
AHL Weekly House Expo Nov.19-Nov.20: 週刊新築ハウスレビュー


Hello. I'm Spinnage, the director of the house music lounge "Akihabara Housing, Ltd." From Tokyo this weekend, where a cold rain fell on Sunday after a well-sunny Saturday, I'll be introducing you to new-built house music from around the world again.


All of the songs I will be featuring here are songs that I actually purchased as downloads. I chose these songs in a serious competition. Let's get started!

*この記事は、毎週末に新築ハウスミュージックを紹介している僕のblogシリーズ「New House Exhibition 新築ハウスレビュー」の一部です。/This post is one of a series of articles included in my blog, "New House Exhibition" where I introduce new-built house music every weekend.

1) Dave Lee, Omar - Starlight (Grant Nelson Extended Mix)

ロンドンでZ Recordsを率いるDave LeeとOmarの「Starligjht」を、Grant Nelsonがリミックス。ピアノのリフがひたすら気持ちいい、ハウスの快楽に溢れたトラックです。最高!

Grant Nelson remixes 'Starligjht' by Dave Lee (head of Z Records in London) and Omar. It's a track full of house pleasures, with a piano riff that's just so good. Great stuff!!!

2) CEV's - Wise Gold (Zetbee Remix)

仏・リールでOhmelyaレーベルを率いるCEV'sの「Wise Gold」を、チェコ・ブルノの粋人Zetbeeがリミックス。2人の得意技がうまくかみ合った感じで、音響の透明感がすばらしいです。

Czech Brno chic Zetbee remixes 'Wise Gold' by CEV's, who runs the Ohmelya label in Lille, France. Their specialities mesh well together and the sonic transparency is wonderful.

3) Vincenzo Gerri - Deep In My Soul

ロンドンのBubble'N'Twist Recordsからリリースされたのは、イギリス在住のイタリア人DJ・Vincenzo Gerriの「Deep In My Soul」。濃厚な90年代ガラージュハウスの香りが嬉しい。大好きです。

Released on London's Bubble'N'Twist Records is 'Deep In My Soul' by UK-based Italian DJ Vincenzo Gerri. It's a delight with a rich 90s garage house flavour. I love it.

4) Massiande - Here Comes The House Music

これは強い。Jimpster率いるFreerange Recordsからリリースされた、チリ・サンチアゴのプロデューサー、Massiandeの「Here Comes The House Music」。アシッドハウスの無骨さを洗練された手さばきで聴かせます。

This is strong: 'Here Comes The House Music' from Santiago, Chile producer Massiande, released on Jimpster-led Freerange Records. It's acid house ruggedness with a sophisticated hand.

5) DJ Spen - Until You Feat. Marc Evans (N'dinga's deep in You Re-edit)

米ボルチモアの大兄貴、DJ Spenの「Until You」を、N'dingaがリミックス。原曲の熱を内部に閉じ込めたような、アブストラクトで静謐な仕上がりが格好いい。

N'dinga's remix of 'Until You' by Baltimore, USA's big brother DJ Spen. The abstract and tranquil finish is cool, as if the heat of the original song is trapped inside.

6) Guti - Las Mil AM

アフリカ南部の国マラウイを拠点とするプロデューサー、Gutiの「Las Mil AM」。テクノもこなすプロデューサーらしく、抽象的に処理されるサンプリングボイスが面白い。

'Las Mil AM' by Guti, a producer based in the southern African country of Malawi. The abstractly processed sampled voice is interesting, as if he is a producer who also does techno.

7) Intr0beatz - Let's Keep It Movin

アイスランド・レイキャビクのプロデューサー、Intr0beatzの「Let's Keep It Movin」。湿度の高い、密室感のある音響で描かれる、ドラマティックな展開の曲です。格好いい。

'Let's Keep It Movin' by Icelandic Reykjavik producer Intr0beatz. It's a dramatically unfolding song with a humid, densely packed sound. Cool.

8) Huxley - All I Need

ロンドンのプロデューサー、Huxleyの「All I Need」。Toolroomレーベルからのリリースらしい、華やかさのあるハウスです。

'All I Need' from London producer Huxley, a glamorous house release typical of the Toolroom label.

9) Black Hawks of Panama - We Will Not

英・マンチェスターのプロデューサー、Black Hawks of Panamaの「We Will Not」。すごく手堅い作りで信頼できます。気に入りました。

'We Will Not' by Black Hawks of Panama, a producer from Manchester, UK. It's very solid and reliable. Liked.

10) Angelo Ferreri - Au Revoir

イタリア・シチリア島のプロデューサー、Angelo Ferreriの「Au Revoir」。スラップベースが小気味いいJackin Houseです。どことなく過ぎ去った夏が懐かしくなるような雰囲気があって、初冬のフロアに映えそうです。

'Au Revoir' by producer Angelo Ferreri from Sicily, Italy. It's a Jackin House track with a slap bass. It has an atmosphere that somehow makes you nostalgic for the summer gone by, and will sounds great on the floor in early winter.

【Track of the Week】Dave Lee, Omar - Starlight (Grant Nelson Extended Mix)


For 'Track of the Week' I've chosen this one, with Omar's singing wonderfully extended and marrying it with a soaring piano refrain. It has an essential house song preasure that anyone who likes house will love.

Tracks are available on my DJ Chart!

Here's the new house music for 2022!


Here's the playlist that we'll be accumulating as recommends from "Akihabara Housing Ltd.", picking up new music for 2022. As of now, we've collected 427 songs. If you love house, please check out this playlist as well.


来る11月22日(火曜日・祝前日)の夜21時から、東京・渋谷の R Loungeにて開催されるテクノパーティ「秋葉原重工 Shibuya Branch #5」にて、私spinnageが出演します。僕はオープニングで、テックテイスト強めのハウスをかけていくつもり。ぜひ遊びにきてくださいね!

I, spinnage, will be performing at the techno party "Akihabara Heavy Industry inc. Shibuya Branch #5" at R Lounge in Shibuya, Tokyo, on 22 November (Tuesday, the day before public holiday) from 9pm. I'll be opening the event with some tech-oriented house. Please come and play!

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House Music Lounge
秋葉原住宅 (Akihabara Housing, Ltd. )
Twitter: @ahl-house

それではまた来週お会いしましょう。So I'll see you next week.
Let There Be House!

(Translation by DeepL)


寺本秀雄(spinnage / spinn)