translation by DeepL)


寺本秀雄(spinnage / spinn)