AHL Weekly House Expo Jan.27-Jan.28: 週刊新築ハウスレビュー
Hello everyone, I'm Spinnage, the director of the house music lounge Akihabara Housing Ltd., and I'm spending the last weekend of January in Tokyo.
Now, as usual, this week I'm going to introduce you to some new-built house music from around the world. All of the songs I will be featuring here are songs that I actually purchased as downloads. I chose these songs in a serious competition. Let's get started!
1) Sio x Atmos Blaq - Abandonment Issues (Atjazz Extended Remix)
南アフリカのプロデューサー、Atmos BlaqとボーカリストSioの「Abandonment Issues」を、ロンドンのディープハウスマイスター・Atjazzがリミックス。端正でディープな世界観が最高です。
'Abandonment Issues' by South African producer Atmos Blaq and vocalist Sio is remixed by London deep house meister Atjazz. It's a neat, deep world view at its best.
2) Opolopo - Chocolate Spiders
スウェーデン・ストックホルムの超絶技巧派Opolopo待望の新譜。この「Chocolate Spiders」はパワフルなNu Discoのファンクネスを存分に楽しめます。最高!!
The long-awaited new ep from Stockholm, Sweden's superb Opolopo. This 'Chocolate Spiders' is powerful Nu Disco funkiness at its best. Best for!
3) Opolopo - Stroke My Disco (Fouk Remix)
同じOpolopoのEPから、オランダ・ユトレヒトの2人組・Foukがリミックスした「Stroke My Disco」。めちゃ盛り上がるナイスハウス。素晴らしい…。
'Stroke My Disco', from the same Opolopo EP, remixed by Dutch Utrecht duo Fouk. Nice house with a lot of excitement. Great...
4) Ralf GUM meets Clara Hill - Don't Talk
南ア・プレトリアのプロデューサー、Ralf GumとClara Hillで「Don't Talk」。すごくポップなボーカルハウス。気に入りました。
'Don't Talk' by South African-Pretoria producers Ralf Gum and Clara Hill. Very pop vocal house. Liked.
5) DJ Merci - Henry Street
ベルリンのプロデューサー、DJ Merciの「Henry Street」。ベルリンらしい芯が強くて華やかなディープハウス。好きです。
'Henry Street' by Berlin producer DJ Merci. Deep house with a strong core and glamorous Berlin style. Likes.
6) Sparrow & Barbossa, Young Saab - Lean Into The Sunshine
イタリアのMoBlackからリリースされたのは、Sparrow & Barbossa と Young Saabで「Learn Into The Sunshine」。アフロテイストのボーカルハウスで、抑制のきいたトーンが格好いい。
Released on Italy's MoBlack is 'Learn Into The Sunshine' by Sparrow & Barbossa and Young Saab. It's a cool Afro-tinged vocal house with a restrained tone.
7) CEV's - Fortuna
'Fortuna' by CEV's, who heads the French OHMELYA label. It's a powerful house track with his unique chord progression and soaring piano.
8) Trevor Gordon - The Hour Glass (Time Out Mix)
カナダのプロデューサー、Trevor Gordonの「The Hour Glass」を彼自身がリミックスした「Time Out Mix」。柔らかなシンセパッドが心地良いドリーミーなトラックです。
'Time Out Mix' is his own remix of Canadian producer Trevor Gordon's 'The Hour Glass'. It's a dreamy track with soft synth pads.
9) Intr0beatz - The Sounds That Heal
アイスランド・レイキャビクのプロデューサー、Intr0beatzの「The Sounds That Heal」。蕩けるようなシンセパッドにつつまれて、表情を自在に変えていくシンセベースが格好いい。
'The Sounds That Heal' by Icelandic Reykjavik producer Intr0beatz. The synth bass changes expression at will, enveloped by a prodigal synth pad, and it's cool.
10) Lovebirds - Burn It Down
ベルリンを拠点とするベテラン2人組・Lovebirdsの「Burn It Down」。スラップベースが気持ちいい、リラックスしたNu Discoです。素敵。
'Burn It Down' by Berlin-based veteran duo Lovebirds. Relaxed Nu Disco with a nice slap bass. Lovely.
【Track of the Week】Opolopo - Stroke My Disco (Fouk Remix)
今週の「Track of the Week」にはこの曲を選びました。シンプルだけど期待感を高めるベースラインに、華やかなピアノのリフレイン。ハウスミュージックの良さが詰まった曲だと思います。最高!
I have chosen this song for this week's Track of the Week. It has a simple but promising bassline and a gorgeous piano refrain. It's a song full of house music goodness. Best for!
Tracks are available on my DJ Chart!
今週セレクトした10曲でBeatportのDJ Chartを作りました。ぜひ活用してくださいね!
I have created a Beatport DJ Chart with the 10 tracks I selected this week. Please make use of it!
Monthly DJ charts are now available on Traxsource!
As well as Beatport, I have also started publishing DJ charts on Traxsource, where I would like to publish my lists monthly rather than weekly, so Traxsource users are encouraged to take advantage of this!
New Release!
2023年末に、テクノパーティ「秋葉原重工」のコンピレーションアルバム「AHI Digital Compilation 01」がリリースされました。僕Spinnageも「Going Deeper」という曲で参加しています。アルバムはBandcampで入手可能ですので、ぜひぜひ応援よろしくお願いします!
At the end of 2023, the techno party Akihabara Heavy Industry released a compilation album 'AHI Digital Compilation 01'. I, Spinnage, also participated in the album with the song 'Going Deeper'. The album is available on Bandcamp, so please support us!
Here's the new house music for 2024!
Here is a playlist that picks up and accumulates the new releases of 2024 that I recommend as "Akihabara Housing. Ltd". At the moment there are 30 tracks gathered. House lovers, please continue to check this playlist if you like.
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秋葉原住宅 (Akihabara Housing, Ltd. )
X (ex. Twitter): @ahl-house
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それではまた来週お会いしましょう。So I'll see you next week.
Let There Be House!