
AHL Weekly House Expo Oct.13: 週刊新築ハウスレビュー


Hello. This is Spinnage, the director of the house music lounge "Akihabara Housing Ltd.," spending the second weekend in October, when the heat has even returned along with the sunshine. I am making house music in Tokyo.


Now, as usual, this week I'm going to introduce you to some new-built house music from around the world. All of the songs I will be featuring here are songs that I actually purchased as downloads. I chose these songs in a serious competition. Let's get started!

*この記事は、毎週末に新築ハウスミュージックを紹介している僕のblogシリーズ「New House Exhibition 新築ハウスレビュー」の一部です。/This post is one of a series of articles included in my blog, "New House Exhibition" where I introduce new-built house music every weekend.

1) Kerri Chandler, NAE - Caged Bird (Atjazz Remix)

御大Kerri Chandlerの「Caged Bird」を、ロンドンのディープハウスマイスター・Atjazzがリミックス。よりモダンでソリッドな仕上がりで最高です。

A remix of the great Kerri Chandler's 'Caged Bird', by London deep house meister Atjazz. It's great, with a more modern, solid finish.

2) Opolopo, Angela Johnson - Possibilities

スウェーデン・ストックホルムの魔術師Opolopoの「Possibilities」。Angela Johnsonのボーカルが高らかに響く、ファンキーなNu Disco。大好き。

'Possibilities' by Stockholm, Sweden wizards Opolopo, funky Nu Disco with soaring vocals from Angela Johnson, love it.

3) Mert Yucel, Goknil Gokmen - The Way I See It (Ross Couch Remix)

共にトルコ・インスタンブールを拠点とするMert YucelとGoknil Gokmenの「The Way I See It」を、英グラスゴーのRoss Couchが鮮やかな手つきでシャープにリミックス。心地良い透明感が素晴らしい。

A sharp remix of 'The Way I See It' by Mert Yucel and Goknil Gokmen, both based in Instanbul, Turkey, by Ross Couch of Glasgow, UK, with a brilliant hand. The pleasant transparency is wonderful.

4) Flying Lotus - Ingo Swann

Flying Lotusがまさかのディープハウス曲「Ingo Swann」をリリース。立体的で荒々しい質感がめちゃくちゃクール。気に入りました。

Flying Lotus releases 'Ingo Swann', a deep house track that you wouldn't expect. The three-dimensional, rough textures are insanely cool. Liked.

5) Magic Number - Better (Kaidi Tatham Remix)

Magic Numberの「Better」を、Kaidi Tathamがリミックス。ウォームでファットなサウンドが優しく身体を包みます。素敵。

Kaidi Tatham's remix of Magic Number's 'Better'. The warm, fat sound gently envelops your body. Lovely.

6) Taran & Lomov - 5 Pints

ラトビアの首都リガを拠点とする2人組・Taran & Lomovの「5 Pints」。切れ味のいいシンセトーンが重なり合って複雑で味わい深いランドスケープを描きます。

'5 Pints' by Taran & Lomov, a duo based in the Latvian capital Riga. Sharp synth tones overlap to create a complex and tasteful landscape.

7) Hardy Heller, Alex Connors - Motor City (Rise & Fall Mix)

ドイツ・ハンバッハのOhralレーベルを率いるHardy HellerとAlex Connorsで「Motor City (Rise & Fall Mix)」暗いフロアを鮮やかに切り裂くスピード感のある曲です。

'Motor City (Rise & Fall Mix)', a speedy tune that cuts through the dark floor vividly with Hardy Heller and Alex Connors, who head the Ohral label in Hambach, Germany.

8) Carla Prather - Good with It (Richard Earnshaw Extended Mix)

英ボシャムのプロデューサー・Richard Earnshawがリミックスを手がけた、Carla Pratherの「Good with It」。ファンキーなベースラインを追いかけるだけで楽しい気持ちになれます。気に入りました。

’Good with It' by Carla Prather, remixed by British Bosham producer Richard Earnshaw. Just follow the funky bassline and have fun. Liked.

9) Daniele Busciala & Muzikman Edition ft. Earl W. Green - Sunshine

Muzikman EditionとDaniele BuscialaがボーカルにEarl W. Greenをフィーチャリングした「Sunshine」。ボーカルの魅力を最大に引き出す軽快なトラックが最高です。

Muzikman Edition and Daniele Busciala on 'Sunshine' featuring Earl W. Green on vocals. It is a great light track that brings out the best of the vocalist's charm.

10) GreenThump - Poppin' Off

ロンドンの大手レーベルGlasgow Undergroundから、2人組プロジェクトGreenThumpの「Poppin' Off」。華やかだけど体幹も太い、ディープハウスからテクノにつないでいくときに力を発揮しそうなテックハウスです。

'Poppin' Off' by the two-piece project GreenThump, from leading London label Glasgow Underground. It's gorgeous but with a thick trunk, this is tech-house that seems to be a force to be reckoned with when connecting from deep house to techno.

【Track of the Week】Kerri Chandler, NAE - Caged Bird (Atjazz Remix)

粒ぞろいのいい曲が集まった今週だけれど、そんな中から今週のTrack of the Weekにはこの曲を選びました。エレガントだけれどしっかり身体を熱くしてくれるのが嬉しいです。

This week's collection of good houses is a simply great catalogue, but I've chosen this track as this week's Track of the Week. It's elegant, but it's also very pleasing to listen to because it really gets you fired up.


Tracks featured this week are available on Beatport and Traxsource DJ charts!

  • Beatport

  • Traxsource

※一部の曲(Beatport Exclusiveの曲など)は含まれません。
*Some tracks (e.g. Beatport Exclusive tracks) are not included.


Case of Amnesia (2024/Oct/3)

今年5月に作った曲がようやくリリースされました。いつもより7%くらいセクシーに仕上げた曲です。KORG M1のOrgan 2の響きをお楽しみください。

A song I wrote in May this year has finally been released. This song is about 7% sexier than usual, and I hope you enjoy the sound of Organ 2 on the KORG M1.

Available on Beatport / Traxsource

Spinnage has started an instagram


After a lot of research, I came to the conclusion that if you're going to be an artist with a global audience, you should at least be on Instagram, so I opened an Instagram account where I post in English. Even though I'm posting in English, I'm also publishing some of the tracks I'm making every day so that people can listen to them. With sound, there's no language barrier. Please follow us if you like!


Here's the new house music for 2024!


Here is a playlist that picks up and accumulates the new releases of 2024 that I recommend as "Akihabara Housing. Ltd". At the moment there are 384 tracks gathered. House lovers, please continue to check this playlist if you like.

Follow Now!

House Music Lounge
秋葉原住宅 (Akihabara Housing, Ltd. )
X (ex. Twitter): @ahl-house

それではまた来週お会いしましょう。So I'll see you next week.
Let There Be House!

(Translation by DeepL)


寺本秀雄(spinnage / spinn)