
AHL Weekly House Expo Jun.18-Jun.19: 週刊新築ハウスレビュー


Hello. This is spinnage, the dirctor of the House Music Lounge "Akihabara Housing, Ltd". It's a hot and humid weekend here in Tokyo, and as always, I'd like to introduce some newly-built house music from around the world.


All of the songs I will be featuring here are songs that I actually purchased as downloads. I chose these songs in a serious competition. Let's get started!

*この記事は、毎週末に新築ハウスミュージックを紹介している僕のblogシリーズ「New House Exhibition 新築ハウスレビュー」の一部です。/This post is one of a series of articles included in my blog, "New House Exhibition" where I introduce new-built house music every weekend.

1) Adam Nyquist - All You Need

ロンドンのプロデューサー、Adam Nyquistの「All You Need」。透明感のあるサウンドで描かれる、心躍るリフレイン、最高です。

"All You Need" by London producer Adam Nyquist. A heart-pounding refrain, rendered in a transparent sound, it's great.

2) Dwson feat. Atjazz - Weightless


"Weightless" is a collaboration between London deep house meister Atjazz and Dwson. It is impressive from the first touch of the gentle piano sound. Then the polyrhythmic floating feeling that starts in the middle of the song, as the name of the song suggests, and the warm bass tone are pleasant.

3) Amir Alexander feat. Ricky Spitzz! - Cock Blockers (Dilby Remix)

ヒサ・イシオカさん率いるNYの老舗・Nite Groovesからリリースされた、ベルリンのプロデューサー・Dilbyがリミックスを手がけた「Cock Blockers」。ドライブ感に溢れるクールなトラック!

"Cock Blockers" is a remix by Berlin producer Dilby, released on the long-established NY-based Nite Grooves label led by Hisa Ishioka. A cool track full of drive!

4) Retromigration - Secret of A Pimp (Jimpster remix)

アムステルダムのプロデューサー、Retromigrationの「Secret of A Pimp」を、英エセックスのJimpsterがリミックス。寡黙だけれど噛めば噛むほど味が出る、いぶし銀トラック。格好いい!

Amsterdam producer Retromigration's "Secret of A Pimp" is remixed by Jimpster of Essex, UK. The track is quiet, but the more you chew it, the more it tastes good. Cool!

5) Raw Underground - Who Dat (Sebb Junior Remix)

アムステルダムの2人組・Raw Undergroundの「Who Dat」を、スペイン・グラナダの伊達男・Sebb Juniorが、Sebbらしいクリアなサウンドでファンキーな原曲をリミックス。気持ちいい!

Amsterdam duo Raw Underground's "Who Dat" has been remixed by Granada, Spain's cool guy, Sebb Junior, with a clear, Sebb-like sound to the funky original. Feels good!

6) Fred Everything - Paintings

カナダ・モントリオールでLady Dayzを率いるFred Everythingで「Paintings」。抽象度の高い音で描かれるランドスケープの精緻さにうっとりします。

"Paintings" at Fred Everything, who leads Lady Dayz in Montreal, Canada. The exquisiteness of the landscape depicted with highly abstract sounds is enchanting.

7) Space Jump - Insert The Chemical

イギリスの若手プロデューサー、Space Jumpの「Insert The Chemical」。歪んだシンセベース音が心躍らせるインディーダンス。盛り上がります!

"Insert The Chemical" by young British producer Space Jump. A distorted synth bass sound makes this indie dance song exciting. It's a blast!

8) MAGOU - Morricone

ベルリンのレーベル、Toy Tonicsからリリースされた、MAGOUの「Morricone」。マカロニ・ウェスタン映画音楽の巨匠モリコーネに捧げられたこの曲は、ぶくぶくと泡立つアシッドなベースラインが気持ちいいです。

Released on the Berlin label Toy Tonics, "Morricone" by MAGOU. Dedicated to Morricone, the master of macaroni western film music, the song has a pleasant, bubbling, acidic bass line.

9) Dennis Cruz - Poke Bowl

ロンドンとイビザに拠点を持つSolid Grooves Recordsからリリースされた、Dennis Cruzの「Poke Bowl」。グルーヴィーなベースラインがひたすら気持ちいいトラックです。格好いい。

Dennis Cruz's "Poke Bowl" is released on Solid Grooves Records, which has offices in London and Ibiza. The groovy bass line is just a nice track. It's cool

10) Dam Swindle - The Break Up (Emma-Jean Thackray Remix)

イントロで名曲確定。先週も紹介したアムステルダムの2人組・Dam Swindleの「The Break Up」。ソリッドなDam Swindleの魅力をEmma-Jean Thackrayの華やかなリミックスがさらに引き立てています。

The intro confirms it as a classic. "The Break Up" by Amsterdam duo Dam Swindle, which I introduced last week. The solid Dam Swindle charm is further enhanced by Emma-Jean Thackray's gorgeous remix.

【Track of the Week】Fred Everything - Paintings

「今週の1曲」にはこのFred Everythinigの曲を選びました。優しいトーンの曲ではあるけれど、きこえてくる音のひとつひとつが丁寧に調整されていて、スリリングな緊張感があります。

I chose this Fred Everythinig song for "Track of the Week." Although the tone of the song is gentle, each note is carefully tuned to create a thrilling tension.

Tracks are available on my DJ Chart!

Here's the new house music for 2022!

Here's the playlist that we'll be accumulating as recommends from "Akihabara Housing Ltd.", picking up new music for 2022. As of now, we've collected 214 songs. If you love house, please check out this playlist as well.



This June 19, I released my second track, "Granada". I think it is quite a uplifting song. Please check it out!

Spinnage - Granada

Follow Now!

House Music Lounge
秋葉原住宅 (Akihabara Housing, Ltd. )
Twitter: @ahl-house

それではまた来週お会いしましょう。So I'll see you next week.
Let There Be House!

(Translation by DeepL)


寺本秀雄(spinnage / spinn)