
AHL New House Exhibition - New Year’s Special 2021

新年あけましておめでとうございます。ハウスミュージックラウンジ「秋葉原住宅」です。昨年の4月末からはじめた、毎週末に世界の新築ハウスミュージックをチェックしていく「New House Exhibition」、今年2021年も引き続きやっていきますので、何卒よろしくお願いします。

Happy New Year! This is the House Music Lounge "Akihabara Housing, Ltd." I've been doing the "New House Exhibition" since the end of April last year, checking out new -built house music from around the world every weekend, and I'll be doing it again in 2021.


Since house music releases become scarce between Christmas and New Year's every year, so this week I've decided to change things up and bring you a New Year's special, a six-hour flight around the world with house music. The disasters that have been sweeping the world since last year are still continuing, and it's still difficult to move freely as it used to be, but let's go through the gates together and f with Akihabara Housing Ltd.


AHL014 - 6hr "World Tour" set | part 1.


Hello passengers, welcome onboard Akihabara Housing AHL Flight014 today. Our first stop on this six-hour journey around the world with house music is the Netherlands and Belgium. The flight is scheduled to take about 40 minutes.

ベルギーもオランダも、ハウスミュージックにとっては重要な国のひとつです。オランダのアムステルダムには、僕も大好きな2人組Dam Swindle(ex.-Detroit Swindle)やAntorがいて、Spinnin' Recordsが拠点を構えています。そしてベルギーにはRawdioという才能がいて、アントワープには僕も大好きなレーベルのひとつGents & Dandy'sのオフィスがあります。

Belgium and the Netherlands are both important countries for house music. In the Netherlands, Amsterdam is home to two of my favorites, Dam Swindle (ex.-Detroit Swindle) and Antor, and Spinnin' Records is based there. In Belgium, there's Rawdio, and in Antwerp, there's the office of Gents & Dandy's, one of my favorite labels.

- Track list
1. Lorenz Rhode, Detroit Swindle - Music for Clubs feat. Lorenz Rhode (Original Mix)
2. Seven Davis Jr., Detroit Swindle - Friends (Detroit Swindle Friends On Acid Remix)
3. Detroit Swindle - Pursuit (Original Mix)
4. Rawdio - Kokoro (Original Mix)
5. ManyFew - Get Close (extended Mix)
6. Madison Mars, Letters from Pluto - Night Call (with Letters from Pluto) (Extended Mix)
7. Brandy, Lucas & Steve - I Could Be Wrong (Extended Mix)
8. Anotr - Troublemaker (Original Mix)
9. B&S Concept, Vicil - Night Cruise (Original Mix)


AHL014 - 6hr "World Tour" set | part 2.
Continental Europe


After traveling through Belgium and the Netherlands, let's travel to continental Europe. The flight is scheduled to take about 40 minutes.

1曲目のDemujaは、オーストリアのザルツブルグ(Red Bullの本社がある街)のアーティスト。続くZetbeeはチェコのブルノ出身、そしてCatz 'n Dogzはライプチヒのアーティストです。

The first song, Demuja, is from Salzburg, Austria (the city where Red Bull's headquarters is located), followed by Zetbee from Brno, Czech Republic. And Catz 'n Dogz is an artist from Leipzig.


The fact that these artists from the former Eastern Europe and East Germany are now making house music one after another is deeply moving for me, as I watched the moment the Berlin Wall came down via satellite broadcast in 1989....

その後は、フランス南部のペルピニャンの粋人Art of Tonesの曲が続き、ラストを飾るのはベルリンの大ベテラン、Ian Poolyです。

This was followed by a song by Art of Tones, a cool guy from Perpignan in southern France, and the last song was by Ian Pooly, a veteran from Berlin.

- Track list
1. Demuja - onyx
2. Zetbee - The Town (Original Mix)
3. Catz 'n Dogz, Gerd Janson - Modern Romance (Club Mix)
4. Matthias Tanzmann, Black Circle - Masina (Extended Version)
5. Danny Kane, Art of Tones - Wonderland feat. Pricess Freesia (Art of Tones Extended Remix)
6. Husky & Shyam P - Treat Me Right (Art of Tones Remix)
7. Art of Tones - Unstopped (Original Mix)
8. Ian Pooley - Puzzled (Original Mix)


AHL014 - 6hr "World Tour" set | part 3. 
The Mediterranean and Africa


This flight will travel further south through Europe, around the sunny Mediterranean and into Africa.

Pablo Fierroはスペイン領カナリア諸島のDJで、Mo'CreamはイタリアのDJ。Daniel Barros "Crush" をリリースしたのは、イタリアのシシリア島に拠点があるレーベルのMood Funk Records。AFFKTはスペインのアーティストで、Da Mikeはギリシャのアーティスト。

Pablo Fierro is a DJ from the Spanish Canary Islands, Mo'Cream is a DJ from Italy, Daniel Barros "Crush" was released by Mood Funk Records, a label based in Sicily, Italy, AFFKT is an artist from Spain, Da Mike is a Greek artist.

6曲目の「Simo」をリミックスしたEnoo Napaは南アフリカ東岸の街・ウムラジのアーティスト。近年は南アフリカだけでなく、モザンビークやモロッコといったアフリカの国々からも最新のハウスが届くようになりました。

Enoo Napa, who remixed the sixth track "Simo," is an artist from Umlazi, a city on the east coast of South Africa. In recent years, the latest house music has been coming not only from South Africa, but also from other African countries such as Mozambique and Morocco.

続く「Walk Around」と「There's ALways the Sun」を手がけたSebb Juniorはスペイン・グラナダのアーティストで、僕は音のひとつひとつに艶やきらめきがある彼独自のサウンドの大ファンです。最後の「Sleepwalk Town」はギリシャのAtsouの手によるもの。

The next two tracks, "Walk Around" and "There's ALways the Sun," were produced by Sebb Junior, an artist from Granada, Spain. I'm a big fan of his unique sound, where each note has its own luster and sparkle. The last track "Sleepwalk Town" is by Atsou from Greece.

- Track list
1. Pablo Fierro - Reincarnation (Original Mix)
2. Mo'Cream - In The City (Original Mix)
3. Daniel Barross - Crash (Original Mix)
4. AFFKT - Torpedo (Original Mix)
5. Da Mike - Introspection (Original Mix)
6. LevyM, Toshi, Benjy - Simo Feat. Toshi, Benjy (Enoo Napa Remix)
7. Opila, Sebb Junior - Walk Around (Sebb Junior Remix)
8. Sebb Junior - There's Always the Sun (Extended Mix)
9. atsou - Sleepwalk Town (Original Mix)


AHL014 - 6hr "World Tour" set | part 4.
Seoul-Los Angeles


Passengers, the seatbelt sign has been turned off, so take a break from the authentic house here and enjoy some house-sounding K-pop and LA music. Flight time is scheduled to be about 30 minutes.

- Track list
1. Weki Meki - Cool
2. OnlyOneOf - designer
3. YUKIKA - Pit-A-Pet
4. Red Velvet - IRENE & SEULGI - Naughty
6. DeVita - EVITA!
7. Snoop Dogg - Sensual Seduction (Edited)
8. Ric Wilson, Terrace Martin - Move Like This


AHL014 - 6hr "World Tour" set | part 5.
Detroit-Chicago-New York


Listening to house-like Pops and R&B, we've crossed the Pacific Ocean from Seoul, Korea to LA, USA, and now we'll travel around Chicago, NY, and Detroit, the origin of house music. Flight time is scheduled to be about 40 minutes.

1曲目の「The Feels」を手がけたLocal Optionsはシカゴのアーティスト。続く「Subconscious」から「One Man」までの3曲を手がけているEric Kupperは90年代からNYで活躍している、信頼できるベテランです。

The first song, "The Feels," was written by Local Options, a Chicago artist. Eric Kupper, who is responsible for the next three tracks, "Subconscious" through "One Man," is a reliable veteran who has been active in New York since the 1990s.

2014年にこの世を去ったFrankie Knucklesは、NYで生まれシカゴのハウスシーン黎明期を支えた正真正銘のオリジネイター。あらためて彼の功績を称えたいと思います。Lohrasp KansaraはNYのアーティスト、7曲目でRe-Editを手がけたTerrence ParkerはデトロイトのDJで、リリースはボルチモアの注目すべきQuantize Recordingsレーベルです。

Frankie Knuckles, who passed away in 2014, was born in New York and was a true originator of the early days of the Chicago house scene. I would like to congratulate him on his achievement. Lohrasp Kansara is a New York artist, and Terrence Parker, who did the re-edit on track 7, is a Detroit DJ, and the release is on the remarkable Quantize Recordings label in Baltimore.

最後の「Night and Day」は、シカゴを代表する重鎮ハウスミュージックレーベルのLarge Musicからリリースされた曲です。

The last song, "Night and Day," was released on Large Music, Chicago's leading heavyweight house music label.

- Track list
1. Local Options - The Feels (Original Mix)
2. JAMES, Samantha - Subconscious (Erik Kupper remix)
3. Clique/Eric Kupper - Reasons (club mix)
4. Chanelle, Eric Kupper - One Man (Extended Mix)
5. Frankie Knuckles, Director's Cut - I'll Take You There feat. Jamie Principle (Director's Cut Classic Signature Mix)
6. Lohrasp Kansara - I Can't Tell You (Extended Mix)
7. Thommy Davis, Sheila Ford, Tasha LaRae, Terrence Parker, Opolopo - Hot Shot feat. Sheila Ford (Opolopo Remix - Terrence Parker Re-Edit)
8. Julian Sanza, Andre Espeut, Crackazat - Night and Day (Crackazat Remix)


AHL014 - 6hr "World Tour" set | part 6.


After enjoying the house music of the central and east coast of the United States, let's cross the Atlantic to London. London has become as important or more important to modern house music than New York or Chicago, the cities that gave birth to the art form. Flight time is scheduled to be about 1 hour.

Reel Peopleは何を演っても格好いい、ロンドンきってのスタイリッシュなコレクティヴ。2曲目と3曲目は20年以上の歴史を持つディープハウス系の最重要レーベルのひとつFreerangeを率いるJimpsterの曲。

Reel People is one of London's most stylish collectives, and they look great no matter what they're playing. The second and third tracks are by Jimpster, who heads up Freerange Records, one of the most important deep house labels with over 20 years of history.

Casey Spillman、Animist、Booker Tもロンドンのアーティスト。Saisonはロンドンを拠点として精力的に活動している2人組。Atjazzは「マスター」と呼ぶに相応しいロンドンきっての大ベテラン。

Casey Spillman, Animist, and Booker T are also from London, Saison is a London-based duo, and Atjazz is a London veteran who deserves to be called a master.

Steeve leeもロンドンのアーティスト。「Be The Changes」もFreerangeからのリリース。「No Normal」はそのFreerangeを率いるJimpsterと盟友Matt Mastersのコラボ曲です。そして最後の「Douha(Mali Mali)」はイングランドのサリー出身の大人気兄弟デュオ、Disclosureの曲です。

Steeve lee is another artist from London. The song "No Normal" is a collaboration between Jimpster, the leader of Freerange, and his label mate Matt Masters. The last song, "Douha (Mali Mali)," is by Disclosure, a very popular sibling duo from Surrey, England.

- Track list
1. Reel People feat. Eric Roberson - Save A Lil Love (feat. Eric Roberson)
2. Jimpster - One feat. Casamena
3. Hot Since 82, Jimpster - Therapy feat. Alex Mills (Jimpster Remix)
4. Casey Spillman - Gambling Man (Original Mix)
5. Animist - Feel It (Original Mix)
6. Nana Rogues, Emeli Sande, Booker T - More of You (Booker T Emeli Soulful House Vocal Mix)
7. Saison - Want You (Original Mix)
8. Danny Clark, Nica Brooke, Jay Benham, Atjazz - Giving Only (Atjazz Mix)
9. Steve Lee - Bring The Drums (Original Mix)
10. Laroye, Carlos Mena - Be The Change (Feat. Carlos Mena) (Original Mix)
11. Jimpster, Matt Masters - No Normal (Original Mix)
12. Disclosure, Fatoumata Diawara - Douha (Mali Mali)


AHL014 - 6hr "World Tour" set | part 7.


After enjoying our trip to London, we will now cross the North Sea in a southeasterly direction to Stockholm, the capital of Sweden. The flight time will be about one hour. Flight time is scheduled to be about 1 hour.


The population of Sweden is about the same as that of my city, Tokyo, which is about 10 million people, But the strength of the brilliance in the House music has a presence that rivals that of other House powerhouses such as the United Kingdom and the United States.

ストックホルムには長年素晴らしいリリースを続けている信頼のLocal Talkレーベルの拠点があり、超絶技巧派のOpolopoと快楽をドライブするCrackazatといったアーティストがいます。その事実だけでも、ストックホルムの凄さは十分に描写できるのではないでしょうか。

Stockholm is home to the trusted Local Talk label, which has been putting out great releases for years, and artists like the superb Opolopo and the pleasure-driving Crackazat. That fact alone should be enough to describe Stockholm's awesomeness.

1曲目はOpolopo。2曲目から3曲目はLocal Talkからのリリース。4曲目,5曲目もOpolopoの仕事。6曲目はCrackazatの2020に発売されたアルバムからの曲です。「Fool For You」もLocal Talkからのリリース。8曲目もCrackazat。

The first track is from Opolopo, the second and third tracks are from Local Talk, the fourth and fifth tracks are also Opolopo's work, the sixth track is from Crackazat's 2020 album, "Fool For You" is also from Local Talk, and the eighth track is also from Crackazat.

そして9曲目の「Quake」を作曲したLeo af Ekenstamはスウェーデンに今年現れた新星です。最後の「Don't You Feel」は、2015年に彗星のようにあらわれたCrackazatの素晴らしいリミックス。

The ninth track, "Quake," was written by Leo af Ekenstam, a rising star in Sweden this year. The last track, "Don't You Feel", is a great remix by Crackazat, who emerged like a comet in 2015.

- Track list
1. Opolopo - Superconductor (Original Mix)
2. Dean Zepherin - BLue Moon (Original Mix)
3. Kyodai - Breaking (Original Mix)
4. Fabio Tosti, Lee Wilson, Opolopo - Make It Tonight, Pt.2 (Opolopo Remix)
5. Opolopo - Chocolate Liquorice (Original Mix)
6. Crackazat - Waterfalls (Original Mix)
7. Coflo, Lee Wilson - Fool For You (Original Mix)
8. Crackazat - Fire Drift (Original Mix)
9. Leo af Ekenstam - Quake (Original Mix)
10. Moullinex, Crackazat - Don't You Feel (Crackazat Remix)


AHL014 - 6hr "World Tour" set | part 8.


The six-hour journey through the world of house music is finally over. Please enjoy the various forms of house music based on the theme of Tokyo, the home of Akihabara Housing, Ltd. Flight time is scheduled to be about 40 minutes.

1曲目は「秋葉原住宅」のレジデンスDJである大久保博の曲。2曲目は東京を代表するハウス/テクノアーティストの一人、Hiroshi Watanabeのリミックスワーク。

The first track is by Hiroshi Okubo, resident DJ of Akihabara Housing, Ltd., and the second is a remix work by one of Tokyo's leading house/techno artists, Hiroshi Watanabe.

3曲目を選んだ理由は曲が「Yeo Japan!」だったから。この曲をリリースしたのもストックホルムのLocal Talkです。4曲目は、飛行機で旅をするイメージからどうしてもかけたくなったCrackazatの「Fly Away」。

The reason why I chose the third song was because the name of the song was "Yeo Japan!" This song was also released by Local Talk in Stockholm. The fourth song was "Fly Away" by Crackazat, which I really wanted to play because of the image of traveling by airplane.


The fifth track is a 90's Tokyo house classic by Soichi Terada and Manabu Nagayama, remixed by London's Jimpster for 2020, and the sixth is a house track by Kirinji, a Tokyo-based artist with a rich musical palette.


The seventh song was chosen to reflect on the flight so far and to say "Let's keep the party going around the world." And the eighth song is a heartfelt dedication to this wonderful world.

- Track list
1. Hiroshi Okubo (nanosounds.jp) feat. SAK. - Beautiful Colors (After the Rain)
2. Jace Strata, Hiroshi Watanabe - Scanning Fresh Memories (Hiroshi Watanabe Remix)
3. Marcel Lune - Yeo Japan! (Original Mix)
4. Crackazat - Fly Away (Original Mix)
5. Manabu Nagayama, Soichi Terada, Jimpster - Low Tension (Jimpster Remix)
6. KIRINJI - AIの逃避行 (feat. Charisma.com)
7. DJ Disciple, Dawn Tallman, Demarkus Lewis - Whole World Party (Deez Raw Life Remix)
8. Louis Armstrong - What a Wonderful World



Thank you all passengers for the six-hour flight.

以上お届けした、Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020のゲーム映像と共に世界各国にゆかりのあるハウスをつないでいくこの企画は、去年秋葉原で開催した「秋葉原住宅#14」で僕がプレイした6時間セットのリハウス(再録)です。イベント当日に同録せずにTraktor上で曲順だけ記録しておいて、それをベースにこの記事に向けて何曲か入れ替えつつmixを再収録しました。

This project is a re-recording of the 6-hour set I played at "Akihabara Housing, Ltd. #14" last year. I didn't record it on the day of the event, but recorded the song order on Traktor, and based on that, I re-recorded the mix for this article, replacing some songs.


Now that we can get house music from all over the world thanks to the Internet and music distribution, I thought it would be interesting to listen to house music with an awareness of the "place of origin" of the artist or label. There is an inextricable relationship between culture and place. I hope that Akihabara House in Tokyo will allow people to enjoy house music in a style unique to Tokyo.


It was the first time for me to play for 6 hours straight, and I was really nervous, but when I tried it, it was a lot of fun. I might do it again at the end of this year.


I hope that this year, there will be a time when that disaster will be end and we will all be able to gather on the floor again.

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House Music Lounge
秋葉原住宅 (Akihabara Housing, Ltd. )
Twitter: @ahl-house

それではまた来週お会いしましょう。So I'll see you next week.
Let There Be House!

(Translation by DeepL)


寺本秀雄(spinnage / spinn)