AHL Weekly House Expo Jun.1-Jun.2: 週刊新築ハウスレビュー
Hello everyone. I'm Spinnage, the director of the house music lounge Akihabara Housing Ltd., enjoying the sound of Sunday's rainfall in Tokyo with the windows open.
Now, as usual, this week I'm going to introduce you to some new-built house music from around the world. All of the songs I will be featuring here are songs that I actually purchased as downloads. I chose these songs in a serious competition. Let's get started!
1) Incognito - Freedom To Love feat. Atjazz (Atjazz Astro Remix)
インコグニートの「Freedom To Love」を、ロンドンのディープハウスマイスター・Atjazzがリミックス。12年前の曲の再発ですが、ブロークンビーツがとてもスリリング。今聞いても最高!
Incognito's 'Freedom To Love' remixed by London deep house meisters Atjazz, a reissue of a 12-year-old song, but with very thrilling broken beats. Great to listen to now!
2) Demarkus Lewis - Sight Unseen
ダラスの鉄人・Demarkus Lewisの「Sight Unseen」。重ねられたシンセの響きがドリーミーです。
'Sight Unseen' by Dallas iron man Demarkus Lewis. The layered synths are dreamy.
3) Ralph Session ft. Juliet Mendoza - Freak
ディープハウス系トップレーベルのひとつ、英エセックスのFreerangeからリリースされた、NYのプロデューサーRalph Sessino の「Freak」。1小節ループが回る、酩酊感のある曲です。
Released on one of the top deep house labels, Freerange in Essex, UK, New York producer Ralph Sessino's 'Freak' is an intoxicating tune with a spinning one-bar loop.
4) Elisa Elisa - Lift Me Up
ベルリンの女性プロデューサー・Elisa Elisaの「Lift Me Up」。こちらも強靱な1小節ループが投下されるパワフルなトラックです。
'Lift Me Up' by female Berlin producer Elisa Elisa. This is another powerful track with a strong one-bar loop dropped.
5) Subsonique - After All
スウェーデン・ストックホルムを拠点とする信頼のレーベル・Local Talkよりリリースされた、Subsoniqueの「After All」。交錯するシンセサウンドとストリングスが描く立体的な音像が格好いい。
Subsonique's 'After All' is released on Local Talk, a trusted label based in Stockholm, Sweden. The three-dimensional soundscape of interlaced synths and strings is cool.
6) Inaya Day & Mike Cruz - Inside Out (Frank Lamboy Brooklyn Disco Mix)
Mike Cruzの「Inside Out」を、NYのプロデューサー・Frank Lamboyがリミックス。原曲のパワフルさを活かしつつ、ディスコスタイルに仕上がっていて楽しい!
Mike Cruz's 'Inside Out' remixed by NY producer Frank Lamboy. It's a fun, disco-style version of the song while retaining the powerful nature of the original!
7) Loops & Us - Together
カナダ・モントリオールの2人組、Loops & Usの「Together」。刻まれるオルガンのリフと堅牢なシンセベースの生み出すグルーブが最高です。
'Together' by Loops & Us, a duo from Montreal, Canada. The groove created by the churning organ riffs and robust synth bass is superb.
8) Grwvtec - Isla
'Isla' by Grwvtec, a producer based in Llanrug, Wales, UK. Voices and synth sounds echo in a dimly lit space with bass shaking the floor. Liked.
9) Nathan Haines - Come Into The Light
ロンドンの大ベテラン、Nathan Haines復活!嬉しい! ボーカルにLa cocoを迎えた「Come Into The Light」は彼らしい甘いハーモニーと優雅なサウンドで最高です。
London veteran Nathan Haines is back! Delightful! 'Come Into The Light' with La coco on vocals is great, with his typical sweet harmonies and elegant sound.
10) Etzu Mahkayah - Igman
セルビア・ベオグラードのプロデューサー、Etzu Mahkayahの「Igman」。アシッドなフレーズがきらめく疾走感のあるトラックです。
'Igman' by Serbian Belgrade producer Etzu Mahkayah. It is a fast and furious track with sparkling acidic phrases.
【Track of the Week】Demarkus Lewis - Sight Unseen
今週の「Track of The Week」はこの曲に決めました。甘い響きとソリッドなビートのマリアージュが夜のドライブにぴったりです。
I have decided on this song for this week's Track of The Week. The marriage of sweet sounds and solid beats makes it perfect for a night drive.
Tracks are available on my DJ Chart!
今週セレクトした10曲でBeatportのDJ Chartを作りました。ぜひ活用してくださいね!
I have created a Beatport DJ Chart with the 10 tracks I selected this week. Please make use of it!
Monthly DJ charts are now available on Traxsource!
As well as Beatport, I have also started publishing DJ charts on Traxsource, where I would like to publish my lists monthly rather than weekly, so Traxsource users are encouraged to take advantage of this!
Label: OHMELYA Music
Remedy (Original Mix)
Remedy (Demarkus Lewis Remix)
Remedy (CEV's Remix)
5/2に「Remedy EP」がリリースされました。 僕のオリジナルバージョンに加えて、ダラスの鉄人・Demarkus Lewisのメロウなリミックスと、OHMELYA Musicのレーベルオーナー・CEV'sのダイナミックなリミックスが入った強力盤です。ぜひチェックしてみてください!
The "Remedy EP" was released on 2 May. In addition to my original version, it's a strong disc with a mellow remix from Dallas iron man Demarkus Lewis and a dynamic remix from OHMELYA Music label owner CEV's. Check it out!
Here's the new house music for 2024!
Here is a playlist that picks up and accumulates the new releases of 2024 that I recommend as "Akihabara Housing. Ltd". At the moment there are 199 tracks gathered. House lovers, please continue to check this playlist if you like.
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それではまた来週お会いしましょう。So I'll see you next week.
Let There Be House!