AHL Weekly House Expo Nov.11-Nov.12: 週刊新築ハウスレビュー
Hello everyone. I'm Spinnage, the director of the house music lounge Akihabara Housing, Ltd., spending the second weekend of November in Tokyo, where winter seems to have suddenly arrived. Well, this week, as always, I'll be introducing new house music from around the world.
All of the songs I will be featuring here are songs that I actually purchased as downloads. I chose these songs in a serious competition. Let's get started!
*この記事は、毎週末に新築ハウスミュージックを紹介している僕のblogシリーズ「New House Exhibition 新築ハウスレビュー」の一部です。/This post is one of a series of articles included in my blog, "New House Exhibition" where I introduce new-built house music every weekend.
1) Demarkus Lewis - Make Up Your Mind
ダラスの鉄人・Demarkus Lewisの「Make Up Your Mind」。軽快だけれど色気もある、小気味のいいトラックです。素敵。
'Make Up Your Mind' by Dallas iron man Demarkus Lewis. Light but sexy, this is a nice little track. Lovely.
2) Zetbee - Closely (Mo'Cream Remix)
'Closely' by Czech Brno producer Zetbee is remixed by Mo'Cream from Milan, Italy. It's transparent, elegant house at its best.
3) Reel People feat. Angela Johnson - Can't Stop (Michael Gray Remix)
ロンドンのお洒落コレクティヴ・Reel Peopleの「Can't Stop」を、同じくロンドンのMichael Grayが華麗にリミックス。きらめくハウス、最高!
A brilliant remix of London's fashionable collective Reel People's 'Can't Stop' by Michael Gray, also from London. Sparkling house at its best!
4) Sebb Junior & Oscar Barila - In The Jungle
グラナダのSebb JuniorとバレンシアのOscar Barilaというスペイン勢のコラボで「In The Jungle」。フェイザーのかかったEピアノの音が気持ち良すぎる。気に入りました。
'In The Jungle' is a collaboration between two ploducers from Spain, Sebb Junior from Granada and Oscar Barila from Valencia. The phased e-piano sound is too pleasant. Liked.
5) CEV's - Fixie (Spinnage Remix)
I've remixed a new track 'Fixie' by CEV's, a label owner that I, Spinnage, have always been a part of. It's a bouncy tune with a faster BPM. Please check it out!
6) Simbad - Wake Up (Feat. Frederick)
英エセックスでJimpsterが率いるFreerange RecordsからリリースされたSimbadのepから「Wake Up」。多層的で穏やかなサウンドスケープが広がります。心地良いー。
'Wake Up' from Simbad's ep, released in Essex, UK on Jimpster's Freerange Records. Multi-layered, calm soundscape. Comforting.
7) Mallin - Giving It All
イギリス・ウルヴァーハンプトンのプロデューサー、Mallinの「Giving It All」。ウォームなエレピが編み上げる音のタペストリー。うっとりします。
'Giving It All' by Wolverhampton, UK producer Mallin. A tapestry of sound woven by warm synths. Enraptured.
8) Sonic Soul Orchestra - So Into You feat. Kathy Brown (Ricky Morrison' sure Shot Vocal)
Ricky Morrisonがリミックスした、Sonic Soul Orchestra「So Into You」。Kathy Brownのパワフルな歌も冴えてる上に、ベースがいい音過ぎる。楽しい!
Ricky Morrison remixes Sonic Soul Orchestra's 'So Into You', Kathy Brown's powerful song is brilliant and the bass sounds too good. Fun!
9) Karizma, Osunlade - Hear and Now (Jon Dixon Remix)
デトロイトのプロデューサー・Jon Dixonがリミックスを手がけた、Karizmaの「Hear and Now」。エレガントでスリリング。格好いい!
'Hear and Now' by Karizma, remixed by Detroit producer Jon Dixon. Elegant and thrilling. Cool!
10) Equation - I'll Say A Prahyer 4 U (Dam Swindle's Long Ass Intro Edit)
Equationが1991年にリリースした「I'll Say A Prayer 4 U」を、アムステルダムのDam Swindleがリエディット。イントロも長くなってロングミックス向きのエディットです。助かる!
Amsterdam's Dam Swindle's re-edit of Equation's 1991 'I'll Say A Prayer 4 U'. This edit has a longer intro and is suitable for long mixes. Helpful!
【Track of the Week】Reel People feat. Angela Johnson - Can't Stop (Michael Gray Remix)
今週のTrack of the Weekはこの曲に決めました。パーティにぴったりの華やかなトラックで最高です。ちょっと切ないニュアンスが入ってるところも嬉しい。
I've decided on this track for this week's Track of the Week. It's a great, glamorous track that's perfect for a party. I'm also pleased that it has a bit of sad nuance to it.
Tracks are available on my DJ Chart!
今週セレクトした10曲でBeatportのDJ Chartを作りました。現在beatportのバグでタイトルが消えていますが、リンク先は正常に僕の DJ chartになっています。ぜひ活用してくださいね!
I have created a Beatport DJ Chart with the 10 tracks I selected this week. The title is currently missing due to a bug on beatport, but the link is to my DJ chart as normal. Please make use of it!
This is an announcement for the techno party "Akihabara Heavy Industry Inc.", which will be held next month on Saturday 18 November at 13:00, with Ken Ishii as guest DJ. I, Spinnage, will be performing from House Lounge Akihabara Housing Ltd. Please come and have fun! Let's make a toast together!
そして11/22日(日本では休前日)の夜7時から11時には、渋谷の7th Floorにてハウスミュージックラウンジ「秋葉原住宅」の単独イベントを始めます。ゲストDJには高円寺家系の とーしゅ さんを向かえての4時間、ぜひ一緒にハウスで盛り上がりましょう。お待ちしてます!
And on 22 November (the day before the holiday in Japan), from 7pm to 11pm, the house music lounge Akihabara House will start its own event at the 7th Floor in Shibuya. With Toushu of Koenji-Iekei as guest DJ for four hours, come and join us for a night of house fun. We look forward to seeing you there!
New Release!
CEV's - Fixie (Spinnage Remix)
As mentioned above, I've remixed a new track 'Fixie' by Julien, aka CEV's, the owner of the OHMELYA label, which I, Spinnage, am a part of. It's available on Beatport and Traxsource from 9 Nov, and is also available on Spotify and other music distribution services, so please support us!
Here's the new house music for 2023!
Here is a playlist that picks up and accumulates the new releases of 2023 that I recommend as "Akihabara Housing. Ltd". At the moment there are 406 tracks gathered. House lovers, please continue to check this playlist if you like.
Follow Now!
House Music Lounge
秋葉原住宅 (Akihabara Housing, Ltd. )
X (ex. Twitter): @ahl-house
Bluesky: @ahl-house.bsky.social
それではまた来週お会いしましょう。So I'll see you next week.
Let There Be House!
(Translation by DeepL)
![寺本秀雄(spinnage / spinn)](https://assets.st-note.com/production/uploads/images/122736008/profile_e0fbc980d43a65b758735e800c02f9f1.jpg?width=600&crop=1:1,smart)