AHL Weekly House Expo Jul.6-Jul.7: 週刊新築ハウスレビュー
Hello everyone. I'm Spinnage, the director of the house music lounge Akihabara Housing Ltd., and I'm spending a hot and humid weekend in Tokyo in full midsummer mode.
Now, as usual, this week I'm going to introduce you to some new-built house music from around the world. All of the songs I will be featuring here are songs that I actually purchased as downloads. I chose these songs in a serious competition. Let's get started!
1) Filippo Perbellini - Goodbye So Long (Opolopo Remix Instrumental)
これは1年前の曲です。Filippo Perbelliniの「Goodbye So Long」を、スウェーデン・ストックホルムの魔術師Opolopoがリミックス。インストゥルメンタルでも、華やかでグルーヴィーなトラックが楽しい!
This is a year old - a remix of Filippo Perbellini's Goodbye So Long by Stockholm, Sweden wizard Opolopo. It's a gorgeous, groovy, instrumental track that's a lot of fun!
2) Ross Couch - Night Blues
イギリス・グラスゴーのプロデューサー、Ross Couchの「Night Blues」。いかにも彼らしい、透明感のあるトラックで嬉しくなります。
'Night Blues' by Glasgow, UK producer Ross Couch. It's a delightfully transparent track, very typical of him.
3) Yannick Roberts - Grace
オランダ・アムステルダムのプロデューサー、Yannick Robertsの「Grace」が、Jimpster率いるFreerange Recordsからリリースされました。Freerangeらしいハンサムなディープハウスで最高です。
Amsterdam, Netherlands producer Yannick Roberts' 'Grace' is released on the Jimpster-led Freerange Records label, and it's a handsome, Freerange-esque deep house affair that's great.
4) Joselacruz - Eyes In The World
スペインのバレンシアを拠点とするプロデューサー、Joselacruzの「Eyes In The World」。静かに熱のこもったトラックが格好いいです。
'Eyes In The World' by Valencia, Spain-based producer Joselacruz. It's a cool, quietly impassioned track.
5) Vertigini - Box of Pandra (Kevin Yost Extendedn Remix)
米ワシントンのベテラン、Kevin Yostがリミックスを手がけた、Vertiginiの「Box of Pandra」。原曲と比べてよりエレガントに仕立てられたトラックです。良い!
'Box of Pandra' by Vertigini, remixed by US Washington veteran Kevin Yost. The track is more elegantly tailored than the original. Good!
6) Vittorio Brena, Beau Soleil - On The Dancefloor
イタリアのVittorio Brena,とフランスのBeau Soleilの共作で「On The Dancefloor」。しっかりダンサブルで好感が持てました。
'On The Dancefloor', co-written by Vittorio Brena, Italy, and Beau Soleil, France. It was solidly danceable and well liked.
7) Random Soul - Watching You (2024 Garage Extended)
シドニーの2人組・Random Soulの「Watching You」。BPM早めでガンガン押してくるピアノリフがめちゃくちゃ気持ちいい。気に入りました。
'Watching You' by Sydney duo Random Soul, with a piano riff that pushes at a fast BPM that is very pleasant. Liked.
8) Ronan C - Got Me Twisted (MicFreak Remix)
Ronan Cの「Got Me Twisted」を、米バルティモアのMicFreakがリミックス。KORG M1のOrgan2の音に90年代ハウスのニュアンスも感じさせる跳ねるようなリズムが心地良いです。
A remix of Ronan C's 'Got Me Twisted' by Baltimore, USA's MicFreak, with a bouncy rhythm that has a pleasant 90s house nuance to the Organ2 sound of the KORG M1.
9) Block & Crown - Forget Me Nots (Nudisco Dubb)
Block & Crownの曲は安易に紹介しないようにしてたんだけど、Patrice Rushen「Forget Me Nots」には抗えなかった。原曲がいい曲過ぎるんですよね…
I tried not to introduce Block & Crown songs easily, but I couldn't resist Patrice Rushen 'Forget Me Nots'. The original song is just too good...
10) Husky, Sebb Junior - Beautiful Thing
シドニーのプロデューサー・Huskyとスペイン・グラナダのSebb Juniorの共作で「Beautiful Thing」。優しく包み込むような余裕のあるハウスで気に入りました。
'Beautiful Thing' is a co-production between Sydney producer Husky and Sebb Junior from Granada, Spain. We liked it for its gentle, enveloping, spare house.
【Track of the Week】Yannick Roberts - Grace
今週の「Track of the Week」にはこの曲を選びました。ディープハウスのディープネスとは何なのか、この曲が明確に示している気がします。こういう曲を作れるようになりたいな…
I chose this song for this week's Track of the Week. I feel this song clearly shows what deepness in deep house is all about. I wish I could write songs like this...
Tracks are available on my DJ Chart!
Monthly DJ charts are now available on Traxsource!
As well as Beatport, I have also started publishing DJ charts on Traxsource, where I would like to publish my lists monthly rather than weekly, so Traxsource users are encouraged to take advantage of this!
Spinnage - Episode 20 E.P.
Label: Agua Salada
Release Date: 2024 July 12th
Episode 20 (Original Mix)
Episode 20 (Deephope Lounge Remix)
Transfer (Original Mix)
Episode 20 (Deephope Radio Edit)
大好きなまんが『正反対な君と僕』の大好きな20話に触発されて作った「Episode 20」という曲をタイトルトラックにしたEPです。Agua Saladaを率いるDeephopeによるエレガントでリラックスしたバージョン2曲に加えて、シンセベースで盛り上げるカップリング曲「Transfer」を収録しました。気に入ってもらえたら嬉しいです。
This EP features the song 'Episode 20' as the title track, inspired by my favourite episode #20 of my favourite manga 'You and I Are Polar Opposites.' Two elegant and relaxed versions of the song by Deephope, who leads Agua Salada, plus Included is the coupling track 'Transfer', with a synth bass for excitement. I hope you like it.
Here's the new house music for 2024!
Here is a playlist that picks up and accumulates the new releases of 2024 that I recommend as "Akihabara Housing. Ltd". At the moment there are 248 tracks gathered. House lovers, please continue to check this playlist if you like.
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秋葉原住宅 (Akihabara Housing, Ltd. )
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それではまた来週お会いしましょう。So I'll see you next week.
Let There Be House!